Amber Bazaar |
05-09-2010 09:44 PM |
Hello, nice to meet you.
I am Amber Bazaar. I'm in love with music and everything about music. I play bass, sax, and learning the violin. My favorite artists are as followed: Boris, Animal Collectve, Bleach03, Sun O)))), mastodon, the Melvins, Slayer, The Tribe Called Quest, Wu Tang-Clan, Black Lips, The Soft Pack, Chairlift, nodzzzz, The Beaters, MGMT, Ice Cube, Lead Belly, Daniel Johnston, Bright Eyes, Bo Diddly, Brian Seltzer, The Get Up Kids, Alkaline Trio, Oasis, The Blood Brothers, At the Drive-in, Fugazi, Minor Threat, Bob Dylan, Massive Attack, Silversun Pickups, Seatia, The Sword, High on Fire, Sleep, and much much more.
Hope I enjoy talking music here, because no one outside of the Internet like to talk about it with me. ;_; it make me sad, so sad infact I'm going to go and listen to some music.
If you have any questions on my equitment regaurding my basses (type, petals, amps ect.) feel free to ask.