Music Banter

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PoorOldPo 08-12-2012 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1217551)
What does that even mean? :confused:

Maybe the American Version of an empty is some rare form of bird? And if you dissolve its feathers in tea and drink it you become immortal?

Key 08-12-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Conchobhar (Post 1217906)
Maybe the American Version of an empty is some rare form of bird? And if you dissolve its feathers in tea and drink it you become immortal?



cyberball94 08-26-2012 09:07 AM

Anyone would like to be my mentor?Just to keep me from lost, I think.:D

dc1 08-27-2012 12:57 AM

I would love an adoptive mentor to look out for me!

Dullahannah 10-29-2012 05:50 PM

Helly my name is Hannah and I'm 16~ I like country and folk music the best and I'm a total newbie to this if someone could show me the ropes it would be great!

FRED HALE SR. 10-29-2012 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dullahannah (Post 1245490)
Helly my name is Hannah and I'm 16~ I like country and folk music the best and I'm a total newbie to this if someone could show me the ropes it would be great!

I get the impression you would be a perfect adoptie for Burning Down shes one of the mods of the site.

Dullahannah 10-29-2012 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1245492)
I get the impression you would be a perfect adoptie for Burning Down shes one of the mods of the site.

Really? That sounds great...maybe I should message her or something?

Kelli 10-29-2012 08:07 PM

I'm new here, so...I'll be someone's apprentice!

If they think they've got what it takes to mentor me, that is.


Howard the Duck 10-30-2012 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Kelli (Post 1245524)
I'm new here, so...I'll be someone's apprentice!

If they think they've got what it takes to mentor me, that is.


there's no really a period of mentoring an apprentice

it's just a guy/gal you ask questions about

i'll be your Adoptor/Fake Dad, Insya'Allah

Trollheart 10-31-2012 06:46 AM

"Have you seen this girl?" Last seen in the company of a Malaysian man driving a white van. Fears are growing for her safety....

Meddle 10-31-2012 07:50 AM


Extorris 10-31-2012 10:34 PM

Fresh newbie here! So fresh, she's still covered in placenta from St. Registration Maternity Clinic! Will anyone adopt this poor, poor newbie?

DanAbnormal 11-12-2012 09:30 AM

Also a newbie here :wavey: Hi!

I just made an introduction thread called 'Hello from Hollywood!' if you wanna know who I am, sorry can't post URLs.

Blarobbarg 11-12-2012 09:37 AM

To all newbies! Look at the top of your screen. There is a "new posts" button. This will allow you to see all recently updated posts and threads.

Go to the main page, and look at the very bottom of the page. You will see the Shoutbox. This is our general-chat area, and you will probably have more fun, interesting conversations in that than in the entire forum.

Hope that helps you guys!

Vore 11-15-2012 01:23 AM

Newb here! I'm a music student at the local community college, and I have a fair amount of knowledge to spread for voice. I'd love to learn more about recording arts and (eventually) making sounds on programs like FLS. Once I become more adept in piano, I would love some guidance there as well (I'm a beginner).

I Like: Indie Music, Alternative, Folk, Pop Incorporation of the First Three, And Select Electronic Music / Alternative Metal. I have an open mind, and I'll give just about anything a chance.

Nanpa NOIR 12-16-2012 09:03 AM

I need a mentor.

The force is within me.


Mooneh 12-16-2012 03:40 PM

I don't need a mentor.


Charlie William Boyd 12-20-2012 11:03 PM

Howdy, y'all...I'm a newbie, looking for a mentor...

Tacoma_253 12-21-2012 11:25 PM

uhm, okay, I'm a newbie up for adoption(:

FinnsMusic 12-22-2012 05:11 PM

I'm up for adoption guys, take me! I'm not any trouble :)

funkdoktah 03-11-2013 06:53 PM

Hey guys, I'm not sure how this works, but I've always wanted to try adoption once.

My mother had me through regular birth, and then decided to keep me, so I haven't tried it before.

I like music from most genres. I guess I'm sucker for Indie music, rock, rap, pop, electronica, soul, reggae etc.

XtremeEclectic 03-13-2013 05:24 AM

Lets see how this works...I am a newbie...But not a newbie to the music and audio world. I have a wide variety of musical tastes and influences and I am quite proficient in the ways of the Stereo (after all I make a living building, repairing, and restoring them) So who wants to "adopt" A intelligent Techie with some serious varied taste in music?

The Batlord 03-14-2013 10:39 AM

Well, I'd be willing to adopt someone, but I warn you that I like to drink a bottle of Jack Daniels every night and then take out my drunken rage on my children. And since adopted kids aren't really people then you'll get it twice as hard.

iceluvr 03-15-2013 07:33 PM

I'm a newbie looking for a mentor. :)

Paul Smeenus 03-15-2013 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1297423)
Well, I'd be willing to adopt someone, but I warn you that I like to drink a bottle of Jack Daniels every night and then take out my drunken rage on my children. And since adopted kids aren't really people then you'll get it twice as hard.

