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Old 12-10-2005, 10:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default ATTN: kashmir

In order to stop spamming up all the other threads.
Me and bungalowbill decided to put our arguement with him all in one thread.
So (please dont close this were trying to keep the classic rock thread clean).

Originally Posted by Kashmir86
their just being immature and trying to convince me that classic rock sucks and modern rock is better, which they will never succeed at being that i used to think the same until i opened my mind and took down the musical barriers that had me locked into that mindset..
Lol do you love being a hypocrite?
You opened your mind?
and yet you still make such statements as "all rap sucks".
Your really a piece of work ya know that?

and the fact you turn around call everyone else ignorant when you yourself say all rap sucks and generlize it all one 50 cent songs is stupid.
We did the same thing with the doors and all the sudden we're ignorant?
That'd make you ignorant too!

take it away bungalowbill.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 12-10-2005, 10:05 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Not all rap sucks, just the stuff you hear!
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Old 12-10-2005, 10:07 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I hate pretty much all rap, but aesop rock, el-p, and jedi mind tricks are pretty good to name a few.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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Old 12-10-2005, 10:08 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I really....don't know what to say about Kashmir86
You consistantly contradict yourself
and are excessively hipocritical
Almost all of your posts make me laugh hysterically

Especially the ones where you get OWN3ED and our point is proven......and then you call us immature and ignorant. Those are the funny ones.
Really, grow up. If you would pull your head out of Led Zepplins ass you would be opened to a world of new music.
Possibly even GOOD music.
But........the second you hear one bad song you will generalize the entire genre
Which makes our work useless

I dont know what to say about you..........ignorant is the best word I can think of
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Old 12-10-2005, 10:08 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
I hate pretty much all rap, but aesop rock, el-p, and jedi mind tricks are pretty good to name a few.
Exactly what im talking about.
Not all rap is the same as 50 cent and chingy.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 12-10-2005, 10:31 PM   #6 (permalink)
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What started all this nonsense

Originally Posted by Kashmir86
oh yeah i forgot ALL RAP IS OVERRATED. Its not even music

Originally Posted by bungalowbill357 ignorant.
Have you heard all rap.
I doubt it.
Therefore you have no right to say that all rap is overrated.

Originally Posted by Kashmir86
you know whats funny, when i was a kid i used to listen solely to rap, until i opened my eyes and found out how much it sucks. wow, they can rhyme. bob dylan did that way before the first rap song, listen to subterranean homesick blues, wow he ryhmed and actually conveyed a message. then theres rappers like lil john, who just yells short statements like 20 times over and over, wow thats really music, oh wait, sorry an art form. why do rap "artists" have to have their own language? is ours not good enough? they need words like crunk, and flossin, and a bunch of other stupid **** like that. oh yeah, they also need to make like 10 announcements before they begin the "song". rap makes me wanna puke. fortunately, it will eventually die out but rock never will.
Originally Posted by Kashmir86
here are some more examples for ya:

In ’97 Bonnie and Clyde, Eminen sings to his daughter of why her mommy’s body is in the trunk of the car with a stab wound in her throat and tells the kid to watch mommy float as he puts her body in the water. Just what a kid should be listening to huh? That's really great music there.

In Eminem’s song “Kill You” he rapes his own mother. Here are some of the ingenious lyrics:
Shut up slut, you're causin too much chaos
Just bend over and take it like a slut, okay Ma?
"Oh, now he's raping his own mother, abusing a whore,
snorting coke, and we gave him the Rolling Stone cover?"

Anyone who would buy this CD with this song, or download it, is a sick perverted freak just like Eminen .

Here is the chorus to one of snoop doggs masterpieces:

Ain't nut'in personal tru
See it's all about respect
Im never got slippin
Keep my heat on the dash

stick him out at woodstock and i think he would be the one gettin murdered.

Then there is NWA (******s With Attitude):

Yo, every bitch I know they wanna get with me
The mothaf**kin’ notorious d-r-e
Spit game at a bitch while a ******’s around
And you know most ho’s knows not to clown
’cause if a bitch tries to diss me
What the f*ck I lick her
I smack the bitch up and shoot the ****** that’s with her
That’s the kind of ****** that you’re listenin’ to
Talk to you for a minute get my d*ck in you .. yo
Now every single bitch got a price to pay
Up on the d*cks of n.w.a

that is a really intelligent song there. great lyrics

These Rap artists are all hypocrites anyway. They sing about how hard life is in the ghettos and projects, but yet they all live in million dollar houses and drive gold plated BMW’s and Mercedes Benzes. Yes they are really suffering aren’t they? If you are a young person in the ghetto, do you really think Eminen or Snoop Dog cares about you? If your father or mother loses their job and can’t pay the rent, go ask Eminen or Snoop Dog to help and see what they tell you! They will tell you they are NOT giving you jack **** but they make millions a year off kids like you who think they’re so cool with what they are saying, yet they couldn’t care less about you. You are just a mark to them to help gather money for their next crack deal or Mercedes.

other honorable mentions
ja rule - proudly raps about how he is a necropheliac, thats really cool

carlos "spm" coy has been charged with 12 counts of sexual assaults or a child. Seven young girls have accused Coy of molesting them. hes another real winner.

