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sleepy jack 11-28-2005 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver
You're right that the threads in the wrong place, as its not really about punk music. At the same time, free speech means that you have the freedom to say what you want, NOT that everybody else gets to hear it in its pure, untampered-with form and it the original context.

Of course cause the goverment is stalking bands approving everything they say and editing it :rolleyes:

The only time anything is censored is because its mainstream and its censored by the record label not the goverment freaking out cause the band said fuck america.

PATROH 11-28-2005 10:56 AM

if the gov wants to cencsor what a musician says .. the gov will kill you (have you killed )

sleepy jack 11-28-2005 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by PATROH
as in the case of peter tosh and mr marley --
getting ppl to stand against the gov -- the gov will kill you

and misfitpunk
what about the radio

"The only time anything is censored is because its mainstream and its censored by the record label"

That would under mainstream and they dont censor. "I dont like bush", They censor Fuck and i dont see how us not hearing swearing is gonna ruin our minds.

PATROH 11-28-2005 11:05 AM

well alot of bands that will have a cd at target for instance will put out two versions

DontRunMeOver 11-28-2005 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Of course cause the goverment is stalking bands approving everything they say and editing it :rolleyes:

The only time anything is censored is because its mainstream and its censored by the record label not the goverment freaking out cause the band said fuck america.

Look, I don't know what level you're trying to look at this from but I'd like to get deeper into it, not get all blase and say the government has no planned effect on music and likewise not get into crazy "We're all being subliminally influenced by 50 cent" paranoia. Governments affect how they fund the arts, governments may have some effect over which music shows are broadcast, when and which channels. They can have large impact on the availability of live music, rehearsal and performance provisions etc. in different areas. Governments can't make bands write certain songs and not others*, but they can influence what types of bands are around and therefore what type of musical scene is going on in any one place.

For example, everywhere I've lived I've been aware of much more funding being put into 'high' culture (theatre, orchestras and musical theatre, even though musicals are rubbish) by councils than is invested in providing venues for rock bands or rock nights. Care to discuss?

*(Unless they're commies... ah those commies)

PATROH 11-28-2005 11:29 AM

government -were gonna make them all like britny spears

*patroh shooting his toe

half_baked87 11-28-2005 11:32 AM

how are some punk rock ways to deal with the government? omfg liek get a bunch of the punx together and start a riot riot upstart oi oi oi! christ. i'm all for letting you're voice be heard but to classify certain civil action as punk rock is ludracris. punk rock is MUSIC! and sure the government has their hand in music, they have their grubby ****ing hands in everything. as misfits said anything mainstream that might make the labels lose a few bucks will be censored and tampered with to reach the lowest common denominator. but thats the labels not the government. sure the government has a lot of pull on whats played on mainstream radio, because its what the majority of their citizens will be listening to and they want shape what thats going to be. i'd like to think government has better things to do. but apparently not.

but on a seperate note did anyone else hear this? several members of the french government blamed the riots they've been experiencing from the muslim and black youth on, you guessed it. RAP MUSIC! it seems we all forgot that the police uneccessarily killed two kids. i'd really like to think the government had a little more dignity than that. but hey, they're french, what are you going to do. :)

cherrychic 11-28-2005 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Gosh the is a stupid thread.
How come anything anti goverment that serves no purpose to punk music.
Is ALWAYS posted in the punk forum?
You guys are acting the goverment is approving and disapproving all lyrics.
We have free speech idiots notice how leftover crack is still going and dead kennedys are still selling albums.

thanx lots guys that was very upbuilding and nice *sarcasm*. i guess i'm just gonna go die now cuz i;m not a good thread maker. i'm not worthy of making threads. (thanx for trying to help halfbaked and patroh)

PATROH 11-28-2005 12:08 PM

well according to the poster s with high post counts
you have nothing to contribute

i for one think this is a great thread

cherrychic 11-28-2005 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by PATROH
well according to the poster s with high post counts
you have nothing to contribute

i for one think this is a great thread

awww. that's so sweet. thanx, i guess i'll live.

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