So...this is about you then?

*edited to add: greatest band ever to come out of Eugene OR ^^^

Ioana 06-02-2013 12:01 AM

Looking for a caring parent!
Hey, my name is Ioana, I am a classically trained pianist and composer from Romania and I'd love if someone could show me around the forum.

My musical interests are : The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Bjork, Arctic Monkeys, also like and compose good old classical film music in the lotr style and play keyboard in an alternative rock band.

I promise to make my adoptive parent proud! :thumb:

Dr_Rez 06-02-2013 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Ioana (Post 1327230)
Hey, my name is Ioana, I am a classically trained pianist and composer from Romania and I'd love if someone could show me around the forum.

My musical interests are : The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Bjork, Arctic Monkeys, also like and compose good old classical film music in the lotr style and play keyboard in an alternative rock band.

I promise to make my adoptive parent proud! :thumb:

You are mine, if you allow it that is. As long as lotr is referring to Lord of the Rings. I do not know what else is required in this process. MODS?

Sir_Cactoos 06-30-2013 10:53 AM

I'm curious of seeing the whole mechanism of adopting the newbie. I'm one of those people right now and I'm looking for someone who's into any sort of World Music, from British Isles to Japanese Isles, from Scandinavia to South America. I promise not to make many problems. :)

misspoptart 07-01-2013 04:12 AM

You are awesome. I wish I could adopt you, but I'm more a less a newb myself. Also, I tend to take the pop stance with regard to world music. So I'm not sure if that's your cup of tea. Anyway, welcome to MB. Please stick around!

Sir_Cactoos 07-01-2013 05:21 PM

Thank you so much indeed, misspoptart. I believe that sharing of tastes to each other would be beneficial for both of us. And even if you're still regarding yourself as a newbie, still you're longer in MB than my humble person. Ant that's the point! ;)

listenwithollie 08-11-2013 07:33 AM

Hello! :)

I'm a Newbie and I'd love to be adopted :) i wont pee on your carpet i promise :)

Trollheart 08-12-2013 05:31 PM

Can we clarify some ground rules?
I always feel for newbies here who ask for adoption, because there seems to be no clear strategy for this. Now I know it's largely up to the "mentor" but really, wtf are we supposed to do? I adopted at least three newbs, had a meaningful few PMs with one and the others just kind of wandered off when I wasn't looking. It's not good for them and it's not good for us when there are no guidelines to follow.

I see the thread was opened in 2007, and no doubt the OP is no longer around, so could we get some feedback as to what you think your duties should be as a mentor, or adopter? I get the feeling many newbs asking for or even achieving adoption here think they'll get a good deal and be shown around when the end result seems to be, well, nothing really.

Are there any rules, guidelines or responsibilities? If not, is anyone interested in creating some? I think the whole idea is great but its implementation is completely letting down the whole process. It's all right for us who probably think it's a bit of fun, but I don't doubt that there are people here who post in this thread genuinely expecting to be helped through their first few weeks or so of membership, and if they don't get that help and are more or less ignored after an initial "Yeah I'll take you", is it any wonder they're not staying around?

As I say, I'm as guilty as anyone of not taking care of my newbies, but I would like to try to put this right. Anyone agree, disagree, think I'm being my usual make-a-mountain-of-a-molehill self? Is this not an issue we need to tackle and think about, especially given the current "newbies arent staying around because we dont make them welcome" theme in the "We've got a problem" thread?

Dr_Rez 08-12-2013 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1356371)
I always feel for newbies here who ask for adoption, because there seems to be no clear strategy for this. Now I know it's largely up to the "mentor" but really, wtf are we supposed to do? I adopted at least three newbs, had a meaningful few PMs with one and the others just kind of wandered off when I wasn't looking. It's not good for them and it's not good for us when there are no guidelines to follow.

I see the thread was opened in 2007, and no doubt the OP is no longer around, so could we get some feedback as to what you think your duties should be as a mentor, or adopter? I get the feeling many newbs asking for or even achieving adoption here think they'll get a good deal and be shown around when the end result seems to be, well, nothing really.

Are there any rules, guidelines or responsibilities? If not, is anyone interested in creating some? I think the whole idea is great but its implementation is completely letting down the whole process. It's all right for us who probably think it's a bit of fun, but I don't doubt that there are people here who post in this thread genuinely expecting to be helped through their first few weeks or so of membership, and if they don't get that help and are more or less ignored after an initial "Yeah I'll take you", is it any wonder they're not staying around?

