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Old 03-13-2011, 12:48 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Fox clocks might come in handy with this forum here. I have to watch the time zones every now and then. As far as bookmark organizing goes, I'm a pro. I like my screen as clean as possible. I always have everything full screen (one reason I can't stand macs I guess
Yes, Fox clocks definitely comes in handy if you find yourself needing to know the time in certain places around the world. And yep, I saw all your folders, lol. Looks like you are a pro. I like my stuff organized too. Everything gets filed one way or another.

Ha ha, the mac screen doesn't bother me. I actually have a mac and a pc (laptop is a mac and desktop is a pc). They both serve me well. I use my laptop more frequently though.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
I see another picture of the same girl at your stumbleupon account. So that's really you?
'...picture of the same girl...'? Way to phrase it, lol. Yes, that's really me. Am I missing something, lol? Am I not supposed to be giving, like, real info/pics, or what, lol?

To be completely honest, this is the first forum like this that I've EVER joined, so if I'm violating some sort of unwritten rules, please let me know, lol. The only others I participate in are work related, and well....those are different of course.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Well, apart from you looking good, you seem really nice so far.Look at us go *blah blah blah*. I like that!
I'm happy you think I'm nice....because I am, lol. You'd be surprised, though, how many times people (in person, I don't really know anyone online) confess that they thought I was a snob or bitch (w/o even knowing me!) Of course they only tell me this after they actually MEET/TALK WITH ME and realize how super friendly I am, lol.

Thanks for the complement on my picture too, btw. It's definitely not print quality, but it works for a profile pic. I don't know if you can tell w/ it that small (@stumble); I'll post the regular size below.

It's super grainy and you can see like waves/noise. It was actually taken w/ my friends cell phone, lol. And if that wasn't bad enough, the lighting was terrible (nighttime, indoors, and the only light in a dark-ish room was from a little nightstand lamp). I liked it though. Especially since I'm usually the one behind the camera, so I'm always mia in pics; Oh, the perils of being the photographer, right? Then, when you have a long lens (and a speedlight)....watch out, everyone assumes your a pro, ha ha.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
I love fall and winter. I think spring is overrated. Yes it could be nice, but all it is here is rainy.....I can't dress for heat. Yes I could go run around naked. Don't want to....
Yes, I imagine you may experience seasons a bit different. Here it doesn't rain too much. More just like a tamer summer, imo, lol. And yeah, even if it was hot as hell, I wouldn't be running around naked, ha ha. Just go inside...central air makes everything right again

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
All I know about Arizona is that Tucson is somewhere in it.And that's where my favourite band comes from.
And yep, Tucson is indeed in Arizona, lol. What's your favorite band? I was in the Phoenix/Scottsdale/ Tempe area, btw. Never been to Tucson.

Blarobbarg- Thanks for the welcome. So you live in Kentucky...that's cool I've never been there, but my dad lived in Fort Knox for a few months back when he was in the army and he told me he really liked Kentucky, and Louisville in particular.

I like your avatar btw. Cute bunny, lol. Reminds me of these 'anime' shows my brother used to/still watches, lol. I think I've seen a bazillion Dragon Ball (Z) episodes (yeah, I can even recall some of the characters...goku, vegeta, frieza, piccolo, gohan, krillan....ha ha). It was interesting though, to be honest. I enjoyed it. They were all in Japanese w/ English subtitles, but I liked them better than the few English dubbed versions I saw. He also watches......hmm, Cowboy Bepop, Trigun, and Code Gaess. I think those are the names. I've never seen those ones though. Dragon Ball was the only one I ever got into (er, and I watched that Avatar The Last Airbender show. :P). Damn, sorry... I sure can talk, lol. All this about your avatar. I don't even know if you have any idea what I'm talking about. HA HA HA. *sorry*.............. if you even see this, lol

Tore- Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm happy you liked my intro. I was worried I got too wordy (as you can see I have a tendency to do, lol). Btw, your avatar..... I can't help but associate it with the movie/song 'Ben'

Il Duce- Thanks for the welcome! And wow, thank you for all your input

It's nice to know you like Colbie Caillat. I do like her music.

Regarding Coldplay, I love 'Yellow' and 'Violet Hill' , but I don't know 'King of the World'?