other things i hate about rap:
theres lots of other stuff about rap I hate. For one thing, its the horrible glamorization of it and its "artists". For example, I'd like any rap fan out there to tell me who wrote the music to any rap song (and none of those ****ing cheap puffy songs count, cause he always just uses other peoples music, thus ruining the original song because his new "lyrics" ****ing suck). I mean who wrote the MUSIC, not the lyrics, which are written by the stupid ass rappers. I'll tell you who wrote the music, a bunch of people you've never heard of in your life, and never will, who know how to operate drum machines and computers. Basically, the rap "artist" asks them to make a real "phat" beat, they do so until its "phat" enough, then the rapper dubs in the lyrics over it. Ever notice that at rap "concerts" theres about 30 people in the background, aside from the ****ing stupid rapper and the 90 backup dancers, that you've never seen in your life? Those would be the people I'm talking about. But of course, the rap "artist" always gets 100% credit for their new "song. However, I can tell you exactly who wrote both the lyrics and music to say, the zeppelin song "Black mountain side". 1 man, jimmy page did, and led zeppelin played the ****ing song themselves, with actual instruments (REAL drums, for example). I would like to see any rap "artist" pick up any real instrument and do anything impressive with it. Oh but wait, I made a mistake, "Black mountain side" doesn't have lyrics, because its whats called an instrumental song. Of course in the rap world, nobody knows what the hell that means. Theres no instrumental rap songs, cause they would be ****ing boring as hell. And theres not a single rapper or rap fan who can appreciate the talent it took to record a song like Black mountain side.

Sorry for the long post, but i feel VERY strongly towards this subject. and if you stil think that rap doesnt suck, then i give up.
Originally Posted by boo boo
You are gonna say that all rap sucks based on Eminem and Ja Rule?... How lame can you get?... Anyway, you are taking some of those artists worst songs to make a example, why you are at it, you should go on about how The Beatles suck and then post the lyrics to Love Me Do or Wild Honey Pie and call it undeniable proof.

You are being a generaliser, or dare i say it, a racist. I mean do metal bands not sing about satan worshiping, bloody gore and violence?... Do punk bands not sing about doing smack and ****ing the authority?... Dosent 80% of all rock bands sing about Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll?... Deeming all rap as offensive and with bad lyrics based on what little you have heard is a very close minded thing to do, you are ignoring the fact that there are several talented rappers, though i admit such talents are rare today, back in raps heyday, there were quite a lot of notable acts... Groups like Public Enemy and Tribe Called Quest had the balls to sing about issues that no rock band would touch with a ten foot poll, and other artists like Run DMC and KRS One who have positive messages in many of their songs, whom rarely have obscene lyrics in their songs.

So please.
Originally Posted by Kashmir86
yeah your right, the metal bands that sing abou satan worshipping and bloody gore and violence ****ing suck almost as bad as rap. i hate them too. i do not listen to them. nor do i listen to punk, although i havent heard of many punk songs that talk about shooting up. lets compare rap to rock and its messages of sex, drugs and rock n roll.

im not sure if your saying that love me do is a bad song or what, but that alone shows your ignorance. there are many rock songs that speak of sex, but all of the ones ive heard and liked involved sex with girls, (ones that are alive, and not your mother or 7 year olds). i can not think of one song in my music collection that speaks of deliberate murder, as 100s of rap songs out there do. oh, imagine this, jam master jay, the all important "dj" of your precious run dmc, was shot in the head and killed. hmm that sounds familiar, someone to do with rap getting shot, isnt that like an everyday occurence, must be because of their peaceful lyrics and lifestyle. I don't think there is a single genre of music that has seen so much violence and why is that do you think? so anyways boo boo go on listening to your precious rap, with its phat beats and all. i used to hold a lot of respect for you, but not anymore. in fact im hoping i get banned because ever since joining this forum my intellegince is dropping

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Old 12-10-2005, 10:36 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
You are not worth arguing with but I will do it anyway.
Your example of Jam Master Jay getting shot in the head.
I guess your forgetting that John Lennon was shot four times.
Your precious John Bonham drank himself to death.
Jimi Hendrix overdosed on sleeping pills.
Hmm....murder, drugs, drugs....sorta sounds like the lyrics to one of your **** example rap songs, except...this all pertains to rock music.

Once again, how can you say there is no good rap song. You haven't heard 1/4 of the rap that is made.. Ther eis good rap but your ignorace prevents you from listening to it. And, you know what, I hope you get banned as well. I mean...If talking to us is lowering your IQ, we wouldnt want you have it drop any lower than it was in the first place.

Then, your point about rap being hipocritical because they don't really live the hard life. Well, some of them probably didn't. But what about the majority that did. What about the origins of rap being in the ghettos of New York and California. You use **** examples to convey your useless ignorant point.
Originally Posted by Kashmir86
wow thats a great argument you should be proud of yourself, its ok, people ususally get offended when i prove that rap sucks

Originally Posted by Kashmir86
go ahead and post some of those great lyrics by kanye west though, id like to see them. the only song i heard by him said get em high at least 40 times, while bragging about himself the rest of the time

^I find this one particularly entertaining because his Oh So Precious Bob Dylan has a song in which he repeatedly says "everybody must get stoned"

That is all for now
He is an ignorant, immature, narrowminded hipocrit

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Old 12-10-2005, 10:37 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Its a bit pathetic how he doesn't have the spine to even justify all his statements...
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 12-10-2005, 10:42 PM   #9 (permalink)
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what i found Paculiar is the fact that he says That he Proved that Rap sucked...When the hell did this proving happen lol
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Old 12-10-2005, 10:46 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Hmmm.....maybe he would explain if he had the balls
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