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#1 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 33
I know noone may care to read this. I usually only do the forum thing when I get really bored and wanna complain. And I hadta rephrase up some things I said in prior threads. Either turn this into a joke thread or argue. Whatever. My opinions on all of these are not exactly set in stone.
1. Grownass adults, with no kids around, who act offended by casual cursing, but don't know why these words offend them. 2. Elitist conformist and trendwhore *******s. ("Join us or be looked down upon.") 3. Racist white Americans who say things like blacks should "go back where they came from", not realizing that white people didn't originate in this continent. 4. American arrogance. People cared about 9-11 only because it happened to Americans. Many Average Americans (Republicans) are ignorant that the victims of 9-11 were not the first civilian casualties and many overseas were caused by our forces. 5. People who use words like "God", "country", "patriotism", and "family values" as codewords for things like racism, homophobia, elitism, theocracy and ignorance. 6. Police brutality. Including racism. Many just get into it as an ego thing. It has nothing to do with upholding and protecting the law and justice. Some places, it's worse than others. 7. Affirmative action. This shouldn't even see race. I thought that was the point, to make it a nonissue. This needs to be reworked to be based off something more universal. It's really not helping things. Besides, there's more pride in not taking a free handout. 8. Overplaying the race card. Poverty sucks for all suffering from it. Remember when Kanye tried to turn Katrina into a race thing with his "it's cuz we're black" bull****? Despite the fact that many whites, hispanics and others were also victims? And Chuck D supported him? I think Bush is anti-lower class, but not racist. 9. Gangbangers. The minorities who join groups like this hurt race relations more than anything. These idiots can't say **** about anyone holding them down, when they are setting back their race 200 years. Grow up, and do the right thing. You may say that it goes deeper than that and isn't that simple. But, there are people who come from the same neighborhoods and rise above that. It may be hard, but not impossible. 10. Weed and prostitution laws. Main problem I see with weed is the fact that it usually funds more serious crimes and organizations. If it were legal? No problem. Prostitution? Legal in Europe already. People are gonna do it, regardless, and it's more of a moral issue that's only "victims" are willing participants. I think it should be highly legislated and "workers" should be constantly tested, though. We'd have more room for serious offenders. 11. People that wanna attack certain types of music (like rap), but fail to even try and mention the more positive or different artists, or the other side of things. 12. Negative or one-sided portrayals of minority groups by media. All blacks are criminals, or ebonic speaking charicatures, resembling minstrel shows. All *** guys are overly campy jokes or fruitier than a fruit ****tail. Not near as bad as it used to be, nowadays, though. 13. The state of music, now. I don't think it's entertainers jobs to be role models. I also don't think, though, that enough variety is pushed in what is pushed now by the main markets. I know that many will say that listening to a song from a certain artist will not make a sane person go out and kill someone, but you can't tell me that some people, for example, whose main influence is homophobic gangsta rap, will not be influenced differently as far as thoughts and morals than some people who are mainly influenced by oldschool punk rock. Many people are stupid in certain ways and easily impressionable. Not enough variety of styles and messages. Too formulaic. I think this sucks. 14. Many of the fans of commercial rap. The genre's had a history, along with it's fans, of racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and anti-intellectualism. Also tending to use religion as a fashion trend, while being ignorant about their professed religion, but still willing to bring it up at the drop of a hat. And what has also come to be associated with modern commercial rap is a very closed-minded idiocy and blind acceptance of the status quo on many issues mixed with overmaterialistic tudes, anger, stupidity, retarded image obsession and macho braindead posturing. Half of the white guys and gals that listen to it now are just MTV trendwhores who are not real hip-hop fans and would forget about it tomorrow if a new "in thing" stepped up to take it's place. FAKE. Not that I care, as long as they don't have an elitist stuck-up tude towards those not on the same popular bandwagon, which certain arrogant trendwhores do. Like hating on punks, when at least their tastes are not the result of trying to gain popularity points. (Not saying all, but many of the loud drunken idiot white boys that blast rap now are just in it for the moment because it's the "cool" thing) 15. Guys who wanna talk about hating "***s" constantly, but will drool over two hot strippers making out. Or secretly PRAY for a 3some with 2 bi gals. Feel one way or the other 100% or shut your ignorant retard mouth. Please. 16. The whole bull**** myth encouraged by our media, that only white people can be racist. If a white guy challenges this, many times, even other liberal (pussy) white people will turn on him (as some here have done). Never mind that many hate crimes are also committed against whites, but are not reported as such. I guess if I called Coral Eugene Watts a racist, I'd be one. Know what? Bite me, punkboy. 17. *** Pride Parades. Generators of stereotypes. From what I've seen of some, they are more "porn" than family. You would never see a bunch of black people show up to the million man march all "thugged out", eating fried chicken, busting caps, trashing women and hollaring obscenities in ebonics. Because it would be very counterproductive. |
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#2 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 33
18. Christians trying to claim that they are victims of discrimination. You gotta laugh at the whole Christian persecution complex with the evangelicals, right now. It's not really considered persecution to not receive special rights, as if you own the country, or are the only ones whose opinions matter. Keeping God out of school and government or not being allowed to place a giant Ten Commandments monument outside a courthouse does not count as discrimination. Discrimination is facing physical violence based off your faith, or being denied work or incidents like those church bombings in Norway. THAT'S religious intolerance. And you still have the right to send your kid to Christian institutions, if you want him to learn your ways. Kids also have the right to private prayer TO THEMSELVES, in school. It's just not public doctrine or anything, and shouldn't be.