Thanks for the recommendation! I'd never heard of the Allman Brothers Band, but I previewed their 'At Fillmore East (Live)' cd on itunes, and I definitely love it! Especially liked 'Statesboro Blues' and 'Done Somebody Wrong'.

Regarding Owl City's Fireflies, lol, I actually cannot stand that song. I think it's because one of my friends was obsessed with it, and she listened to it SO MUCH. It irks me to hear that tune now, lol.

Regarding Oasis, that's a good album.

I took a listen to Drake's 'Pink Moon' as well . It's not bad. Very mellow....I can see myself listening to it. Liked 'Things behind the Sun', 'Free Ride' and 'From the Morning' in particular. Thank you.
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Old 03-13-2011, 04:54 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by holly984 View Post
Tore- Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm happy you liked my intro. I was worried I got too wordy (as you can see I have a tendency to do, lol). Btw, your avatar..... I can't help but associate it with the movie/song 'Ben'
I haven't seen Ben (though I have seen Willard), but my av is a rat king

By the way, that's a nice picture you posted. Just say if you'd like to use it as an avatar and I can size it down and up it for you.
Something Completely Different
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Old 03-13-2011, 08:13 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by holly984 View Post
Yes, Fox clocks definitely comes in handy if you find yourself needing to know the time in certain places around the world. And yep, I saw all your folders, lol. Looks like you are a pro. I like my stuff organized too. Everything gets filed one way or another.
I do know how to make a mess though. Only I clean up afterwards.
Sometimes my living room is full of crap because I start a lot of projects at the same time. Same goes for my computer, but I always get it back the way it was afterwards or I'll go bezerk

Ha ha, the mac screen doesn't bother me. I actually have a mac and a pc (laptop is a mac and desktop is a pc). They both serve me well. I use my laptop more frequently though.
So do I. But when I get behind my mac there are several 'aargh, this is not the way I wanted it to work'-moments. Ah well, PC's are a lot cheaper anyway. So I don't mind

'...picture of the same girl...'? Way to phrase it, lol. Yes, that's really me. Am I missing something, lol? Am I not supposed to be giving, like, real info/pics, or what, lol?
Haha, no it's probably just a strange way of putting stuff. English is not my first language . I just meant that I saw your avatar and wasn't sure if it was you or some celebrity I didn't know of. And then I saw another picture of the same girl and I somehow figured 'must be her then'.

To be completely honest, this is the first forum like this that I've EVER joined, so if I'm violating some sort of unwritten rules, please let me know, lol. The only others I participate in are work related, and well....those are different of course.
I'm not making the rules here, but I think you're doing fine so far.

I'm happy you think I'm nice....because I am, lol. You'd be surprised, though, how many times people (in person, I don't really know anyone online) confess that they thought I was a snob or bitch (w/o even knowing me!) Of course they only tell me this after they actually MEET/TALK WITH ME and realize how super friendly I am, lol.
Not the first time I know that. I'm not sure if this is true in your case, but often insecurity is mixed up with arrogance. The physical expressions are somehow the same. I have a couple of friends (all female, this probably is a problem that doesn't happen to men or something) who are thought to be arrogant and bitchy, but who are really really very nice and friendly.
Very nice actually, as one is my ex-girlfriend (to whom I still talk a lot every day ) and the other one... Well who knows, probably future girlfriend. I guess that could work out just fine

Thanks for the complement on my picture too, btw. It's definitely not print quality, but it works for a profile pic. I don't know if you can tell w/ it that small (@stumble); I'll post the regular size below.

They like big avatars here. I think they become distracting really easily. So I think it's great this way. But I must say that you look prettier on the larger one. I think that's a good thing .

Oh, I meant to ask you this: Did you by chance add me on MSN Messenger? I got an invitation from a girl I didn't know. Looked at her profile, very tiny picture, looked a bit like you but there was a link to some pornsite on her profile, so I figured it's just a spambot so I blocked it/her/him. Sorry if it was you
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Old 03-13-2011, 08:13 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Part 2, as I used too many images, apparently (10 max, smileys included ).

