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Scarlett O'Hara 12-26-2005 01:04 AM

Boxing Day
Yurr. So what exactly is the point in Boxing Day?

Is/has anyone taken part in the Boxing Day Sale buyage?

I have!!! I had super fun! I bought:

Radiohead - Ok Computer
Aladdian Sountrack
Paua Pendant
Photo Paper (140 leaves)
Pink Top
Eyebrow Pencil
Subway (ok that wasn't a sale, but it kept me sane)

Cheese 12-26-2005 01:08 AM

Spent most of today trying to reach the magical 100km/h.

Bloody traffic:( At least I'm home now

Mrs Sensitive 12-26-2005 12:46 PM

Well done on buying Radiohead - OK Computer, without a doubt it is the best album ever recorded.

Barnard17 12-26-2005 01:38 PM

Boxing day is the day you open your presents.

Or at least, should open your presents.

But everyone else is too excited on christmas :).

ArtistInTheAmbulance 12-26-2005 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Fal
Boxing day is the day you open your presents.

Or at least, should open your presents.

But everyone else is too excited on christmas :).

Like hell it is! Thats stupid. Christmas is the day of opening presents.

*Waits to get torched alive by ninehundredandeightyseventhousand christians*

Barnard17 12-26-2005 01:53 PM

Christmas is when you GET the presents. Boxing day is the day when the relies are gone, so you can open and bin them at discretion without fear of said relies knowing :)

right-track 12-26-2005 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Like hell it is! That stupid. Christmas is the day of opening presents.

*Waits to get torched alive by ninehundredandeightyseventhousand Christians*

^Agreed. What's Christmas gotta do with Christians?

Santa rules ok!

*curls up into fetal position and awaits stoning by well meaning Christians*

Imonlydancing 12-26-2005 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla
Subway (ok that wasn't a sale, but it kept me sane)

SubwaySubwaySubway :]
I have a myspace group called 'SubwayLove' Shh. I'm sad.
But you know you like Subway.
*nervous laugh*
In my family the point in Boxing Day is to go & see my Grandparents & Dads sisters family.
It's like a second Christmas, It's ace.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 12-26-2005 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Fal
Christmas is when you GET the presents. Boxing day is the day when the relies are gone, so you can open and bin them at discretion without fear of said relies knowing :)

Christmas is presents and turkley and alcomahol :)

Shutyerface that boxing day is for opening presents. Thats what 4 oclock on chirsmats morning is for. Well, that and hot choclate. Boxing day is NOT for boxing, but for chicken and more alcohol and more relatives that cant be bothered to visiyt you on christmas day.


Originally Posted by right-track
^Agreed. What's Christmas gotta do with Christians?

Santa rules ok!

*curls up into fetal position and awaits stoning by well meaning Christians*

Ahah. Christmas is awesome :)

Scarlett O'Hara 12-26-2005 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Imonlydancing
SubwaySubwaySubway :]
I have a myspace group called 'SubwayLove' Shh. I'm sad.
But you know you like Subway.
*nervous laugh*
In my family the point in Boxing Day is to go & see my Grandparents & Dads sisters family.
It's like a second Christmas, It's ace.

I'll join it! Invite meee!!!

I've had no involvement with any relation this year other than my parents! Last year it was like half of my family, we went away too see them. I like this quiet Christmas.

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