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Old 08-11-2006, 11:16 PM   #11 (permalink)
angel of tragic days
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 924
Default Questions for the past of MB, for the future.. and of the now.

Personal Questions

number 1:
how old are you?
19 1/4

number 2:
how old were you when you joined?
18 1/2

number 3:
have you matured since joining MB?
I was always the mature closet mom

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member?
Fal, SEB, MJ, DRMO, Moley, Right-track, Ethan, Urban.

number 5:
do you like MB's staff?
all but one.

number 6:
whats your favorite colour?
i don't know my favourite anymore so any colour but yellow.

number 7:
who's your favorite band?
at the moment, taking back sunday, && matchbook romance.

number 8:
who has the best band on MB?
I really liked a few songs in Ethans old band.. the brand new covers

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so?Yes! and yes because its where I do my entertaining.

number 10:
Whats your relationship status?TAKEN! its love.

number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE)

number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post?
spelling problems are well known and out there. Anger in the moment, and I'm always understanding; even to ones that didn't deserve it.. I am very mature but there's still more to go yet.

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here?
9 months give or take.

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here?

number 3:
how did you come across MB?

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did?
I sure am.

number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined?
Urban, and Hobo of course.

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion?

number 7:
what makes you stay here?
my fans.

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds?
in my case, completely.

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS?
yes! implying that nerds are the coolest people ever.

number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined?
better for my reasons.

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time?
the Lounge, General Music, and Song Writing.

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate?

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them.
Red and Gray colurs.

number 14:
do you want to be a mod?
Yes!, I would be so good at it.. cause would make sure everyone is following all of the rules and plus I'm always here.. *whippers*

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod?
a good and mature person.*cough*like right-track*cough*

number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod?

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB?
the odd mod who doesn't even care, and spam's more and treats people like ****.

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten?

number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted?

number 20:
how can this forum be improved?
if people take the time to be more understanding, it would make things better.

number 21:
how can you help this forum improve?
by being myself. *floats on could*

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread? Yes! what a great idea.

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you?

number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most?
The Emo Education Thread.

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB?
its grown a little.

number 26: what do you think is Emo?
Emotional sounds: screaming, crying, faking..
Emo style: ugly clothing bought at the good will.
Emo Music: screaming, yelling, crying.. over dueing, and good bands.. sometimes.
Emo new age: The Used, MCR, Finch, and etc...
yes I do believe they are the new mainstream emo.

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo? Yes!

number 28:
what's your favourite genre?

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum?

number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB?

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in?
Raine, Bill.

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums?
No, never.. which is where my problem lays.

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads?
Raine or SEB, and Jibber.

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.
Fal, SEB, Raine, H.I.M, Jibber.

Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details.
yes but all Sims2 forums, where I don't post, just download. Oh and does Last FM count? cause I don't know how to work that place yet.

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her?
Too much.

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member?

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real?
No.. its all fake to fill loneliness.

number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer?
Feelings maybe to a point.. Friendship sure.

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely?

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it?
Cause its what I seem to be good at.

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough?
some get away with to much, other get nothing for what they've done.

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum?
this place, in red's and Grays.

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable?

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here?
No!, never.
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Old 08-11-2006, 11:24 PM   #12 (permalink)
ashes against the grain
tdoc210's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: new hampsha
Posts: 2,617

Questions for the past of MB, for the future.. and of the now.

Personal Questions

number 1:
how old are you? 16

number 2:
how old were you when you joined?15

number 3:
have you matured since joining MB? yes

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member? Raine,swim, stone magnet

number 5:
do you like MB's staff? yeesh

number 6:
whats your favorite colour? multi

number 7:
who's your favorite band? YES

number 8:
who has the best band on MB? .... no comment...

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so? no

number 10:
Whats your relationship status? single, because i hate you ;D *not directed at topic starter*

number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE) US

number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post? anger

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here?1 year 1 month

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here? solid mass retain

number 3:
how did you come across MB? i searched for free music d-loads

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did? yeesh

number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined? phishfood

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion? swim, raine, stone magnet

number 7:
what makes you stay here? muiscal knowledge

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds? >.> no

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS? no

number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined? firat forum

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time? rock/metal/ invisble prog board that you cant see

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate? games

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them. no

number 14:
do you want to be a mod? eesh i already admin a forum

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod? a determined prick <.< JK, a good person

number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod? yeesh

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB? lol i dunno

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten?
number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted?no

number 20:
how can this forum be improved? prog forum

number 21:
how can you help this forum improve? build prog forum

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread? yesh

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you? yes

number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most? prog edumacation