It's super grainy and you can see like waves/noise. It was actually taken w/ my friends cell phone, lol. And if that wasn't bad enough, the lighting was terrible (nighttime, indoors, and the only light in a dark-ish room was from a little nightstand lamp).
What brilliant Cell phone is that then?
That's actually pretty good, even in good situations, for a cellphnoe.

Oh, the perils of being the photographer, right? Then, when you have a long lens (and a speedlight)....watch out, everyone assumes your a pro, ha ha.
Good thing is that you aren't on the pics (altough being on pics probably is more of a problem for me than for you ) and you always have the original photo's. And yeah, you are usually asked to make pictures all the time, so if the party sucks, it doesn't matter since you've got something to do.

Yes, I imagine you may experience seasons a bit different. Here it doesn't rain too much. More just like a tamer summer, imo, lol. And yeah, even if it was hot as hell, I wouldn't be running around naked, ha ha. Just go inside...central air makes everything right again
Almost no one has airco here.
The temperature rarely goes over 90 degrees fahrenheit.
And that usually happens only a couple of days a year.
I have a lot of fans to sit in front of, but most people don't even have those.

And yep, Tucson is indeed in Arizona, lol. What's your favorite band? I was in the Phoenix/Scottsdale/ Tempe area, btw. Never been to Tucson.

I took a listen to Drake's 'Pink Moon' as well . It's not bad. Very mellow....I can see myself listening to it. Liked 'Things behind the Sun', 'Free Ride' and 'From the Morning' in particular. Thank you.
Please please please listen to all three of his albums. He's a genius.
Some albums have an entire (but very subtle) orchestra added which I think is just beautiful
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Old 03-13-2011, 03:53 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I haven't seen Ben (though I have seen Willard), but my av is a rat king

By the way, that's a nice picture you posted. Just say if you'd like to use it as an avatar and I can size it down and up it for you.
Tore- Thanks again, Tore!! I love how it came it out!

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
So do I. But when I get behind my mac there are several 'aargh, this is not the way I wanted it to work'-moments. Ah well, PC's are a lot cheaper anyway. So I don't mind
Can't deny that PC's are a lot cheaper, lol.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Haha, no it's probably just a strange way of putting stuff. I just meant that I saw your avatar and wasn't sure if it was you or some celebrity I didn't know of. And then I saw another picture of the same girl and I somehow figured 'must be her then'.
Bwahah...it's okay. I was just messing with you.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
I have a couple of friends who are thought to be arrogant and bitchy, but who are really really very nice and friendly.... the other one... Well who knows, probably future girlfriend. I guess that could work out just fine
Oh... probable future girlfriend you say, lol? Nice. Go get her tiger, lol.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
They like big avatars here. I think they become distracting really easily. So I think it's great this way. But I must say that you look prettier on the larger one. I think that's a good thing .
Lol, thanks. Yes, my avie was quite small. Tore was very nice though and made me a big avie

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Did you by chance add me on MSN Messenger? I got an invitation from a girl I didn't know. Looked at her profile, very tiny picture, looked a bit like you but there was a link to some pornsite on her profile....
HAHA! No, that wasn't me. I don't even have MSN, only Yahoo messenger.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
What brilliant Cell phone is that then?
That's actually pretty good, even in good situations, for a cellphnoe.
It was a Blackberry Curve, lol.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Good thing is that you aren't on the pics (although being on pics probably is more of a problem for me than for you ) and you always have the original photo's.
Yeah, it's fine because I like taking photos of people

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Nice, I took a listen to 'Garden Ruin' on itunes and they sound good. Wasn't what I was expecting either, lol. I thought they were going to be metal or something....I don't know why, lol.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Please please please listen to all three of his albums. He's a genius.
Some albums have an entire (but very subtle) orchestra added which I think is just beautiful
Very nice song! Thanks for posting that video. And I will listen to all three albums
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Old 03-14-2011, 05:50 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by holly984 View Post
Can't deny that PC's are a lot cheaper, lol.
And I'm a poor bastard, so yeah

Bwahah...it's okay. I was just messing with you.
Haha, that's probably another downside of not speaking and reading your own language;
It's really very hard to read between the lines. So sorry if I come over all... stupid now and then.
I mean, it's not like I never act stupid in my own language, but hey

Oh... probable future girlfriend you say, lol? Nice. Go get her tiger, lol.
Yeah, well... There has been some sparks years ago.
And it seems like there is some of those now. I dunno, there's definitely something different.
Ah well, I don't expect anything exciting to happen soon as she's got a boyfriend. And he seems like a nice guy.
But yeah, there is something going on.

