Mind Virus |
07-04-2013 08:59 PM |
Mind Virus here... aka Ivan. Figured it was about time I joined another community. I guess I have been a monogamous forum user and only sticking to a Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) forum. INTJ btw. Figured it was time I at least got myself around and spread the love.
Music is something I get lost in because I suck at expressing what I have to say and am thankful that others can put words to thoughts I have. I grew up listening to all sorts of music. My dad always played records from Elvis to ABBA to Ray Conniff to Queen to Demis Roussos. Then of course my aunts influenced my music taste by introducing me to House music and television introduced me to rap.
My music taste now is still diverse. I'll still listen to the music I grew up with and new additions of course. Just to name some bands/groups: Ayreon, Opeth, Jedi Mind Tricks, Muse, Immortal Technique, Katie Melua, Gnarls Barkley, Misteur Valaire, Pink Floyd, Unseen, and so much more.
I hope to discover more music artists and appreciate all the various styles.
Also hello. :wave: