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Old 05-09-2010, 04:54 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 1
Default Hello

I like music. I want to spend more time listening to it. However, I'm not techno-savvy so I joined your outfit to learn my options.


I have a small iPod deal that holds about 250 songs but has no bells or whistles. I think it is called an iShuffle. I find it and iTunes less than user-friendly and lately I have not been able to syn it with my iPod. I used to pay to down load stuff off the internet or just copy from my CD collection. For some reason, it's not so easy any more.

My wife has a Zune. She just buys the CDs and puts what she wants on the Zune.

My son (9 years old) has a Phillps GoGear MP3 player. I don't know how he gets his music. I think my wife helps him.


I'd like to know what is out there now. I don't want my device to show movies, call people, text people, or surf the internet. I don't want big and bulky. I do want to be able to load lots of music and organize it by my mood. I would like a screen of some sort to see names and (not so important) cover art. I want to be able to load songs from my CD collection through my computer CD drive to the player that I carry around with me. I also want to be able to down load stuff off the internet. I love music and believe I should pay the artists their royalty or whatever is legal, but I do want to get good deals and not get gouged unnecessarily.

I also like drag and drop simplicity and ease of organization like you find with things like Windows Explorer's filing system. It wouldn't have to be that, but you know what I mean: Catagories (file folders), sub-catagories (sub-file folders), sub-sub, sub-sub-sub, etc.


So, with all that said, can you people tell me what you think I ought to do? Thanks, Jim.
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