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Old 03-23-2007, 05:16 PM   #41 (permalink)
not really
Sparky's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 5,223

number 1:
how old are you?
number 2:
how old were you when you joined?
number 3:
have you matured since joining MB?
number 4:
who's your favorite MB member?
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]i like most of the people here, cept usedtoolguyCOLOR]
number 5:
do you like MB's staff?
number 6:
whats your favorite colour?
number 7:
who's your favorite band?
dont have a favorite
number 8:
who has the best band on MB?
the only ones i have heard are ethans and a_perfect_sonnets, they're good
number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so?
Yea, kinda, i try to not to.
number 10:
Whats your relationship status?
number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE)
number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post?

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here?
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]2 1/2 monthsCOLOR]
number 2:
how long are you planning on being here?
hopefully not as long as some of the people here
number 3:
how did you come across MB?
number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did?
Yea, for the most part
number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined?
i dont know, no one was that weird
number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion?
they're all pretty nice, cept the ones that arent
number 7:
what makes you stay here?
musical interest, and lack of other stuff to do
number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds?
not compared to some of the other places ive been on
number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS?
number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined?
the same
number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time?
i go everywhere, i like indie/alternative the most though
number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate?
number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them.
mabey something more light and colorfull, like orange
number 14:
do you want to be a mod?
yes and no, i dont think id make a good one
number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod?
someone with too much free time
number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod?
number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB?
the people who come on here to discuss everything except music
number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten?
no, not really
number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted?
i dont click on new posts
number 20:
how can this forum be improved?
more members
number 21:
how can you help this forum improve?
number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread?
number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you?
number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most?
Sharing thread
number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB?
i know a lot more about emo i guess
number 26: what do you think is Emo?
whatever the people at the emo board tell me it is :/
number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo?
I think of them more as pop then anything
number 28:
what's your favourite genre?
number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum?
number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB?
number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in?
number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums?
number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads?
number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.
Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details.
Yes and different, better in some ways, worse in others
number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her?
not very, that'd be awkward
number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member?
number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real?

number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer?
nah, not really
number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely?
number 7:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough?
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]i think the mods are more leniant then people give em credit for, though a lot of them spam themselves[COLOR]
number 8:
whats your idea of the perfect forum?
not sure
number 9:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable?
number 10:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here?
yes, this took longer then i thought
Sparky is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 03-23-2007, 07:00 PM   #42 (permalink)
Bassoonist's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: In a practice room.
Posts: 5

Oops, maybe I'm early? Oh well, I'll do it anyways. XD

number 1:
how old are you?


number 2:
how old were you when you joined?


number 3:
have you matured since joining MB?

I very much doubt it.

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member?

Anybody else here appreciate classical music?

number 5:
do you like MB's staff?

I have no way of judging this.

number 6:
whats your favorite colour?

Pink! ^_^

number 7:
who's your favorite band?

The Eagles

number 8:
who has the best band on MB?

I have no clue, and probably won't ever either, seeing as I rarely listen to bands.

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so?

I actually don't think I'll be posting much in the lounge. Music is what I love to talk about more then anything else.

number 10:
Whats your relationship status?

Single... but in love. *cries* The funny thing is I still want to stay single for some reason.

number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE)


number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post?

Fortunately I'm a pretty mature person, and I can spell things correctly. You won't have trouble reading my posts. However you might have a problem with my extremely pessimistic side. It tends to drive some people online to insanity.

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here?

5 minutes or less? XD

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here?

It all depends on how nice the members here are, how much they discuss my kind of music, whether the staff are evil or not, (rules are good and there don't seem to be any bad ones here.) and how much interest I have in the topics in the first place. You'll probably only see me in the classical forum. XD

number 3:
how did you come across MB?

Google. XD

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did?

I don't know, yet.

number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined?

I don't know.

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion?

I don't know.

number 7:
what makes you stay here?

I'm a music major now... it's important that I get used to all kinds of music... even if I'm really only going to do classical.

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds?

Stereotypes are stupid.

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS?

I don't know the mods.

number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined?

