Originally Posted by Cosmology
You and your co-worker have excellent taste!  No matter what kind of new music I get into, I always have time for T.Rex. Goldfrapp are great too. I saw them live a couple of years ago and was very impressed.
CSS are a Brazilian indie group. The initials in their name stands for 'Cansei de Ser Sexy' which I think roughly translates from Portuguese as "tired of being sexy" (!) I loved their first album but I haven't really got around to catching up with what they're doing now. If you want to get an idea of their overall sound, I'd say check out 'Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above.'
Empire of the Sun are an alternative group too. I've heard people compare them to MGMT. 'We Are The People' is one of my all-time fave tracks, and I love the video too - for me, the visual element is a very important part of any musician's appeal. I like musicians to dress up and put on a bit of a show, especially if I'm going to bother to see them perform live!
What kind of music do you like? Anyone in particular?
Like you, I love a pretty wide variety of stuff. I'm big fan of jazz for starters—from crackly old dixieland to fast and furious bebop to modern experimental Polish stuff. And I love loud music—grindcore, doom metal, hardcore, punk, the more abrasive strains of jazz, etc. And I love electronic music—the glitchier and more abstract the better. And hip hop—golden age, gangsta, abstract, experimental, foreign language. And a wide array of other stuff. I tend to go through phases of checking out different things. Recently it was salsa. Previously it's been everything from bluegrass to Afrobeat to Chinese classical.
Lately I've been rediscovering my love for Nick Cave, Killing Joke, Unsane and The Book of Knots. And some more recent favorites would be Capitol K, Author & Punisher, Melt Yourself Down and Nails.