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB? DUH

number 26: what do you think is Emo? ros, indian summer, saetia (screamo)

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo? NO

number 28:
what's your favourite genre? sympohonic prog

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum? me.

number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB? noone

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in? your mom

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums? no, i know all the bands i want to discuss

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads? ...... i dont know

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.2

Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details. worse

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her? ghey

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member? sortof

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real? i dunno

number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer? i dunno

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely? yes

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it? cause i can

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough? no

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum? here

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable? yes

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here? feels like effing myspace.
We went back there and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. There they were in a pile. A pile of little arms. And I remember... I... I... I cried. I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it. I never want to forget. And then I realized... like I was shot... like I was shot with a diamond... a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought: My God... the genius of that.
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Old 08-12-2006, 04:36 AM   #13 (permalink)
Shadow on the wall
Cheese's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 823

number 1:
how old are you? 35

number 2:
how old were you when you joined? 34

number 3:
have you matured since joining MB? not bloody likely

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member? too many to list

number 5:
do you like MB's staff? yeah

number 6:
whats your favorite colour? gunmetal

number 7:
who's your favorite band? Black Sabbath

number 8:
who has the best band on MB?

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so? no idea

number 10:
Whats your relationship status? single

number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE) New Zealand

number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post? depends

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here? 10 months

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here? maybe another 10

number 3:
how did you come across MB? search engine

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did? sometimes

number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined? Dirt

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion?

number 7:
what makes you stay here? it's dark outside.

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds? music nerds, yes

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS? only Merkaba

number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined?

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time? alas the lounge

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate?

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them.

number 14:
do you want to be a mod?

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod?

number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod?

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB? Multiple user names after people are banned

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten? no

number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted? no

number 20:
how can this forum be improved? I could leave.

number 21:
how can you help this forum improve? by leaving

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread? no

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you? maybe

number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most? General

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB? hasn't much or if at all

number 26: what do you think is Emo? a large flightless Australian bird.......oh wait, that's emu

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo? no. just annoying

number 28:
what's your favourite genre? Metal

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum?

number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB?

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in? HIM

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums? no

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads? christ knows

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.

Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details.same

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her? very often

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member? I'm not saying

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real? I'm not saying

number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer? why not

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely? it's like tinned corned beef

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it? It tastes nice

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough? with a lot

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum? a car and music forum

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable? not really

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here. nothin better to do
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Old 08-12-2006, 03:14 PM   #14 (permalink)
The Forums Sadistic Ghost
Ma Cherie's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: beyond midnight, in the abyss of time, the syren in the night
Posts: 457

number 1:
how old are you?

number 2:
how old were you when you joined?

number 3:
have you matured since joining MB?
hmm.. not so S&M any more

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member?
urban, mj, and a few others...

number 5:
do you like MB's staff?
their ok

number 6:
whats your favorite colour?
black and red

number 7:
who's your favorite band?
within temptation, dir en grey, malice mizer,

number 8:
who has the best band on MB?
haven't looked

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so?
yes, i came for music and lyrics, but my facinations got upsurred by the lounge, i can talk with semi like minded people, and very different from me ones too

number 10:
Whats your relationship status?
looking, single, bi

number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE)

number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post?
i forget to pluralize, i have anger problems atributed to PMDD

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here?
1.5(?) years maybe a bit more

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here?
till i get bitched out bad enought to hide again

number 3:
how did you come across MB?
looking for lyrics

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did?
yes in some way, minus the horrible pope has died thread

number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined?
urban, and myself

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion?
urban and mj

number 7:
what makes you stay here?
i don't entirely know

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds?
no i'm not a nerd, i'm a bully, and a "freeky goth dragon chick"

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS?
no, i'm on quite a few, you can only call them nerds on certain subjects

number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined?
varies both good and bad

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time?

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate?

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them.
new skin would be nice, the blue is kinda killing my eyes, my black and red or something...

number 14:
do you want to be a mod?
somewhat, but it would be local, international music possibly

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod?
someone who is good at watching children, and gets listed to... and postes alot, and is popular

number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod?
yes i don't really want to be

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB?

