ok so now i have to think for some clickbait or something? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 01-11-2019, 09:57 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default ok so now i have to think for some clickbait or something?

hello there!

Last edited by ziggywas; 01-11-2019 at 11:04 AM. Reason: !
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Old 01-11-2019, 01:56 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Old 01-11-2019, 04:11 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Old 01-11-2019, 07:55 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
I don't want to rec you anything, I want you to stop posting actually
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Old 01-12-2019, 03:45 AM   #5 (permalink)
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micshazam and windsock i feel so welcome now.

well i guess that i think you were supposed to ask me things afterwards [that is in case you actually want new people in here and arent content just to hang out with others you already know] anyway i ll ask some questions myself. i began writing and more questions kept popping so i ll number them.

so what about music?

1. been to any good concerts lately?
2. do your ears sometimes hurt nowadays? [mine are beginning to do]
have you considered using earplugs?
3. what are your 3 favorite 2018 albums? what record was the most dissapointing?
4. do you liked the last spiritualized album? you think he kinda repeats himself? or is this exactly the point?
5.what about the beak> album?
6. would you pay to see iggy pop live now(this summer actually) in his 70's? do you think its true he wont make another album?
7. why you think hiphop dominates nowadays? do you think it dominates? has it gotten better? [i think not] has it more to do with clothes and lifestyle in general than with music? [youknow teenagers wearing hoodies and all that]
8. whats your favorite tom waits album?
9. do you consider reggae to be a fully legit kind of music, or kinda 'inferior'? [if the answer is inferior may you burn in hell.
10. how do you listen to music? i mean spotify, mp3+winamp in a computer [its what i mostly do] or you play records or just youtube all day long or what?
11. do you listen to the actual radio or some kind of internet radio or podcast or whatever?
12. name 3 musical sites you like to visit.
13. do you spend some money in music-related stuff? how? how many?
14. does your profession or studies or something that has to do with your 'main occupation' lets call it has to do something with music?
15. do you actively play an instrument? in a band or orchestra or in a quartet or smth?
16. do you like beeing asked questions? about almost any subject? why? do es it make you feel important?
17. you sometimes sing when you take a bath? when you dont?
18. do you read actual muzic magazines or fanzines sometimes?
19. will it kinda bother you if i dont put a question number 20 and leave it at 19? are you 100% sure?

please dont start answering as micshazam and windshock did above, although i guess that that would be impossible and also that currently i am adding fuel to the fire

also excuse my english, i am proud to say i am a 100% self taught english-speaker but of course the whole outcome is far from perfect.

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Old 01-12-2019, 04:40 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Ah fuck it.

Originally Posted by ziggywas View Post
shitload of questions as follows
1. been to any good concerts lately?

Latest was February last year, where I saw Kishi Bashi at a hole-in-the-wall venue in Tokyo. Yes, it was a glorihole.

2. do your ears sometimes hurt nowadays? [mine are beginning to do]
have you considered using earplugs?

Not really. I never blast music, though, because I want to enjoy my music all my life.

3. what are your 3 favorite 2018 albums? what record was the most disappointing?

공중도둑 [Mid-Air Thief] - 무너지기 (Crumbling), All Traps on Earth - A Drop of Light, and Koenji Hyakkei - Dhorimviskha. Disappointing? That Father John Misty garbage.

4. do you liked the last spiritualized album? you think he kinda repeats himself? or is this exactly the point?

Nah. I'm past that band now.

5.what about the beak> album?


6. would you pay to see iggy pop live now(this summer actually) in his 70's? do you think its true he wont make another album?

Nope. Yep.

7. why you think hiphop dominates nowadays? do you think it dominates? has it gotten better? [i think not] has it more to do with clothes and lifestyle in general than with music? [youknow teenagers wearing hoodies and all that]


8. whats your favorite tom waits album?

...fuck. Good question. Honestly can't answer that.

9. do you consider reggae to be a fully legit kind of music, or kinda 'inferior'?

Sure. I guess.

10. how do you listen to music? i mean spotify, mp3+winamp in a computer [its what i mostly do] or you play records or just youtube all day long or what?

I don't stream. I have to have it in digital or physical format or I don't listen to it.

11. do you listen to the actual radio or some kind of internet radio or podcast or whatever?


12. name 3 musical sites you like to visit.

musicbanter, rym, r/letstalkmusic

13. do you spend some money in music-related stuff? how? how many?

I buy vinyl. I spend only Christmas money on them.

14. does your profession or studies or something that has to do with your 'main occupation' lets call it has to do something with music?

Yeah. I get to teach a course on the history of rock & roll.

15. do you actively play an instrument? in a band or orchestra or in a quartet or smth?

Acoustic guitar, and I suck at it.

16. do you like being asked questions? about almost any subject? why? do es it make you feel important?

I'm a full-blown self-actualized narcissist.

17. you sometimes sing when you take a bath? when you dont?

Never when bathing, often when not.

18. do you read actual music magazines or fanzines sometimes?

lol no

19. will it kinda bother you if i dont put a question number 20 and leave it at 19? are you 100% sure?

19 is a good number.

