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Old 02-03-2018, 12:56 PM   #1151 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Have you considered ghost writing for Mike Birbiglia?
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 02-03-2018, 01:00 PM   #1152 (permalink)
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Old 02-04-2018, 07:58 AM   #1153 (permalink)
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You know the MITCH HEDBERG bit about his neighbor knocking on his wall, and he responds with "Go around. I do not know what you have on your side, but on my side, it is just a wall. There is no door."

I did that in my dream. I was on the couch with a girl, and someone knocked on the other side of the wall, and I told them to "Go around."
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Old 02-04-2018, 08:49 AM   #1154 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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Dreamed that I had to start coming to the hospital every day for treatments. They would not tell me what these treatments were for-- only that I needed them, and that a full exorcism was the only alternative. I helpfully suggested, "Why not both? Four separate people I've known were convinced that I was possessed by a female demon." (This is true actually #chiotrivia) They considered this, but just went ahead and put me under as usual.
After my treatments (this lasted for about 2 weeks) each night I'd typically walk over to this near-deserted little shopping center downtown. Quaint and touristy. Hardly any lighting-- just a couple street lamps. There was always a single young security guard (male, shaggy reddish hair) and lots of small little animals scurrying around-- baby deer and borzoi puppies. I was always trying to catch the borzoi puppies. (I would chase them around pitch-black alleyways for HOURS)

My ex best friend started to show up regularly, and she acted like all was well, so we'd talk and wander around just as we used to, but she was clearly not right in some way-- she'd abruptly start screaming at me for no particular reason, and was extremely evasive about certain things. And extremely possessive of me-- I could not leave her side at night, ever. I tried to escape with the security guard once, but it didn't work, because apparently any time my friend or I became too frightened and/or angry, the streets and buildings began to ripple and I'd start feeling like I was being sucked toward this one particular area where my friend would be waiting with her arms open (but only half of her..? her lower torso would always be sinking into the asphalt. She was also dead-eyed and slack jawed so it was doubly terrifying)

I think it ended with me going back to the hospital and politely requesting more treatments.
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Old 02-06-2018, 09:16 AM   #1155 (permalink)
ask me about cosmology
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Just remembered something in my dreams I had last night. I was walking around downtown and we were right at the part where my google earth app loads up at on my laptop.

not sure if this is a sign that I forgot to pay midAmerican energy or not when I left
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Old 02-12-2018, 12:13 PM   #1156 (permalink)
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A few days ago I dreamed that my mom took out a tiny piece of white paper and told me "she will die in three days." (And today I found out my aunt died. She's had cancer on and off for many years, though, so it's not as if this was a shock to anyone.) Immediately before this, I was standing about 15 feet away from a large empty moving truck. There was a female demon (tanned skin, dark hair, mostly human appearance) standing in front of it who refused to look directly at me. I recognized her as the same demon lady I've dreamt about periodically for years. Usually she looked quite different though-- always a bit more monstrous looking and covered in deep cuts all over her face and body. (She is always either attacking me, attacking me through others, or just sort of lurking around while plotting how she will attack me next) Though she appeared to be standing still, she was attacking me somehow, (she typically did this by manipulating my memory and severing my mind/senses from my body so that I felt trapped in a faraway small vacuum of sorts) and so I levitated about 50 feet in the air--which really irritated her-- while trying to figure out what to do. But either she left or I left, so I was safe for the time being. When my mom told me about the little piece of paper, I strongly felt like I would be the one to die instead-- because of this demon-- and paced around the garden mumbling "What do I do? What do I do?" I was convinced that if I died I would remain trapped here forever. I felt the demon lady all around me, shrouding me. She told me I was a vessel, her chosen avatar, and that she wasn't through with me yet.
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Old 02-12-2018, 01:00 PM   #1157 (permalink)
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She told me I was a vessel, her chosen avatar, and that she wasn't through with me yet
My favorite vassals are flesh vessels.