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten?
yes that to

number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted?
yeah some

number 20:
how can this forum be improved?
new skins.., rating users by other users, and more expansion of the music varieties

number 21:
how can you help this forum improve?
i don't know,

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread?
yes it should

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you?

number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most?
lyrice and song writing, rock, punk metal

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB?
i have tried some bands that i never would have guessed and like them

number 26: what do you think is Emo?
its a fashion, like my ex-boy friends current girlfriend

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo?
have no clue

number 28:
what's your favourite genre?
music, books??
music: goth rock, books: fantsay/sci-fi

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum?
i have to be abit bias, when i'm not just thorwing thingd together and i try myself, other then that i have hardly critiqued

number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB?

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in?
my self

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums?

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads?

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.

Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details.
betterin some ways, not in other, because they have nothing to do with music

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her?
offten enougth, sometime it a good thing to smack them other times its not

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member?
plea the miranda right(to be silent)

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real?
(silence)*circkets are chirping)

number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer?
yes, in a few ways, if you trust the person enougth

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely?
as in forum or what come to my email?

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it?
for attention

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough?
yes, there quite abit of favoritism

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum?
can't find one yet, maybe the IG forums i'm on if there was abit more activity

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable?
it about the same either way

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here?
no i take survey that are longer
I'm not a freak on a leash, I'm just the freak holding the leash.

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Old 08-12-2006, 06:10 PM   #15 (permalink)
DearJenny's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Metro Detroit, MI
Posts: 1,321

Personal Questions

number 1:
how old are you?


number 2:
how old were you when you joined?


number 3:
have you matured since joining MB?

Little bit. Lots has happened personally in the last few months

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member?

Urban, Oojay

number 5:
do you like MB's staff?

Not particularly

number 6:
whats your favorite colour?

Crimson, Black, Emerald, Sapphire Blue, Silver

number 7:
who's your favorite band?

The Cure, Motley Crue, The Dresden Dolls, The Who

number 8:
who has the best band on MB?

I havent heard any

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so?

Its so damn fun

number 10:
Whats your relationship status?


number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE)


number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post?

I have a realitively short temper and I speak(or type) a lot without thinking it over first

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here?

about 6 months now, woot woot!

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here?

Forever and then some

number 3:
how did you come across MB?

I was looking specifically for a music forum

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did?


number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined?

Don was pretty crazy....not exactly "cool" but funny

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion?

Murder Junkie and Urban

number 7:
what makes you stay here?

Intelligent conversations about music and the games section

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds?

not at all

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS?


number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined?

Some people like to think they are more openminded then what they really are.

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time?

Rock, General or Games forums

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them.

Red, deep red

number 14:
do you want to be a mod?

Not really.

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod?

....I'm not gonna say

number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod?

Yeah, because my music choices are unconventional

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB?

Closeminded fucks and double standards being held

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten?

No, I like things small

number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted?


number 20:
how can this forum be improved?


number 21:
how can you help this forum improve?

Post intelligently

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread?

Yes, it helps a lot

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you?


number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most?

Ever? Too many. I rather like the "rate the..." series.

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB?

Hasnt changed at all.

number 26: what do you think is Emo?
I belive it primarily lies in the lyrics with emphasis on screaming lyrics and distorted music.

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo?
My Chemical Romance, yes. Atreyu, yes. Even Hawthorne Heights at times. Shitty bads like Simple Plan and Fallout Boy, no.

number 28:
what's your favourite genre?

Metal in general. Specifically Epic and Symphonic Metal.

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum?

Not there enough to know.

number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB?

It would be me if I posted more there.

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in?

H.I.M. It doesnt work though.

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums?

Occasionally I'll listen to someone so I know the genre and the sound.

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads?

S.E.B. I guess. I dont pay attention. I post a lot there too. I'm guilty.

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.

No effing clue

Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details.

Not a part of any

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her?

Pretty damn know who you are.

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member?

Somewhat. More of a thought "why cant some guys around me be more like you".

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real?

Not once

number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer?

Friendships. Not "other"

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely?

Yes, I just dont care a bit.

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it?

Because I damn well can!

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough?

Many members get away with too much.

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum?

Moderated for ads only. Free speech completely.

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable?

Half and half

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here?

So here's to living life miserable.
And here's to all the lonely stories that I've told.
Maybe drinking wine will validate my sorrow.
Every man needs a muse and mine could be the bottle.