God has no place in things like school because, with all the ignorant hatred of other cultures and beliefs prevalent in the US now, and the superiority complex of many "patriotic (pseudo-)Christian Americans", the last thing we need to do is help encourage that way of thinking that they somehow own the nation or are entitled to special consideration. And promote alienation and nonvocal segregation of those who believe different. Which includes not only atheists, but other faiths, too. Yes, "God" can be seen as a universal term, and technically, the 3 "mainline" faiths believe in the same god. But you know that many average Americans are too ignorant to recognize this fact. And in the Christian dominated nation of America, the term "God" is seen as Jesus by default almost, excluding and alienating everyone else. And it doesn't belong in politics, for obvious reasons: a) Theres no proof for religion. Politics is about issues that are going on in the real world. Religion is about personal beliefs and stories of creation. b) What if you had people taking 'sides' in politics because of the religion that party agreed with? That would mean people were elected for totally the wrong reasons. c) If politics and religion were mixed, you'd get religious morals interfering with laws... Religious morals do have their purposes, but not everyone will follow the same ones. For example, you can't expect an Atheist (say) to comply with Muslim morals, etc. The Bible and religious morality are things that can be used for either good, or evil, depending upon whose using them. Don't get me wrong. Religious people and institutions have done a lot of good in poor communities and such, but MAN has selectively and hypocritically quoted the "Good Book" (which is very based on personal interpretation) and misused his faith for evil purposes or to justify evil things a lot through history. The oppression of blacks and slavery, the oppression of women, anti-Semitism and overall religious intolerance, homophobia, genocide, war, animal sacrifices, book burnings and censorship, the Crusades, the list goes on. The Bible can be interpreted to support or attack all kinds of things, if you want to pick out certain scriptures to that means. It seems that ***s, atheists, and Muslims are the top targets nowadays in the United States. And the Churches are irresponsible for not only failing to condemn self-righteous hypocrisy and hatred among it's "faithful", but oftentimes even encouraging it. Point being in all this, though, that somewhere along the line, most logical rational human beings should be able to think and differentiate the bull**** from the positive messages and what's important and not simply take the Church's words as blind authority, without question. Christian is NOT necessarily synonymous with morality. That myth needs to stop. I've known both some very cool and some very ****headed Christians and atheists. The funny thing about some of these more conservative churchgoers is that their so-called morality is very fake. For example, they may care about poor people if their churchis doing a food drive for the poor, but forget about them or be snotty the rest of the year. Or only extend their virtues to you, if you believe as they do. It's more of a snobby, stuck up dog and pony show with these types. HOWEVER, I do think that atheists or liberal types who are needlessly oversensitive to any display of religion or who unfairly judge all religious people are just as bad. It's just that anything they may try to do is for mutual benefit of society, not just to benefit one group. The atheists are not the ones trying to influence the government and forcefeed us their beliefs through every outlet available to "save us". I do think the religious side is right about people being overly sensitive about the Christmas thing. And don't even go to the arguement that "separation of Church and state is a lie". Either way, I don't care. If the Constitution said "******s ain't people and are 2nd class citizens", would we take that seriously? No, most logical intelligent people would realize that there obviously needed to be some kind of Amendment. Basically, the nation belongs to EVERY (keyword here) redblooded American. Not just those of Christian persuasion. PERIOD. So, quit whining about preferential treatment. You know NOTHING of REAL discrimination. 19. I'm not racist just because I don't support illegal immigration. The whole border thing has gone out of control. My opinions are based on respect for the laws that were put there for a reason. Our social security has been ****ed to hell. This is one of the key factors that helped bring this about. Not to mention that, if went unchecked, overpopulation could be a huge problem. Not to sound selfish, but we have enough poor of our own to worry about of many races. We can't just let tota chaos run amuck. I'm all for LEGAL immigration. One of the prime strengths of this nation is it's diversity and blend of many different cultures and people. Even other Mexicans have admitted the following. the difference between Mexican immigrants and others is that most others move here to settle down &/or be a part of society. Many Mexican immigrants just see the country as a giant ATM with a revolving door. I do not blame them for this, since in their shoes, I'd do the same exact thing without a second's hesitation, to