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Roemilca 01-25-2010 06:26 PM

I'll adopt you, mrguy.

just kidding.

mrguy 01-25-2010 06:31 PM

Hello new Dad/Mum. (which are you?)
just kidding

Roemilca 01-25-2010 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by mrguy (Post 816626)
Yay! :DHello new Dad/Mum. (which are you?)
just kidding

just kidding.

mrguy 01-25-2010 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Roemilca (Post 816628)
just kidding.

Mmkay then
Are we still kidding?

Roemilca 01-25-2010 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by mrguy (Post 816629)
Mmkay then
Are we still kidding?

Just kidding.

Arya Stark 01-25-2010 07:10 PM

Ohhhh I was like, "WHATYERAGIRL?!"

mrguy 01-25-2010 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Roemilca (Post 816657)
Just kidding.

Thought so
If you were just kidding again, does that make you a guy?

Roemilca 01-25-2010 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 816661)
Ohhhh I was like, "WHATYERAGIRL?!"

Nope, I'm a guy. Wait, what made you think of me as a guy? Just wondering, because usually it's really hard to tell who's what on forums.

Arya Stark 01-25-2010 08:23 PM

I don't know.
I've always imagined you to be a guy.

mrguy 01-25-2010 08:31 PM

Bet you can't guess what I am.

storymilo 01-25-2010 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by mrguy (Post 816721)
Bet you can't guess what I am.

A girl

mrguy 01-25-2010 08:34 PM

Dayum. Your good.

FETCHER. 01-26-2010 09:26 AM

I always thought Roemilca was a guy. You need to stay around more also :(.

mrguy 01-26-2010 12:27 PM

Roemilca needs to stay longer?

FETCHER. 01-26-2010 12:55 PM

Yeah he goes away and comes back all the time. :(

mrguy 01-26-2010 01:27 PM

Bugger :(

MusiikJunkiie 02-06-2010 07:59 AM

Adopt meeee. :D
It'll be worth it, I think...

storymilo 02-06-2010 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by MusiikJunkiie (Post 822485)
Adopt meeee. :D
It'll be worth it, I think...

I don't adopt drug addicts.

Arya Stark 02-06-2010 11:20 AM

Drug addicts?

FETCHER. 02-06-2010 11:33 AM

MusicJunkie.. Junkie being slang for drug addict...

Sansa Stark 02-06-2010 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 822511)
I don't adopt drug addicts.

Only room for one?

storymilo 02-06-2010 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 822719)
Only room for one?

You're the exception.

Sansa Stark 02-06-2010 08:52 PM

**** yeah

storymilo 02-06-2010 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 822753)
**** yeah

I kinda wonder what you'd be like without the drug addict aspect... hm. Probably not much different.

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-06-2010 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 822757)
I kinda wonder what you'd be like without the drug addict aspect...

Less boring


Sansa Stark 02-06-2010 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 822758)
Less boring



you ****

Cadrian 02-09-2010 12:31 AM

What happens when you get adopted do you get free room and board?

I figure with my varying music taste and opinons I would be a hard one to adopt.

Then again I don't think I really figured out the point of this yet. besides something fun to talk about.

Arya Stark 02-09-2010 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Cadrian (Post 823772)
What happens when you get adopted do you get free room and board?

I figure with my varying music taste and opinons I would be a hard one to adopt.

Then again I don't think I really figured out the point of this yet. besides something fun to talk about.

Anyone could adopt you and just point you in the right direction when they don't know the kind of music to recommend you.
It's just so that you don't screw up a lot, I guess.
Like I remember someone I adopted always asking me whether or not to take some people's posts as sarcasm or as real anger, most of the time I knew whether or not to take them seriously.
I guess that's a good help, so that you know when it's worth arguing, where to post, where the most popular threads are, things like that.

Cadrian 02-09-2010 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 823863)
Like I remember someone I adopted always asking me whether or not to take some people's posts as sarcasm or as real anger, most of the time I knew whether or not to take them seriously.
I guess that's a good help, so that you know when it's worth arguing, where to post, where the most popular threads are, things like that.

Sounds like someone don't know how to use the internet or forums :P


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 823863)
Anyone could adopt you and just point you in the right direction when they don't know the kind of music to recommend you.
It's just so that you don't screw up a lot, I guess.

This on the other hand seems like something worth while....

Not sure If I need adopted.... But I do have a question for veterans here on Musicbanter...

Whats the percentage of music that gets posted do ya'll like? I mean Id say out of all the music raved about on these forums I might like 40%. I'm thinking out of every 10 Artist someone says "IS BEST" I like about 4 of them I am guessing. Is that Normal? After reading hours of posts on these forums, I get up thinking I need to expand my horizons.

Is it bad if a person wants to change their tastes in music?

NumberNineDream 02-09-2010 12:00 PM

Well used to listen to 10 artists, and now every artist I check, I find something new to like. I don't know if "my taste" has changed... but things about myself did surprise me.

