Music Banter

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NaNaNer 12-14-2006 02:14 PM

Insert Witty Comment here_________
I waited and waited for this moment to arrive and not that it has come upon me I have little if anything to say. What does one say in an introductory thread?

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-14-2006 02:18 PM

Hello usually

Mr Sensitive 12-14-2006 02:18 PM

You say "you're all a bunch of bedwetting dodo heads".

In purple text.

NaNaNer 12-14-2006 02:20 PM

Oh...yeah..the ever so popular hello followed by you're all a bunch of bedwetting dodo heads...

How could anyone forget those charming "get to know me" phrases.

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-14-2006 02:21 PM

With 76 posts in one day I think it`s fair to say we have got to know you.

NaNaNer 12-14-2006 02:22 PM

76? Damn. I had lost count.

right-track 12-14-2006 02:24 PM

Welcome NaNaNer...tread carefully. :)

NaNaNer 12-14-2006 02:25 PM

I have disovered the tread lightly and carefully on turf that is not my own.

right-track 12-14-2006 02:28 PM

You have 30 minutes to add an interesting post (on topic) in the above thread.

Failure to do so will result in a banning. :)


Mr Sensitive 12-14-2006 02:30 PM

Ooo, while you're at it, send a PM to the member littleknowitall and call him a "stupid fookin' taff" he'll love it.

[MERIT] 12-14-2006 02:33 PM

And dont forget to bash pro wrestling, call Raine a slut, make fun of mamrmmgrammmram's spelling, make fun of H.I.M for changing his avatar every 47 seconds, and question Urban's sexuality:D

NaNaNer 12-14-2006 02:40 PM

I joined cause I have a love for music..not like a love some of you may or may not have. Music is a huge part of who I am..and I thought it would be cool to get to know others who feel the same..

_Spinning_ 12-14-2006 02:40 PM


right-track 12-14-2006 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by NaNaNer (Post 311731)
I joined cause I have a love for music..not like a love some of you may or may not have. Music is a huge part of who I am..and I thought it would be cool to get to know others who feel the same..

Double welcome. :D

NaNaNer 12-14-2006 02:44 PM

I may not have 25 bands I love...I may not always be PC about genre's...I may laugh at really stupid things..I may come across as an air head..or a slut or a million other things...

_Spinning_ 12-14-2006 02:49 PM

Never mind what Oojay says, he's just miserable since Raine left him. :)

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-14-2006 02:52 PM

I never cared what Oojay said long before Raine left :D

NaNaNer 12-14-2006 02:52 PM

I dont mind what anyone says. I dont mind period.

right-track 12-14-2006 02:53 PM

Raine left???

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-14-2006 02:55 PM

So she says.

She`s finding it hard to keep a relationship AND post here.

I explained to her that it is actually possible to post less than 50 times a session but she wasn`t having any of it.

Silly bitch.

right-track 12-14-2006 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 311750)

She`s finding it hard to keep a relationship AND post here.

I know the feeling.

*fingers crossed*

NaNaNer 12-14-2006 03:01 PM

I dont have problems with posting here..anywhere and having a fingers still love me at the end of the day.

right-track 12-14-2006 03:04 PM

You should take more care of your fingers, by the looks of your avvy... arthritis has already set in.

You wanna slow down girl.

NaNaNer 12-14-2006 03:07 PM

Slow Down? I am just getting started.

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-14-2006 03:11 PM

So are we

NaNaNer 12-14-2006 03:13 PM

Should I be scared?

sleepy jack 12-14-2006 06:36 PM

wait wait..


NaNaNer 12-15-2006 11:49 AM

How was that concluded?

DontRunMeOver 12-15-2006 11:58 AM

Gay people lose automatically. Its a rule. Christ, weren't you ever at primary school?

NaNaNer 12-15-2006 12:02 PM

Primary school meaning..elementary school right? Yeah but smeer the queer didnt get much play where I went.

DontRunMeOver 12-15-2006 12:04 PM

Correct. That must have been a boring school. We have many games "call people gay*", "punch people in the head", "slide in the mud" and my personal favourite "write swear words all over people's property and on school equipment". A joyous time.

*Note: If you ever kissed anybody, you were gay. It didn't matter if it was a boy, girl or one of your parents. If people saw you do it, you were gay.

NaNaNer 12-15-2006 12:06 PM

The cool kids got to play those types of games.

[MERIT] 12-15-2006 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver (Post 312144)
Gay people lose automatically. Its a rule. Christ, weren't you ever at primary school?

LOL does any remember the game "smear the queer"? you start off with a mob of people and 1 football. the mob chases and tries to tackle whoever has the ball. if he gets tackled or pusses out, then he throws the ball to someone else, who then get chased and tackled.

DontRunMeOver 12-15-2006 12:07 PM

Really? I must have been uber cool then, because I started a lot of them. Oh, "stamp the ants" was another classic. We stamped on ants. Such, such merriment.

[MERIT] 12-15-2006 12:08 PM

Stab the Arab was quite enjoyable.

NaNaNer 12-15-2006 12:09 PM

Yeah too cool..I probably would have been beat up by your group fo friends...

Poor ants..

DontRunMeOver 12-15-2006 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 312158)
LOL does any remember the game "smear the queer"? you start off with a mob of people and 1 football. the mob chases and tries to tackle whoever has the ball. if he gets tackled or pusses out, then he throws the ball to someone else, who then get chased and tackled.

We never played that, we played Bulldog, in which it started with all of the kids in the playground running between two walls a long way apart and one kid who has to catch them. Each time somebody gets caught they join the catcher, so you end up with one kid trying to beat the rest of the playground... like smear the queer except you can't run away!

DontRunMeOver 12-15-2006 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 312161)
Stab the Arab was quite enjoyable.

Did you really have a game called that?

[MERIT] 12-15-2006 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver (Post 312165)
Did you really have a game called that?

no comment:rolleyes:

DontRunMeOver 12-15-2006 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by NaNaNer (Post 312163)
Yeah too cool..I probably would have been beat up by your group fo friends...

Poor ants..

We didn't beat anybody else up. We just beat each other up under the pretence of playing games.

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