It's Freeze and I'm representing Big GAME! (rap, Kiss, French) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 02-06-2009, 04:03 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default It's Freeze and I'm representing Big GAME!

Money is Time and I Can‘t Waste Any...
Let's get something straight. I‘m a spoiled rotten momma‘s boy and I‘m lazy as hell.

But it doesn‘t matter, because I'm RICH.

I'm way too fast lane to even be sitting here typing this right now. So I'll keep it short.
I make more than the supervisor’s at GM every year, without lifting a finger. I’ve made over a million dollars in the last few years. You can check my track record on that…(ask the feds about me!)

Do you know how to make a million dollars? Didn't think so.

Have you ever made that much money? Didn't think so.

Now the Question is
Who Is This Guy?
I‘m the guy in the Escalade that rides up next to you with my music too loud and three women hanging out of the moon roof.
I‘m the guy with the Mink coat on in the summer, and the A/C blowing full blast, blowing kisses at your girlfriend while you‘re in the car.
I’m the guy who throws a party because it’s a recession and acts like he doesn‘t care. And you know what? You’re right. But so what? Do you really think I value your opinion? I'm a rich and I have Game, so I couldn’t care less.
I‘m hood and I like it. If you find me too offensive or whatever….feel free to leave my **** at anytime.
I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to tell you EXACTLY how to get rich.

Are You One of the Losers?
We both know you want to be rich like me, otherwise you would’ve left already. You probably know a lot of guys who claim that they are Pimps. Well, are you impressed with them? I’m not. Not even close. These losers have a few girls and they mimic the lines they heard on a movie or a documentary and to a sucker like you they are a Big Deal.
Listen my young apprentice, I make money. And my program is so automatic, it would make you sick.
Most people are not trying to help you. They couldn’t even if they wanted to. They have no “secrets”. It’s the same **** over and over again, repackaged differently by new “pimps” every few years. Everybody wants to be the new Iceberg Slim. **** that.
Do you want to know how to get high, or do you want to know how to get money?

That's why I give you game without all of the bull****. I tell you "here is EXACTLY how to make money - step 1, step 2, etc.", and that's it.

The mere thought of reading through all of that while being broke seems retarded. It’s just going to make you want to go pimpin. And that’s how we get in trouble.
I’m going to give you the secrets of how to make money…legally.
It's simple
I don't need to give you a 300 page ebook to explain it.
I don't need to give you a 4 hour DVD to explain this either.
I can explain this to you in less than an hour and even a child will be able to do it.
Are you getting the point? I WILL NOT WASTE YOUR TIME
What I will do is, I WILL MAKE YOU MONEY.
And unlike these idiots selling out and bending over just to get a little recognition, falling all over each other for 15 seconds of fame, I‘m not going to rave about my exploits, because I don’t crave attention like they do. Those guys hope and dream to be famous one day. I don’t care about any of that ****. They want to make mommy & daddy proud, or they want the girl that broke their heart in high school to be jealous. Who cares? I don’t! I'm Rich, I’m making money in my sleep, and I like it that way.

Recent Pimp Comment:

"By applying a couple of the strategies from Memoirs of A Pimp, I was able to instantly increase my income by $5,000 per month. Now I expect to make a lot more money because of the techniques I've learned and applied from Ashei."

You want to know what I do all day? I know you do.
It ain't playing hide the sausage with sexy women and bugging the hell out of the kush man…I sit around, make music, and shoot rap video’s all day. Not because I have to, or because I want a record deal, I do it because that’s what I feel like doing.
I got my own studio.
I got my own equipment.
I even got my own producer.
I have to do something with all this time I have on my hands. It sure as hell won’t be working none of these slave wage jobs that I see you losers doing.
(I can’t be too hard on you guys, somebody has to make my French fries. lol)
Since I make all of this beautiful music and I’m not trying to get famous with it, what I’m going to do is give it to you for free. "Memoirs of a Pimp"
But you have to buy the eBook so I can make sure you really understand the game in it.
I was going to charge $100 but some of you probably "ain't got it" so just send $29.99 through Paypal to MAYORofMICHIGAN at

The video is on MySpace. com/MAYORofMICHIGAN

What are you doing down there? Didn’t you order yet?......Oh, you must be one of those losers that think that don’t recognize Game and thinks that this still sounds too good to be true. Well, if you aren't convinced, I don't really give a ****. Go ahead and keep making your measly couple hundred dollars every month, or whatever pathetic amount you make. When you're fed up with being a loser, you'll be back. You’ve seen proof that I make money. You’ve seen that I tell it like it is, without all the bull****. You’ve seen that I’m Rich and I have nothing to lose if you don‘t want to get any money. You've even seen that I offer a 60 day money back guarantee. So if you aren't ready to order, you don't even deserve to be here. Go away NOW.
Or make the smart move and begin making money TODAY. Send $29.95 by PayPal to MAYORofMICHIGAN at

*NOTICE* - Anyone who distributes illegal copies of Memoirs of A Pimp, or uses any of our **** without permission will be pursued WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE and we will exercise every lawful means to make your life even more pitiful than it must already be.
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Old 02-06-2009, 04:04 PM   #2 (permalink)
Dazed and confuzzled
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..and to think, these retarded fools leave email addresses to spam.
I have acquired four score and nineteen difficulties, but a wench cannot be counted among them

Originally Posted by Alfred View Post
I'd rather my face reek of women's body parts than of comic book ink and dirty NES cartridges.
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Old 02-06-2009, 04:04 PM   #3 (permalink)
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michigan is one step lower than christian hell.
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Old 02-06-2009, 04:06 PM   #4 (permalink)
Fish in the percolator!
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Lol, graveyard time.
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Old 02-06-2009, 04:07 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I want to ban you.
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