There hasn't been a change.

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time?

It will be Classical Music, I'm pretty sure.

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate?

I don't go to sections that don't interest me.

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them.

Pink. Yes.

number 14:
do you want to be a mod?

After global modding a few forums, I have to say... no. I'm a busy person.

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod?

The strong independent type.

number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod?

I don't care.

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB?

From what I can see it seems to be biased towards popular music and guitars... I guess that's all I can expect.

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten?

This doesn't bother me so much. Some people lose interest.

number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted?

Of course. It happens a lot on other forums.

number 20:
how can this forum be improved?

What annoys me about it? Go look at that. XD

number 21:
how can you help this forum improve?

I can be less pessimistic then I usually am.

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread?

I don't care...

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you?


number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most?

The topic about Vivaldi. I'm a total Vivaldi freak.

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB?

It hasn't at all.

number 26: what do you think is Emo?
I don't care. I hate stereotypes anyways.

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo?

MCR? Ew.

number 28:
what's your favourite genre?

Classical, mainly Baroque.

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum?

I don't know.

number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB?

If I wrote lyrics they'd probably be along those lines.

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in?

Who needs to fit in anyways?

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums?

Nah, I don't listen to bands.

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads?

I have no clue.

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.


Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details.

I've been on a lot. I can't judge this forum right now... but let me just say I've been to some terrible ones. XD

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her?

I'm a pacifist. Violence is unnecessary. XD

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member?

Don't expect me to. I trust nobody.

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real?


number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer?

I've seen three couples get engaged online... on the same forum. Unfortunately they were the mods/admins and the whole forum turned into their relationships... but okay enough of that. They can be real, I suppose, but I'd like to know how long those relationships will last.

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely?

Spam is pointless posting.

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it?

Me? Spam? No way!

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough?

I'm sure there's some. Favoritism exists everywhere.

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum?

One that discusses classical music, allows images in signatures, and... has a nice community.

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable?

I don't know.

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here?

I take surveys like this all of the time just because I'm bored, so this isn't that many honestly. What bothers me is my lack of knowledge. XD
Yeah, I'm a bassoonist for life, and proud of it too. XD
Bassoonist is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 03-23-2007, 07:49 PM   #43 (permalink)
The Professor
Loser's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: New York City
Posts: 1,113

number 1:
how old are you?

number 2:
how old were you when you joined?

number 3:
have you matured since joining MB?
Most likely not.

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member?
No one yet.

number 5:
do you like MB's staff?
I guess there good....Sort of.

number 6:
whats your favorite colour?
Orange or yellow

number 7:
who's your favorite band?
Right now Alesana

number 8:
who has the best band on MB?
Not sure....I don't know.

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so?
The lounge is way funner but I still post in the music parts from time to time.

number 10:
Whats your relationship status?
Currently in a relationship.

number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE)
United States

number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post?
I have spelling problems and understanding problems...I is a kollge studnt.

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here?
I think 2 months

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here?
Not sure.

number 3:
how did you come across MB?

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did?
Not really. No one shares my music intrests.

number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined?
Crowquill gets the oddest one and coolest is yet to be determined.

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion?
I don't know.

number 7:
what makes you stay here?
Cause i'm bored when I get home.

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds?
Ummmm no?

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS?

number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined?
No change

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time?
Emo and Hardcore or Rock and Metal

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate?

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them.
Yep. Grey or black would be sweet.

number 14:
do you want to be a mod?
I'm not that lucky.

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod?
Don't understand the question.

number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod?
I know that already

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB?
Biased to the regulars...And not much support for the new members music tastes.

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten?
Not really.

number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted?
It annoys the hell outta me.

number 20:
how can this forum be improved?
Be open to everyones music opinions no matter how ridiculous it is.

number 21:
how can you help this forum improve?
I'm a nice, quite person....And I don't show favorites so i'm a pretty lax person.

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread?

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you?

number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most?
Chiodos and the Saosin thread.

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB?
It hasn't and won't

number 26: what do you think is Emo?
Ummmm....No comment.

