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Greenbrier_River_Slick 03-28-2011 03:56 PM

Senior Newby? Don't Tase Me, Bro!
Hi there - I hope I have not committed an egregious faux pas by posting 3 times before I did an intro. Please accept my apologies if so.

I'm a 58 year old guy living in Eastern Tennessee. My musical preferences are rock, blues, some jazz, a little country, some folk. I've been exposed to different styles of music from the time I was old enough to pay attention. I can tolerate a lot of stuff I don't particularly care for. What I CAN NOT tolerate is:

Rap & Hip/Hop - I literally detest any music that has that chanting/urban beat sound - to me, it's not music. Not to step on anyone's toes - if you like it, that's fine. Just don't expect me to want to hear it.

Current popular country music - ala Kenny Chesney. This is nearly as bad as rap & Hip/Hop. The lowest common denominator in today's music.

A sampling of what I like - Beatles, Stones, Dylan, Kinks, Animals, Bowie, Billy Joel, Eagles, John Mayer.

I know a lot of younger people don't care for Mayer - my son did for a while, then seemed to get completely turned off to him. Maybe familiarity breeds contempt, I don't know. I unabashedly admit to being a fan.

Well, I hope to get to know and learn some new things from some of you.

Oh yeah - I hate emoticons - you won't see me using them.

s_k 03-28-2011 04:07 PM

Haha, I'd say I scrap Mayer too.
Other than that: Very nice taste you have there.
Musically, we should get along.
As far as Emoticons go, I am quite a language freak and I will never ever use them in official language. But on the internet, they can prevent a lot of trouble. Not everyone can read between the lines and it sometimes is useful to ad a wink or a grin to a sentence to indicate you're making a joke. There's no real tone, you see.

Dirty 03-28-2011 04:07 PM

Hey man. One of the better intro threads in awhile, half the people don't even say what music they like or just post their myspace or website to promote. I'm more into 90s rap than anything and not much of a rock listener but regardless welcome aboard. There's some pretty cool stuff in the different sub forums and I know people who post in them are always looking for people to post good discussion topics and responses as opposed to "THIS BAND ROX!"


EDIT: Hahah i was just about to say... s_k will be showing up soon. If you hate even seeing emoticons, keep away from him, he's a smiley addict.

Mrd00d 03-28-2011 04:09 PM

"Don't tase me, bro!" What're you Robert Freeman? Ha, welcome aboard.

Burning Down 03-28-2011 04:11 PM

Welcome to MB!

s_k 03-28-2011 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1026233)
EDIT: Hahah i was just about to say... s_k will be showing up soon. If you hate even seeing emoticons, keep away from him, he's a smiley addict.

But not without respect for language!

ThePhanastasio 03-28-2011 04:14 PM

Welcome! Definitely a nice intro thread. It's always nice to see people actually taking time to make a real introduction.

The sampling of artists you like seems A-OK by me!

Also, it's always nice to see a new member who appears intelligent and may actually contribute worthwhile discussion to the forum.

So again - Welcome!

Greenbrier_River_Slick 03-28-2011 04:18 PM

If there is one thing I might have a knack for, it is putting thoughts into the written word. I'm a good typist - and, when I have a lot to say, I can be wordy to the extreme, so I've been told.

As I continue to familiarize myself with the sub-forums here, there are a lot of topics. I pay attention to politics and world events, and I see there are some threads addressing that. I'm not anti-religion, but I can be leery of those who are overzealous about it.

Most people that are into music seem to be of above average intelligence, and I look forward to interacting with interesting and intelligent folks here.

Thanks for your comments.

Thom Yorke 03-28-2011 04:30 PM

Welcome! Nice intro and bands. I'd recommend at least opening your mind to rap. I came to this forum with the mindset that I was against country music and someone has already recommended some stuff I really like.

s_k 03-28-2011 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Greenbrier_River_Slick (Post 1026246)
If there is one thing I might have a knack for, it is putting thoughts into the written word. I'm a good typist - and, when I have a lot to say, I can be wordy to the extreme, so I've been told.

Same here. Only English isn't my first language which does make me less talkative here (Dirty always tells me I shouldn't say that, but I do notice that I can express myself way better in Dutch).
About the typist thing; 720 strokes/minute. Beat that!


I'm not anti-religion, but I can be leery of those who are overzealous about it.
+1 (you'll learn what that means soon enough)


Most people that are into music seem to be of above average intelligence, and I look forward to interacting with interesting and intelligent folks here.
I once went to a reading (is it called a reading? I think it is) that actually was all about the link between music and intelligence. I know there are always exceptions to those rules, but it turned out... wait, I have a picture somewhere...