I thought I'd never be able to listen to Electronica, but that's because I only knew Tiesto and Armin Van Buuren, but as I felt I need to expand my horizons, I checked some other stuff and noticed I enjoy Kraftwerk. So there is something for everybody, and the good thing about this kind of forums, is not to get yourself to like different genres and change your taste, but just to find out the most about everything out there.

So I think I've been liking more than 90% of the artists in here, and I don't think it's my taste that has changed... I just became more open minded.

Now I'll adopt you, if you answer this question:
Which is your favourite Stanley Kubrick film? and why?

Arya Stark 02-09-2010 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cadrian (Post 823890)
Sounds like someone don't know how to use the internet or forums :P

This on the other hand seems like something worth while....

Not sure If I need adopted.... But I do have a question for veterans here on Musicbanter...

Whats the percentage of music that gets posted do ya'll like? I mean Id say out of all the music raved about on these forums I might like 40%. I'm thinking out of every 10 Artist someone says "IS BEST" I like about 4 of them I am guessing. Is that Normal? After reading hours of posts on these forums, I get up thinking I need to expand my horizons.

Is it bad if a person wants to change their tastes in music?

It's definitely normal for you to feel as if you want to change your taste. There's so much music out there, and since you probably don't know most of the music that everyone listens to on here, you might feel as if you're missing a lot.
You are missing a lot, everyone is missing a lot.
Instead of changing your taste in music, try expanding it.
Listen to things recommended by people, listen to videos embedded in reviews and read what people think.

Also, the first half is not only for people who don't know how to use a forum, we have a lot of members on here, all of them react in different ways. It might help if you have someone who knows a lot of the members and is able to help you out when there might be trouble brewing.
That's what I found helped out with on of my adopted members.

storymilo 02-09-2010 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 823896)
Well used to listen to 10 artists, and now every artist I check, I find something new to like. I don't know if "my taste" has changed... but things about myself did surprise me.

I thought I'd never be able to listen to Electronica, but that's because I only knew Tiesto and Armin Van Buuren, but as I felt I need to expand my horizons, I checked some other stuff and noticed I enjoy Kraftwerk. So there is something for everybody, and the good thing about this kind of forums, is not to get yourself to like different genres and change your taste, but just to find out the most about everything out there.

So I think I've been liking more than 90% of the artists in here, and I don't think it's my taste that has changed... I just became more open minded.

Now I'll adopt you, if you answer this question:
Which is your favourite Stanley Kubrick film? and why?

I think I already asked someone that.

But I'm not sure. It is an important question.

NumberNineDream 02-09-2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 823926)
I think I already asked someone that.

But I'm not sure. It is an important question.

I would've asked "Who is your favourite director?" but I like to think that Kubrick is everyone's favourite.

storymilo 02-09-2010 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 823933)
I would've asked "Who is your favourite director?" but I like to think that Kubrick is everyone's favourite.

Yeah... he's pretty awesome.

I just got Clockwork Orange and I plan on watching it very soon.... seems like my kind of sick twisted rape-filled movie.

NumberNineDream 02-09-2010 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 823938)
Yeah... he's pretty awesome.

I just got Clockwork Orange and I plan on watching it very soon.... seems like my kind of sick twisted rape-filled movie.

It is the most twisted of them all :D

FETCHER. 02-09-2010 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 823896)
Well used to listen to 10 artists, and now every artist I check, I find something new to like. I don't know if "my taste" has changed... but things about myself did surprise me.

I thought I'd never be able to listen to Electronica, but that's because I only knew Tiesto and Armin Van Buuren, but as I felt I need to expand my horizons, I checked some other stuff and noticed I enjoy Kraftwerk. So there is something for everybody, and the good thing about this kind of forums, is not to get yourself to like different genres and change your taste, but just to find out the most about everything out there.

So I think I've been liking more than 90% of the artists in here, and I don't think it's my taste that has changed... I just became more open minded.

Now I'll adopt you, if you answer this question:
Which is your favourite Stanley Kubrick film? and why?

I probably like that 10% that you don't :laughing::D

Cadrian 02-10-2010 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 823896)
Which is your favourite Stanley Kubrick film? and why?

Lemme note I havent seen....
Lolita ( I need to see this my Ex blabbed big time about the book)
Spartacus ( I think I seen it like 20 years ago and can barely remember it)
The Killing (1956)
Killer's Kiss (1955)
The Seafarers (1953)
Fear and Desire (1953)
Day of the Fight (1951)
Flying Padre: An RKO-Pathe Screenliner
IMDB of course

Hmm... I going to take the Mainstream answer.... It will be Full Metal Jacket, This is why...

