DontRunMeOver |
11-28-2005 04:47 AM |
Originally Posted by cherrychic
everyone is always inspired by someone or something and nowadays kids ar getting more inspired by music than anything else. music is probly the most inflluential thing in the world. and the government is TRYING to exploit that by trying to mold our thinking to theirs through music. of course the gov. is f,ucked up in alot of differnt ways too but thats the ones that gets me the most:trying to captivate the music that you think would free you.
Cherrychic, this could be a very good thread, but at the moment you're being pretty vague about what your issue is. How do you think the government is influencing and exploiting music to mould people's minds in a certain direction?
Before talking about how music might be being used to 'mould your thinking', it might be worth considering how thorough a moulding process your family, your home community, your school, your friends and religious groups have already put you through. To give a brief overview, I'd say we're born as a bundle of flesh, bones, brain cells etc. with a few instincts, varying capacities for mental and physical aptitudes and no knowledge or opinions whatsoever (apart from that when we're hungry/cold/tired we want something done about it). Beyond these initial instincts everything which we know now had to come from somewhere and also (importantly) to be put somewhere in our minds. Much of this information - and ideas for how we should interpret the information - is not pure, first hand information but is instead greatly influenced by family/schools etc. This means that our personalities, personal morals and everything else about us is largely (not entirely, but largely) a creation of the opinions and personalities of the people and organisations around us.
Being moulded in some way by the government (and a lot of other organisations) is unavoidable. In fact, its already happened. The biggest issue for me would be WHERE TO DRAW THE LINE. The government 'moulds' us by making us learn a national language - is this a negative thing? The government 'moulds' us by creating laws and enforcing them - some of this law enforcement may have a negative effect on us, but I'd say most of it is beneficial.
HOW are the government manipulating people through music? I wouldn't say that the UK government are particularly guilty of ACTIVE manipulation, but then there's always the issue of censorship, watersheds, funding of certain BBC projects which show certain government biases.
What do you think? I'm tying up this ramble for now as its coffee time!