provide for my loved ones. It's the government's job to enforce the borders. I'm against illegal immigration, even if it's poor white European immigrants. So don't hand me the racist bull****. I didn't pick out Mexicans. Because of the border thing, they just have more aliens here than other immigrant groups. I also think that Americans need to learn more languages. And I'd be all for teaching kids Spanish and trying to teach more kids to grow up to be versed in one or more other tongues. However, until the percentage of Mexican immigrants here that came here are illegally drops, I don't think that we should treat the group, as a whole, as the "second highest minority". The ones who came here legally have the same rights as everyone else, but changing society to mold to this group right now, is not something that we should be doing with the current situation being as it is. Yes, they have as much right to be here as anyone else. And I'm aware that white people didn't really own this land, when they stole it way back. But, that was ancient history. If you wanna harp on it, let's all goback to Europe, Africa, or wherever and give the land back to the Native Americans. No? Unrealistic? So, let's concentrate on here and now then. The English language is something that is no longer a white thing. Many black Americans and minority Americans grew up speaking it, too. Also, English is the international business language and the tongue that most legal immigrants learn to try and fit in when moving here. It is the common language spoken by most of our modern media and businesses dealing with customer relations. If they can get by without knowing it, fine. However, I think it should be pushed more for them to learn English than the other way around. More of a cultural exchange. |
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#3 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 33
20. People who have a "mommy love" for their faith and manmade organizations who claim to speak for God. It's all interpretation, when speaking of the Bible. What makes the priests' interpretations better than mine or yours? Knowledge? They are still only human and highly subject to flaw. And often, the Church mirrors the views of Conservative society, including any prejudices.
Men claiming to speak for God have done countless evils in the past: The oppression of blacks and slavery, the oppression of women, anti-Semitism and overall religious intolerance, homophobia, genocide, war, animal sacrifices, book burnings and censorship, the Crusades, The Salem Witch Trials, the list goes on. The Bible can be interpreted to support or attack all kinds of things, if you want to pick out certain scriptures to that means. It seems that ***s, atheists, and Muslims are the top targets nowadays in the United States. And many Churches are irresponsible for not only failing to condemn self-righteous hypocrisy and hatred among it's "faithful", but oftentimes even encouraging it. Point being in all this, though, that somewhere along the line, most logical rational human beings should be able to think and differentiate the bull**** from the positive messages and what's important and not simply take the Church's words as blind authority, without question. Christian is NOT necessarily synonymous with morality. That myth needs to stop. I've known both some very cool and some very ****headed Christians and atheists. The funny thing about some of these more conservative churchgoers is that their so-called morality is very fake. For example, they may care about poor people if their churchis doing a food drive for the poor, but forget about them or be snotty the rest of the year. Or only extend their virtues to you, if you believe as they do. It's more of a snobby, stuck up dog and pony show with these types. Personally, I think that being as the Bible is the "word of God AS WRITTEN BY MAN (ie: subject to flaw)", it should not be taken too literally or as some strict rulebook, but more of a guide on how one should live with God. Take the *** thing, so many Christians are so worked up about, now. The Bible said also "slaves be obedient to your masters" (Ephesians 6:5-9), but we discarded that part because society has changed since then. Not to mention that the Bible never picked out homosexuality as a greater sin than anything else. Take the Leviticus part many quote (18:22- man shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind). The Leviticus portion of the Old Testament also said eating anything from the sea without fins & scales is an "abomination", or wearing polycotton blends, but you don't see Christians picketing Red Lobster or attacking vanity with the same scorn. Why? Man selectively targeted it, and it's a society issue, not a religious one. Tried mybest not to sound too angry. Just bringing these things up. |
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#6 (permalink) | |
Music Addict
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#9 (permalink) |
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Bedford
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hah. No I'm joking. There are things that I dislike. Maybe not hate. Well, there are but I can't explain. One is the balance in a boat at Rowing. Another is just some people who really irritate me at school. |
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