I am a huge War Movie fan.... (Look in the background of my pic of myself I posted) When I was a kid I hated them, they frightened me, I always felt like I would have to go to war for some ****ed up reason. I guess considering everyone in my Family has gone besides my Dad and Uncle. Hell I still have a chance of going. *knocks on wood*

I am pretty sure Full Metal Jacket changed that thought process.... Because it showed me the training and the mentality of soldiers going through training and then on the battlefield, it was a lot deeper then most war films I have seen up until that point. If you asked what changed in my thought process I probably couldn't pin point it,

If you take other movies from that era and compare you can see the big difference in what sets it apart, from Platoon, Hamburger Hill, Casualties of War, The Big Red One, Born on the Fourth of July and even though Platoon is ****ing amazing. What makes it stand out might be just the First half of the film and its training with Vincent D'Onofrio and R Ermey and watching a weak minded man crumble through the training to make him into a Killer. Then the twist of a man like Mathew Modaines character trying to understand humanity and still have do what he does in the end.

Now when it comes to actual filming of Full Metal Jacket I am not a huge fan.... Kubrick was known to do 100s of takes just one scene, I am not a director but I feel like it should have taken less. On the other hand, you can see his ability to choreograph his scenes through Paths of Glory and that one scene in Strange Love where the soldiers are storming the building *Gees I love his shots there* and he dumps all his experience into Full Metal Jacket.

Now as for his other films, Ill try to be quick, I love his choices in stories, He always tries to say something about Humanity.

Paths of Glory... Its a been a while since I seen it, but you can tell hes just warming up, I like the story a ton, but I thought it lacked the action for me to really dive into it. When it comes to older War films I try to compare them to All Quiet on the Western Front the 30's Verison. I think war movies really lacked something when being compared to that one for years, it wasnt until Apocalypse Now and I guess Deer Hunter (Even though Its less of a war film) do I feel like war films start to take a better approach after those. Paths of a Glory did a good job but it seemed like way to much, behind the trenches I guess type thing, then again its been a few years since I have seen it.

Dr. Strangelove It just seemed extremely campy for me, reminded me of a slow version of a Mel Brooks Movie. I can see how people love this, it just not in my taste, for the 60's I think it was a great take of the US government and the Cold War and the absurdity that which the cold war existed on.

2001: A Space Odyssey If there is a movie that would contend with Full metal jacket is this one, the only reason why it isn't my number one is because it is long... and it hard to watch this with other people. This movie is a total mind ****, I haven't watched it in a year or so but it will always have you thinking a couple days afterward. When it comes to a movie that is just beautifully shot and developed it is this movie. The best catalog movie so far I have watched on Blu-ray, I love the opening scene, Gees the music and just the weirdness of it all. I find myself sometimes just smoking a joint and watching the opening scenes.

A Clockwork Orange WOW another movie which goes into a deep study of humanity. Extremely violent for its time I thought.... especially since it puts you in the head of the psychotic. The only reason why its my 3rd fav of Kubricks is because I always found the shots used a little lacking, but the story and thought provoking that takes place contends with everything. I also didn't care for the color of the film, It seemed strange for a movie that was suppose to be the future. I found myself in another place but i didn't feel like it was another time. It is on my most suggest movie for people that haven't seen it to see it. I am always surprised at the amount of people that haven't watch this movie.

Barry Lyndon When it comes to period pieces this movie is amazing, they used pretty much all natural lighting and the huge cinematic type shots. Beautiful movie and you can see the all the hard work poured into this movie. Its just really long and slow. I always have to sit and watch it in 2 sittings.

The Shining I am not a big horror fan... This movie is hard for me to sit through. It takes so much for the movie to start moving... I think back when it came out it was a great horror movie like the exorcist but now its just..... I don't know. On the other hand Nicholas is f*cking amazing, he owns his scenes, so much that they had made it into popular culture. Seems like I cant go a couple weeks without seeing a film or show that does a scene or shot copy of this movie. Then again that might be just Kubricks choices of shots. BTW I guess I might need to note that I am not a huge fan of Steven King but I do like some of his stories.

Eyes Wide Shut - I did not enjoy this movie at all... maybe its just not my tastes. But its just not for me. I did enjoy see Nicole Kidman though :)

Ok I am done... If you read all of it thanks :)

Cadrian 02-10-2010 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 823897)
[INDENT][INDENT]It's definitely normal for you to feel as if you want to change your taste. There's so much music out there, and since you probably don't know most of the music that everyone listens to on here, you might feel as if you're missing a lot.
You are missing a lot, everyone is missing a lot.
Instead of changing your taste in music, try expanding it.
Listen to things recommended by people, listen to videos embedded in reviews and read what people think.

Thanks good incite.....

Ya I don't think changing my taste is possible, but expanding them is. I still don't think ill ever beat the 90% of liking stuff on the forum. But I am going to try for 70% :) I find myself finding a lot of songs on the forums I love but not much artists... that's what I am working on expanding now.

Sorry I double posted but... didn't want this to get mixed up with the long posts not about music or anything.

WickedCat 02-10-2010 03:51 AM

I want a mommy or daddy...

I feel so alone :(

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-10-2010 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by WickedCat (Post 824175)
I want a mommy or daddy...

I feel so alone :(

I'd adopt you but you'd spend the next 6 months listening to really bad obscure post punk albums and getting bored senseless about how great The Fall are.

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