As I say, I'm as guilty as anyone of not taking care of my newbies, but I would like to try to put this right. Anyone agree, disagree, think I'm being my usual make-a-mountain-of-a-molehill self? Is this not an issue we need to tackle and think about, especially given the current "newbies arent staying around because we dont make them welcome" theme in the "We've got a problem" thread?

I have responded to noobs wanting adoption and then they never even responded back. Not sure if this threads still really going. Like you said I wish some guidelines were in place.

djchameleon 08-12-2013 06:47 PM

You can make up your own guidelines when you take someone under your wing. That's what I used to do. I mostly used to PM them and let them know to PM me if they have any questions. It's not all that difficult.

Trollheart 08-12-2013 07:05 PM

Yeah that's more or less what I did too, dj, but it just seems like "call me if you need anything", which isn't I think what the spirit of this idea was originally about. I really don't know: I would have thought maybe introducing the newb to the members, finding out what they like and sharing some music info with them, maybe encouraging them to participate in certain threads with you --- you might say get them into using the shoutbox; I don't use that at all --- I dunno, I just think there should be more we can do to help new members find their way around. After all, a lot of people won't want to admit to not knowing or understanding something, whether to take a comment at face value for instance where if you know who the person is you'd be better able to make that distinction, and I think many won't PM because they think they'd be bothering the mentor.

I just think clearer guidelines, no rules or anything but a basic idea of what you as a mentor are expected to do and what the newb can expect you to do would be helpful.

djchameleon 08-12-2013 07:08 PM

If you want to come up with guildlines then by all means but all of those things that you said could easily be done through PMs but I know you seem to like structure and it wouldn't be a bad thing I suppose. I don't have anything to add at the moment right now but if I think of something I'll let you know and we can just edit it in later after you put up the initial ones. Oh what was that? you didn't volunteer yourself to do it? I'm pretty sure I heard you volunteer to do it.

Trollheart 08-12-2013 07:16 PM

I've certainly no problem doing it, but I'm not sure if I'm the one who should. I mean, who am I to tell people how they should treat new members? I wouldn't presume. All I offered were suggestions, ideas. If anyone wants me to setup a list of let's say responsibilities I can, but I think either a mod or mods should approve that, or perhaps they should be the ones to set up the rules, if any are to be set up.

It's really not that big a deal to me; I'm thinking more of poor guys and gals who come on here looking to be adopted, are, and then nothing happens. Yeah I do like structure and I think this is one place where it's definitely needed. Saying "it's up to you" is all fine and good, but then you can decide to do nothing, or just do the minimum; basically, when you get bored being a mentor you can just forget about it, but what about the person you're mentoring? Maybe there should be certain qualifications? Again, I don't know: I'm just throwing ideas around here, despite the fact that dj thinks I'm setting myself up as the one to do this. I'm not. If enough people think I should then I may, but again is it my place to do that?

Remember: a newbie is not just for Christmas! ;)

butthead aka 216 08-12-2013 11:24 PM

who wanna adopt me

i will also adopt someone newer

djchameleon 08-13-2013 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1356394)
I've certainly no problem doing it, but I'm not sure if I'm the one who should. I mean, who am I to tell people how they should treat new members? I wouldn't presume. All I offered were suggestions, ideas. If anyone wants me to setup a list of let's say responsibilities I can, but I think either a mod or mods should approve that, or perhaps they should be the ones to set up the rules, if any are to be set up.

It's really not that big a deal to me; I'm thinking more of poor guys and gals who come on here looking to be adopted, are, and then nothing happens. Yeah I do like structure and I think this is one place where it's definitely needed. Saying "it's up to you" is all fine and good, but then you can decide to do nothing, or just do the minimum; basically, when you get bored being a mentor you can just forget about it, but what about the person you're mentoring? Maybe there should be certain qualifications? Again, I don't know: I'm just throwing ideas around here, despite the fact that dj thinks I'm setting myself up as the one to do this. I'm not. If enough people think I should then I may, but again is it my place to do that?

Remember: a newbie is not just for Christmas! ;)

This was a member run type of thing though. I don't feel like mods need to approve diddly squat as long as the guidelines don't cross the general rules of MB. Also another thing that I used to give my newbies was the newcomer guide that tore I believe wrote up. It comes in handy for that.

Go ahead Trollheart you know you want to set this up. I'm not sure why you are trying to convince yourself or that you feel you need a pat on the back from others to set it up. Go ahead and take the initiative and set it up.

misspoptart 08-13-2013 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1356526)
go ahead trollheart you know you want to set this up. I'm not sure why you are trying to convince yourself or that you feel you need a pat on the back from others to set it up. Go ahead and take the initiative and set it up.

:) :) :) :)

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