Whatsup Whatsup!!
Hey whatsup Fam!! ^__^ New to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself, I am LTRAIN. I like to make beats and I am learning the piano. I love music, I know its a way to get to people and it sets the tone and atmosphere for people. Music is influential and it can steer you in a good direction or bad one. My music I make is geared more towards helping people and encouraging people and getting the Gospel out!! I have had a rough past growing up but instead of it being a stumbling stone I have made it a stepping stone and realized it was a part of my development into the man I am today. The future are the kids and the kids are the future so when we make music lets help the future and not tear it down(no defense to anyone but I am passionate about good music) Thanks and I love you all. Write me back its nothing but love ova here and Im here to stay and meets lots of new brothas and sistas. Peace!!!!