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Old 01-12-2019, 05:56 AM   #7 (permalink)
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thanks for the answers.
i really envy you cause you get to teach rock n roll history.
and how come? is this part of scool? or university course or what?

you in tokyo? wow. distant. i dont know much about japanese music, classic or modern except: i went to see mono live a couple months ago. so-so. i heard last years kikagaku moyo record-boring, acid mothers temple-hell yeah! i really like em. and the day before yesterday i heard a band called 水玉消防団 [i m copying-pasting of course-i hope its the right thing i copied) the album translates to "Red Petals Full In The Sky"
i m not sure what i thought of it. for sure i ll hear it again a couple times.

i also think you should give spiritualized a 2nd chance.
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Old 01-13-2019, 05:50 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ziggywas View Post
i also think you should give spiritualized a 2nd chance.
I've given Spiritualized a hundred chances.

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Old 01-13-2019, 04:54 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Sure, I'll answer a few questions. And I do read quite fast. I'm an English teacher, reading is kinda my thing.

1. been to any good concerts lately?

Nope. My last "concert" was a house show put on by some friends of mine that included my buddy Matt (who is an excellent rapper) and my other friend Matt who DJs and did weird house stuff, mostly. It was super fun, but I don't have the time or money for concerts nowadays.

3. what are your 3 favorite 2018 albums? what record was the most dissapointing?

1. Tomb Mold, Manor of Infinite Forms
2. John Coltrane, Both Directions at Once
3. Brandi Carlile, By the Way, I Forgive You

The Death Grips album was a letdown. It had some bangers on it and did some interesting things, but didn't grab me. Maybe I've lost interest in them.

6. would you pay to see iggy pop live now(this summer actually) in his 70's? do you think its true he wont make another album?

I would pay to see him, his early work is some of my favorite music of all time. I don't care if he doesn't record again.

7. why you think hiphop dominates nowadays? do you think it dominates? has it gotten better? [i think not] has it more to do with clothes and lifestyle in general than with music? [youknow teenagers wearing hoodies and all that]

Hip hop dominates because hip hop is ****ing incredible as a genre and cultural movement, and it speaks the language of an oppressed people group better than anything else right now. The aesthetic of the genre, which the fashion, is an integral part of its expression, and should not be looked down upon.

8. whats your favorite tom waits album?

Diamond Dogs.

That's all I have time for.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ^my RYM^  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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Old 01-13-2019, 06:05 PM   #10 (permalink)
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1. been to any good concerts lately?

Haven't been to a concert in years unfortunately.

2. do your ears sometimes hurt nowadays? [mine are beginning to do]
have you considered using earplugs?

Surprisingly no after years of loud garbage played far too loud.

3. what are your 3 favorite 2018 albums? what record was the most dissapointing?

Don't keep up with current music.

4. do you liked the last spiritualized album? you think he kinda repeats himself? or is this exactly the point?

Haven't heard it. Only heard that one album you know the one.

5.what about the beak> album?


6. would you pay to see iggy pop live now(this summer actually) in his 70's? do you think its true he wont make another album?

No other way I'll ever get to see him so hell yeah.

7. why you think hiphop dominates nowadays? do you think it dominates? has it gotten better? [i think not] has it more to do with clothes and lifestyle in general than with music? [youknow teenagers wearing hoodies and all that]

It serves well as pop music that can appeal across gender and racial lines. Yeah I guess it dominates, definitely in influence. It was never bad but time has introduced ever greater diversity so it's at its most interesting. I guess people looking for a ready made identity might be more about the clothes but other than that nah.

8. whats your favorite tom waits album?

I like Tom Waits but don't listen to him enough to have a proper opinion of him or a favorite album.

9. do you consider reggae to be a fully legit kind of music, or kinda 'inferior'? [if the answer is inferior may you burn in hell.

Why would it be inferior? I don't much care for a lot of what I've heard but I haven't heard much so I'm not gonna **** on it beyond saying it hasn't grabbed me yet.

10. how do you listen to music? i mean spotify, mp3+winamp in a computer [its what i mostly do] or you play records or just youtube all day long or what?

I like to have a vast, ever-growing library of digital music where I don't have to worry about buffering. I'm too broke to really collect physical music on any grand scale like I do with downloading.

11. do you listen to the actual radio or some kind of internet radio or podcast or whatever?

Nah. I only use the radio for NPR on occasion or to fall asleep to Coast-to-Coast AM.

12. name 3 musical sites you like to visit.

RYM for new music, blogs in general for downloads, and Bandcamp to check newer stuff.

13. do you spend some money in music-related stuff? how? how many?

Not nearly as much as I used to. The very occasional album but I'll throw a bit of money down at Bandcamp.

14. does your profession or studies or something that has to do with your 'main occupation' lets call it has to do something with music?

lol nah

15. do you actively play an instrument? in a band or orchestra or in a quartet or smth?


16. do you like beeing asked questions? about almost any subject? why? do es it make you feel important?

I like talking about myself, yes.

17. you sometimes sing when you take a bath? when you dont?

I love whistling and sing under my breath at work to pass the time.

18. do you read actual muzic magazines or fanzines sometimes?

Nah. Used to read Metal Hammer but there's not much to interest me there now that my tastes have become super duper hella sophisticated yo.

19. will it kinda bother you if i dont put a question number 20 and leave it at 19? are you 100% sure?

... A bit.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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