I had another dream about The Rolling Stones.

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Old 02-12-2018, 01:55 PM   #1158 (permalink)
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I had a dream where I had a mental breakdown similar to the Number 23 except it was 420. By the end of it, my name was 420 and everyone spoke in 420s. I realized that I just had to figure it out and live a regular life in 420land, then I woke up.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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Old 02-16-2018, 11:43 AM   #1159 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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Dream fragments (my dreams tend to be more scattered and have less of a plot when I'm adjusting to a new place)

-Trapped in a multi-story house or hotel with my family. My dead brother and uncle (also dead) are at the very bottom sitting in a chair. They're in the same body somehow. When I was viewing them straight-on, they took the form of my uncle rather than flickering back and forth. They were just staring straight ahead in this long, wide room filled with empty tables and chairs.
Back upstairs, there was a woman-- possibly also dead?-- lurching around, bleeding, walking into walls. "We should eat her," I suggested, still convinced that she was alive but not really lucid anymore. She eventually collapsed and looked pretty dead-- I then remembered who she was, and told everyone, "Oh it's okay, she's just like this, she thinks it's funny to do this to people now and then." and we all laughed and laughed. Blood still everywhere. We weren't sure what to do with her body. We assumed it would just wander off and leave us be at some point.
My sister and dad seemed.. odd. Vaguely evil.

-I swear I've had this other dream before. It felt much too real-- like I've lived it or something. It took place at some ranch outside of Dallas. My mom was with me. I was a bit younger in this dream. The man who lived here was in his early 50s and had short reddish hair and facial hair. It was a fairly large plot of land; he had a house, a second smaller guest house of sorts, as well as an archery practice area. He and my mom were working out some sort of nebulous arrangement. He'd take care of her financially and I would be the payment. (There were other girls there, too-- all Korean for some reason) I agreed because I was only really faintly-aware of the actual arrangement and had just fixated on the "and you get to learn archery!" part of the deal. My mom left to speak to my family privately (and figure out a good lie to explain it all.)
So this man who now basically owned me showed me around, and then led me to this area between these two sheds. The other girls were within earshot, right on the other side. (They were all dressed in brown pinafores over white short-sleeved dresses with brown leather boots.) He handed me this golden piece of rope-like fabric that had a red stone woven into the larger top part which made it look a bit like a snake. Anyway, things got weird after this (edit: probably my own fault for listening to Coil and Swans right before bed; this always happens) so I won't share the rest.

-Back to the creepy hotel house. My grandparents were there as well now. (This was technically the same dream that that last fragment was in, just in different places/time periods) There was a problem-- some shadowy government types were on their way, we'd heard, to take at least one of us to use in an experiment which very few people qualified for. They'd be testing all of us to see who qualified. In my head I of course imagined some horrific MK-ULTRA scenario so I went to go hide right away-- however almost the entire building was already taken over at this point, and so we were limited to two large hotel rooms/apartments to hide in. I chose the one that was a bit farther away, and immediately sensed that the owner was hiding as well. I found a half-open closet door in the very back and walked in, being very careful not to startle anyone there. There was a nervous red-haired (so many red haired men in my dreams lately, what's with that) man standing right there. He was about my height, had blue eyes, and seemed to have trouble saying what he was wanting to say. He kept peeking out of the closet and blotting his forehead with his shirt that he had nervously yanked off. I told him we had to focus and quickly rearrange his closet so that we could obscure ourselves behind the clothes a bit better. While hiding, we heard a storm (hurricane maybe?) warning blaring on the TV in the distance. I don't remember anything else.
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Old 02-20-2018, 03:49 AM   #1160 (permalink)
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I'm going through all of my dreams in this thread searching for death themes/especially ominous ones. (The irrational part of me thinks that maybe there were signs that my brother was going to die. So, yeah, perhaps not the healthiest thing to be doing late at night. Still, though. I had far more death-related dreams this year than I've ever had before.)