Lol, thanks. Yes, my avie was quite small. Tore was very nice though and made me a big avie
Why do I have the feeling Tore wanted it to be bigger himself?

HAHA! No, that wasn't me. I don't even have MSN, only Yahoo messenger.
Good. Thanks .
No one uses Yahoo messenger here, which is probably a pity as the newest versions of MSN suck.
E.g.: When you send someone a link to a picture, it shares that picture allmost full screen in the chat window.
I DON'T WANT THAT! Dammit. I want to send a link. Stupid MSN messenger.
It's not like you want MSN Messenger on a mac. Adium is probably the best way to do things, but Microsoft messenger is awful on a mac. I don't like chatting on a mac eitherway, as you don't have multiple windows blinking in your taskbar. I want to know who talks to me so I can decide how quick I shall answer .

It was a Blackberry Curve, lol.
Seriously? I never got pictures like that out of a blackberry. Nice.
It's always good to be able to do something briliant with simple and cheap technology.
You probably won't have to invest in an expensive camera to get nice pictures .
Altough I have seen to of your photo's and those definitely weren't made using a pocket camera
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Old 03-14-2011, 05:52 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Part two...

Yeah, it's fine because I like taking photos of people
Same here. I make about 3000 pics month (well, I make more, I keep 3000 pics a month ), so there's a lot of people in my photo folders. I even have folders for my friends. I put pictures in those that they sent me or that come from hyves. There's also a folder called 'mbmensen' meaning 'mbpeople'. MB stands for musicbanter, obviously. I try to collect pics in that one so I can get a face to the nickname.

Nice, I took a listen to 'Garden Ruin' on itunes and they sound good. Wasn't what I was expecting either, lol. I thought they were going to be metal or something....I don't know why, lol.
Garden ruin is, in my opinion, their worst album. Somehow people always end up listening to that.
Please try The Black Light, Feast of Wire and Carried to dust to get an idea of the very different music they make.
Let me help you:

That should give you an idea and keep you occupied for a while.
Hope you like it.
I'm not a huge metalhead, no. I like some metal bands like Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Tool (as far as Tool is metal) but I'm not really a metalhead. Not sure how you thought I was. Probably my pics or someting?
There's a link below my postings that leads to my record collection. There's tabs at the bottom for genres. Might give you an idea.

Very nice song! Thanks for posting that video. And I will listen to all three albums
Glad you liked it. Hope you get a love for Nick Drake as much as I do .
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Old 03-14-2011, 06:34 AM   #38 (permalink)
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not a big fan of Calexico - I seem to like their music when they sing, but most are instrumentals
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Old 03-14-2011, 08:02 AM   #39 (permalink)
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I love both
But I think less than half of what they make are instrumentals.
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Old 03-15-2011, 11:01 PM   #40 (permalink)
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You haven't come across as stupid at all, lol. I think it's great you can speak English so well.

Neat about the girl you're sharing some sparks with. Too bad she has a boyfriend, but if he's a nice guy, that's great.

Ah, I don't know about that (re: Tore), lol. I think he's just a nice guy Smart and interesting too.

I actually have Adium as well. When I got my mac like a year ago, I thought they didn't have Yahoo for mac, so I used it via Adium. But I just got Yahoo this past month. It works alright so far, but a) I can't see anyone's pics --boo, b) most can't see my pic, and c) Yahoo has my account info wrong, but I can't edit it --boo hiss.

Seriously, yes, lol :P It was a Blackberry Curve. And they didn't all come out good quality, lol. Most were like too dark, blurry, etc. My friend just took quite a few pics--I was actually getting a bit peeved because he kept snapping away. Btw, it was my ex boyfriend. He's a friend now, but just so you don't think i was in a random friend's bedroom letting him taking pics, lol :P

Gosh, 3000 pics a month! Holy cow! I take like maybe 30 a month, HAHA!

Wow, thanks for all the music vids! I'll check them out And no reason in particular that I thought you were a metal head. I didn't really. Just the name of the band, perhaps. I dunno..

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