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo?
No Silverstein, Bayside, and AFI are new age Emo.

number 28:
what's your favourite genre?
Screamo and Emocore

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum?

number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB?
I guess I do sometimes but Crowquill does as well.

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in?

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums?
Nope if I don't know the band....They most likely suck or aren't my taste but I will listen to there music cause i'm open to new stuff.

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads?
Don't know.

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.

Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
Yep way better than here but it's always down

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her?
I don't fight...I'll get my ass kicked.

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member?
I don't know.

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real?
Ummm k???

number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer?
Sure it can...If you share real life tastes than...Why not.

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely?
Spam is ***.

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it?
I don't

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough?
Some get away with TOO MUCH!!!

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum?
Any site that shares my music tastes.

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable?

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here?
Time consuming but it's 10 at nigh and waiting for my song to download sooo....I had nothing else to do.
Loser is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 04-05-2007, 01:09 PM   #44 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 57
Default i am sobored

number 1:
how old are you?


number 2:
how old were you when you joined?


number 3:
have you matured since joining MB?

hahaha... i think my maturity level when down a few notches.

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member?

crowquill, .angie. (they're the only ones i know ((and technically one of them doesn't even count))(((so yeah, i don't know anyone, really, except ethan.))))))

number 5:
do you like MB's staff?

haha NO. just kidding.

number 6:
whats your favorite colour?


number 7:
who's your favorite band?

Something Corporate

number 8:
who has the best band on MB?

CROWQUILL.. mainly because i'm in it.

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so?

no. i post more in the indie/alternative forum, i suppose. i just discovered "the lounge"

number 10:
Whats your relationship status?

it's up in the air... or down in my pants... just know that i will kiss him when he pees on the toilet seat.

number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE)

The United States.

number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post?

I really like it when "maturity" is spelled wrong.

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here?

a few days.

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here?

I wasn't planning on it at all... But yeah.

number 3:
how did you come across MB?

:/ angie, i suppose.

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did?

haha no

number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined?

well, i'm starting to take an liking to swimintheundertow and i know FAL, i guess.. from myspace... hm.

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion?

me, duh. read my introduction

number 7:
what makes you stay here?

nothing. i do what i want.

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds?

hahah ahahhahahaha yes. ethan is a lame

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS?

HAHAHAHA read number 8, foo

number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined?

it's still pretty gay

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time?

heh. i could say something reallllllly dirty right now.

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate?

pop forum. mainly because people are mean and hateful there.

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them.

I guess.. no?

number 14:
do you want to be a mod?

i'll mod yo face with mah fisttttt

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod?

a gay fag like ethan

number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod?

hahha good; that means i'm not a gay fag like ethan

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB?

the stupid people in the pop forum.

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten?

no. i find it weeds out the douches in the forum. m i rite?

number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted?

i guess... i don't really care.

number 20:
how can this forum be improved?

make it private.. so that people from the streets can't just read w/e they want to read.

number 21:
how can you help this forum improve?

I really can't..

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread?

sure why not... that's not creepy or anything

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you?

somebody probably ate it.

number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most?

all the lame ones ethan posted

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB?

haha no

number 26: what do you think is Emo?

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo?

haha new age.

number 28:
what's your favourite genre?


number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum?

crowquill and crowe

number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB?

lol. uh... FOB

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in?

TOO... you forgot the other O, you douche

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums?

um i'm not lame likeethan

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads?

i don't know.. you

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.

what the shitson

Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details.

i used to be on gaia. that was lame. i hate forums.

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her?

oh god. i could make that really dirty, too

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member?

hahaha lololoolo i dunno, ask jes.

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real?

i hate her for real. that's for sure.

number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer?

yeah. i dated this douche for a year that moved 2000 miles to be with me... did i mention he was a douche?

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely?

HAHA yeah i freaking do. i was on gaia for a year

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it?

i don't.

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough?

yeah. i'll probably be one of them

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum?

i hate forums.

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable?

I like peanut butter

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here?

doesn't it suck that most of them have words that are spelled incorrectly?
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