Originally Posted by Chiomara
Dreamed that I died (I don't remember how I died) and was so relieved that I was dead. It happened while I was preparing to attend a carnival in some very green, hilly place near the sea. (...) I was in some place very close to the earthly realm so I assumed most of them had died very recently as well. One was this older, slightly heavy-set man on a roof who said he was being tormented by a (dead) woman in white who was skulking around the premises.

I bonded instantly with this other dead person who appeared as a young male 20-something with short, dark brown hair, dark eyes, (edit: like my brother :c ) and a white t-shirt with some odd black design on it. I think he had been training to become a pilot in life, or something like that. He kept disappearing and reappearing elsewhere. We were all rapidly fading away. I was becoming terribly restless and agitated because, as I said, I wanted to completely leave the earthly realms; I didn't want to be anywhere near them. I kept saying to all the others, "There's other doors! There's other doors! We have to find the other doors!"
Originally Posted by Chiomara
(...)I decided it was time for me to die. In this dreamworld, assisted suicides during which you were awake or partially awake during your funeral were commonplace, so I went with that. It lasted hours and hours; I had a helper who stayed by my side and explained things. I mostly just felt sleepiness. As I grew sleepier, I kept asking more and more questions and hallucinating a bit; I felt and saw myself walking down a street I used to live on and asked a flower (a rose with a human mouth with teeth and all), "After I die will I be whole again? Will I rejoin with all of the lost parts?'' and it said, "Yes, but it will be more difficult for you, because, well..." and it turned away. I nodded. My helper continued talking to me gently, announcing that I was changing (appearance-wise), and that my two children "from before" were there now.
The funeral ceremony itself wasn't allowed to begin until I was asleep so as not to cause any panic.
Originally Posted by chiomara
(...)The cat just roamed around town, occasionally disappearing and then reappearing in another place, and I followed it wherever it went. We reached a door-- the same door that one of my old houses had. It was purring now, and I let it out and that's all I remember.

The actual lyrics to the Gillian Welch song that was in my dream included this line: "I dreamed last night that my time was done / I dreamed last night that my time was done / And my soul flew up to the holy son"
Originally Posted by Chiomara
Dreamed I was shown how to access another realm via a place in my dream. It seemed like a place where the newly-dead went; I got the impression that it was the outermost part/layer of an extremely vast world, far more vast than the physical and not to dissimilar from the dream-world in terms of how endless it was. It (this opening/portal/whatever) was first shown to me after walking down a very long path on the edge of a field. The path was just a wide sidewalk, I think. The field was to my right, and completely covered in mist and dew. When I approached the opening I began seeing figures in the mist; most of them looked like people, and they were all going in different directions. Some seemed confused or a bit off. (Strangely, most of those people were wearing school uniforms and had disfigured or burned-looking faces) There were people behind me during the walk to this place though, including an old lady wearing a long scarf. Someone said or implied that the people were mostly human spirits.
(...) Eventually I was in another place (same situation though), a house in a quiet neighborhood. This, too felt like an in-between place. My whole family was there. Plus two strangers. One was a man (50-something, tanned skin, short reddish-blonde hair) sitting alone on a couch with his dog-- a large dog with either white or beige-y/tan colored fur, which was laying to his right on the couch. He kept looking out the window expectantly; he seemed a bit sorrowful and confused. He kept mumbling something like "They're [his family] coming back soon." That wasn't going to happen, though. I think he was dead, or would be dead soon.
Originally Posted by Chiomara
It was Christmas and I was attending a wake at a stranger's house.(...)
Originally Posted by chiomara
(...)Time was moving backward; it was late afternoon, or only early evening now but the storm persisted. Again they tried to let the wolf in the house but I didn't let them. I kept thinking of all the truck driver lore and other stories claiming that black dogs were a sure omen of death.
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