Music Banter

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WickedCat 02-10-2010 04:34 AM

I'm up for the challenge!

NumberNineDream 02-10-2010 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Cadrian (Post 824173)
Lemme note I havent seen....
Lolita ( I need to see this my Ex blabbed big time about the book)
Spartacus ( I think I seen it like 20 years ago and can barely remember it)
The Killing (1956)
Killer's Kiss (1955)
The Seafarers (1953)
Fear and Desire (1953)
Day of the Fight (1951)
Flying Padre: An RKO-Pathe Screenliner
IMDB of course

Hmm... I going to take the Mainstream answer.... It will be Full Metal Jacket, This is why...

Paths of Glory ...
Dr. Strangelove ...
2001: A Space Odyssey ...
A Clockwork Orange ...
Barry Lyndon ...
The Shining ...
Eyes Wide Shut ...

Ok I am done... If you read all of it thanks :)

We don't really share the same opinion in many things, but you're definitely a correct Kubrick fan. :thumb:

You are now... adopted!

Note: You should watch Lolita. It's not very faithful to the book, but as Nabokov co-wrote the screenplay with Kubrick, it has all what it needs to be a classic.

kafkaandcoffee 02-11-2010 07:40 PM


newb status. adopt me?

NumberNineDream 02-11-2010 07:42 PM

So seems you like Kafka, any favourite works? and why?

kafkaandcoffee 02-11-2010 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 825173)
So seems you like Kafka, any favourite works? and why?

metamorphosis. the reason i love it is more of an associative memory i guess. my brother used to read it to me when i was little. it wasn't until a year ago i went back and read it by myself that i really understood it and feel i can relate to it in a metaphorical way... i mean my brother didn't one day wake up as some horrible insect.

storymilo 02-11-2010 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by kafkaandcoffee (Post 825179)
metamorphosis. the reason i love it is more of an associative memory i guess. my brother used to read it to me when i was little. it wasn't until a year ago i went back and read it by myself that i really understood it and feel i can relate to it in a metaphorical way... i mean my brother didn't one day wake up as some horrible insect.

You're mine. Should I read some Frank Kafka now to understand my newb?

NumberNineDream 02-11-2010 07:57 PM

HEY! She can't be yours.. she's already mine ! !! You can't write Frank Kafka, and adopt her ! AAAAAAAAAAA

^ Wow! Tough brother you got, reading to you Kafka when you were a kid. My brother used to read to me The Adventures of Tintin and Le Petit Nicolas. At least he got you to love Metamorphosis, and Kafka of course. Have you read The Trial and Letter to his father? Also two great works... well all of them are.

Anyway, part 2:

Are you a fan of David Lynch or Francis Bacon ?
Cause after Kafka, these are the two people you need to check...

kafkaandcoffee 02-11-2010 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 825186)
HEY! She can't be yours.. she's already mine ! !! You can't write Frank Kafka, and adopt her ! AAAAAAAAAAA

^ Wow! Tough brother you got, reading to you Kafka when you were a kid. My brother used to read to me The Adventures of Tintin and Le Petit Nicolas. At least he got you to love Metamorphosis, and Kafka of course. Have you read The Trial and Letter to his father? Also two great works... well all of them are.

Anyway, part 2:

Are you a fan of David Lynch or Francis Bacon ?
Cause after Kafka, these are the two people you need to check...

mortal kombat?

most of my family pushed me to learn things earlier than usual as a child. my favorite story as a kid though was through the looking glass. i've only read his unfinished works and metamorphosis. i'll have to get those.

i have a very dog eared copy of utopia right next to my bed. :D i've only watched a collection of short videos by david lynch once... the alphabet one scared the heck out of me.

storymilo 02-11-2010 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 825186)
HEY! She can't be yours.. she's already mine ! !! You can't write Frank Kafka, and adopt her ! AAAAAAAAAAA

Ummm.... typo?:o:

NumberNineDream 02-11-2010 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by kafkaandcoffee (Post 825192)
mortal kombat?

most of my family pushed me to learn things earlier than usual as a child. my favorite story as a kid though was through the looking glass. i've only read his unfinished works and metamorphosis. i'll have to get those.

i have a very dog eared copy of utopia right next to my bed. :D i've only watched a collection of short videos by david lynch once... the alphabet one scared the heck out of me.

and now... FATALITY!


Anyway, you should watch Lynch's The Grandmother and Eraserhead, if you really want to get scared lol.

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