Music Banter

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JM07656 02-19-2014 11:37 PM

I am Jon Micourt I do what I do because I am in a certain kind of love that is backed by passion determination and many other feelings I wake up to win I am the first of many inhabitants of the planet Ryce also known as GJ 667Cc this is a free world so I am doing this because of forces beyond my control I have the world’s greatest mind I believe I am a pioneer I am harmless I want it all I am a sweet tongued smooth talker I can articulate words at a level of mastery tailored for any occasion I am a role model for all males I am a shell of what was once considered to be the best me I am meant to be here I am a system working within a system I am the owner of the human experience I own one hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and eleven percent of the internet im the owner of STOS I am a brother a son an uncle a friend a cousin a visionary a humble extraordinary musical genius who strives to be the best at anything life throws in my way I am a business savvy being I am spontaneous I am the leader of my own secret organization our goal is to move the world and its inhabitants to a position of greatness all while doing extremely cool things I am a leader of billions of people im a master play of the game called life I am a dreamer I am a goal setter I am a goal achiever I am a winner I am a dynamic superior being who brings positive light to everything that I touch and everyone I come around im a world changing promoter of love work hard at working smart work ethic happiness efficiency rebellion constructive creativity patience youth individualism faith fun evolution equality health balance diversity communication adaptability spirituality education progression and humanity with my open mindedness I am able to see things from many different perspectives and in doing so people look to me for knowledge and wisdom I am educated in many subjects in life but I am mostly educated in love passion friendship sex and romance I am passionate and ambitious in everything that I do because I am passionate about life I have complete control of my mind and life and in knowing this I choose to always remain positive and happy and to always further develop my mind I have wonderful positive people in my life I am happily married to the beautiful and magnificent Tania Yanez together we own a multi sextillion dollar empire that promotes love education fun life progression balance individuality moderation innovation leadership diversity freedom originality faith peace passion sex romance great spiritual mental emotional and physical wealth family equal opportunity equality and happiness she is the light of my life and she is not only my wife but my best friend my lover my life partner my mistress my Mrs. my confidante my companion my muse my inspiration my shining light an inspiration to the world and my life she is my everything and then some I am not only her husband but her best friend her supporter her man her mister her master her muse her life partner her motivator her protector her lover her universe and her guiding source of joy I am her everything and then some together we fulfill our fantasies our love will withstand anything and last forever because it is pure and is based on love admiration adoration humility great spiritual mental emotional and physical wealth fashion longevity joy loyalty patience faith trust truth communication sexual expression passion fun romance progression generosity humility commitment encouragement support motivation perseverance and a willingness to work toward a better tomorrow our relationship serves as a model for all other relationships we make it our business to completely know one another so we can grow together we push each other to be better we are one together we are looked up to as iconic figures in time and history because of the light that we shine together my life is filled with an abundance of material luxuries and riches beyond imagination and I give back more to the world beyond imagination I live an abnormal fun extravagant and fearless life and I do things in a way that has never been done before we are forever young I am an amazement to the world we will live forever I will be known as one of the greatest men to have ever walked this earth we will create and lead a better world that will last forever because we do it for the people and give it back to the people I will achieve all of this now for all that I receive I give my mind body spirit soul and heart I give my entire being to this cause and I won’t stop until every word written down here is fact.

-Jon Micourt

RoxyRollah 02-20-2014 06:33 AM


:yikes: And the bands you like are????? :shycouch:

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-20-2014 07:07 AM

I'm not deleting this simply because I feel I should keep the longest ever sentence in recorded human history for prosperity.

RoxyRollah 02-20-2014 07:08 AM

NO GOD NO! Its amazing

He is a space alien dude, with a multimillion dollar sex industry....

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-20-2014 07:08 AM

if anyone wants to spam him in return.

RoxyRollah 02-20-2014 07:10 AM

Where the hell is 216 when you actually need him....

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-20-2014 07:12 AM

Could you imagine if butthead had written that.
It would take experts longer to decipher that than the hieroglyphs in the Valley of the Kings

RoxyRollah 02-20-2014 07:22 AM

Imagine? I actually falsely accused him of that in my head...But after about two more sentences I said there is no way....

Mojo 02-20-2014 07:23 AM


djchameleon 02-20-2014 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mojo (Post 1418399)


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