Some people are not going to like this
IQ versus favourige Music taste.
It says:
Pop, rock, urban (hiphop/r&b), dance (trance/hardstyle), elite (jazz/classical)

So... you're apparently too smart for Hiphop/R&B :D --> Smile because if I don't some hip-hop fans will kick my ass.

TockTockTock 03-28-2011 04:42 PM

Damn, I am 777 posts past due for my introduction.

Anyways, welcome to Music Banter. You seem to be a nice guy, and, from what I have seen, you seem to have a decent taste in music. I can tell you this - this site is great for expanding your taste in music.

Mojo 03-28-2011 04:54 PM

True. I listen to all kinds of stuff I didn't when I first joined here.

You may be pretty happy with your judgement on hip-hop as it is, and if so then thats fine. I won't tell you that you should make an effort. But I guess I would suggest that you at least keep an open enough mind to click on a Youtube video here and there around the boards once you start to get a feel of peoples music tastes, and who you are likely to respect.

I'm not a big hip-hop fan but I have found lots of stuff I like in my time here.

Welcome to MB!

s_k 03-28-2011 04:58 PM

I must say I'm still trying to understand hip-hop, but I still don't. It still sounds all the same to me. I do start to understand electronic music, though.

TockTockTock 03-28-2011 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1026291)
I must say I'm still trying to understand hip-hop, but I still don't. It still sounds all the same to me. I do start to understand electronic music, though.

Dalek's album Absence, Aesop Rock's album Labor Days, and Madvillain's debut album.

Try those and we'll see if you still think that.

Greenbrier_River_Slick 03-28-2011 05:14 PM


You may be pretty happy with your judgement on hip-hop as it is, and if so then thats fine. I won't tell you that you should make an effort. But I guess I would suggest that you at least keep an open enough mind to click on a Youtube video here and there around the boards once you start to get a feel of peoples music tastes, and who you are likely to respect.

I'm not a big hip-hop fan but I have found lots of stuff I like in my time here.

Welcome to MB!

After reading my intro post, along with most of those that followed, I think I'll back off my statement about the rap & hip/hop. It's hard for me to imagine that I would ever hear and enjoy listening to that style of music. But, I will say, all I've ever been exposed to is what I hear blasting out of car windows or in movie soundtracks. In the area I live in, there just aren't any radio stations that interest me. It's either top 40, new country, bluegrass, or golden oldies. There is a station or two that plays music for what I'm going to refer to as college-age people. I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't know what to call that type music. Would it be some kind of rock? Foo Fighters, Dave Matthews, etc.

What I'm saying is this - the urban music that I've been exposed to could be the lowest common denominator of that kind of music. It could be that exposure to rap & hip/hop at a different level might adjust my attitude upward a notch or two.

I just don't want to come off as some sort of rigidly stern blinders-wearing redneck, unwilling to have an open mind. There is a lot of that here in the south, and I'm bothered a lot by that attitude.

TockTockTock 03-28-2011 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Greenbrier_River_Slick (Post 1026306)
There is a lot of that here in the south, and I'm bothered a lot by that attitude.


s_k 03-28-2011 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jack Pat (Post 1026303)
Dalek's album Absence, Aesop Rock's album Labor Days, and Madvillain's debut album.

Try those and we'll see if you still think that.

Downloading. I think I downloaded Madvillainy a couple of weeks ago for someone here. Clicked, thought it was crappy and deleted it after that person got it :).
But I will try.

TockTockTock 03-28-2011 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1026314)
Clicked, thought it was crappy and deleted it after that person got it :).


s_k 03-28-2011 05:22 PM

Hey, I said I didn't like hip-hop :D.
You don't expect me to like it because you do, do you?

TockTockTock 03-28-2011 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1026319)
Hey, I said I didn't like hip-hop :D.
You don't expect me to like it because you do, do you?

Nah, I just want you to give it a chance. I was in your position a year ago, but I eventually began to like it.

s_k 03-28-2011 05:32 PM

I will. But it's a slim chance.

holly984 03-30-2011 01:45 AM

Hello and welcome!

Regarding John Mayer, I used to listen to him a bit more in the past, but not so much anymore. Not sure why, lol. Some of my fave songs from Mayer: Your Body is a Wonderland, Daughters, Waiting on the World to Change, & Back to You

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