Last edited by DearJenny; 01-16-2007 at 11:54 PM.
DearJenny is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 08-28-2006, 12:53 PM   #16 (permalink)
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[MERIT]'s Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Missouri, USA
Posts: 4,814

Personal Questions

number 1:
how old are you?19

number 2:
how old were you when you joined?17-ish

number 3:
have you matured since joining MB? yep

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member? female: blackTshirt/ male: fenixpunk

number 5:
do you like MB's staff? sometimes

number 6:
whats your favorite colour?black

number 7:
who's your favorite band?fozzy

number 8:
who has the best band on MB?dunno

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so?yeah, good folks to chat with (mostly)

number 10:
Whats your relationship status?available

number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE) USA

number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post?i get angry when i drink.....i drink ALOT

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here? 2 yrs +/-

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here? dunno

number 3:
how did you come across MB?dont remember

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did?yes

number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined? oi_to_the_world

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion? id have to go with myself

number 7:
what makes you stay here? mis amigos, good conversations/arguements

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds?hmmmmm........maybe

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS? there you go

number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined? much better, with more members comes more points of view

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time? lounge

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate? emo!

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them. fine how it is

number 14:
do you want to be a mod? hell no

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod? too much free time

number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod? fine with me

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB? flamers and n00bs with napolean complexes

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten? not really

number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted? doesnt really bother me

number 20:
how can this forum be improved? more talk about fozzy and pro wrestling

number 21:
how can you help this forum improve? ive done all i can do. im only human!

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread? yes i do

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you? wait...what?

number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most? dunno

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB? hasnt really

number 26: what do you think is Emo? anything g@y, theyre like synonyms

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo? dunno

number 28:
what's your favourite genre? hard rock

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum? me of course (rap battles)

number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB? crowquill, but hes proud of it, so its all good

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in? most n00bs

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums? not really, but sometimes

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads? dunno, none of my business really

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made. confused again

Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details. this is my favorite forum, but a dabble in others

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her? all the time

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member? yes-ish

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real? ummmm....dunno

number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer? yes, but youve gotta be careful, theres aloy of psychos out there

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely? a delicious canned dinner of course

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it? screw you!

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough? some get away with murder, others are kept a close eye on

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum? ill have to get back to you on that one

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable?everyones got their faults

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here you read my mind
[MERIT] is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 08-28-2006, 02:25 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 44

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum? me of course (rap battles)
hah dude got slobbered over every time u post
RHYMEFESTkillah is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 08-28-2006, 02:33 PM   #18 (permalink)
I love Puck
Laces Out Dan!'s Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: British Columbia
Posts: 4,614

Personal Questions

number 1:
how old are you?

number 2:
how old were you when you joined?

number 3:
have you matured since joining MB?

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member?
Moses, Ethan, Bungalow, The Junkie, Bruise Violet

number 5:
do you like MB's staff?

number 6:
whats your favorite colour?

number 7:
who's your favorite band?
The Mars Volta, Alexisonfire

number 8:
who has the best band on MB?
Ethan, mind you im coming quite fond of Levi's solo project

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so?
I dont think not really sure

number 10:
Whats your relationship status?

number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE)

number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post?

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here?
Im up an coming a year as of september

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here?
A good while

number 3:
how did you come across MB?
I think there was a link on MXtabs

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did?

number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined?
I dont know

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion?
Moses, Ethan, Bungalow, The Junkie, Bruise Violet

number 7:
what makes you stay here?
We have a good group of solid members

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds?

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS?

number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined?
Well, i like it a lot more..

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time?
Rock/Metal, Emo/Hardcore, Lounge

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate?
i dont hate any single forum

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them.

number 14:
do you want to be a mod?
Not particularly

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod?
Someone whos hella 1337

number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod?
I wouldnt say that.

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB?
When some specific girls wont stfu about sex.

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten?
No, it really doesnt bother me

number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted?
number 20:
how can this forum be improved?
I really dont know

number 21:
how can you help this forum improve?
post as open mindedly as possible

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread?
Yes, its quite dandy

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you?

number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most?
Ever? I dont know.

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB?
Its changed dramatically

number 26: what do you think is Emo?
No Comment

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo?
I dont really care

number 28:
what's your favourite genre?
Post-Hardcore, PROG

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum?
number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB?
The kids that come here just to post a poem that includes all the cliches

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in?
Probably, HIM, or that DOcDgaf guy

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums?
i study most bands i have interests in

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads?
SEB probably.

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.
I havent got an idea

Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details.
Yes i am part of others, no they're not half as good.

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her?
Quite Often

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member?

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real?
Cant really answere this consider ive never had a crush.
number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer?
Id say yes for friendships

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely?
Yes i do

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it?
as far as i know, i dont often

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough?
Some should just be banned on being solely dumb as hell

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum?
Some place with regulars that are non elitists.

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable?
I dont really know.Probably not.

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here?
Uhmm, yeah.
We are entirely smooth, We admit to the truth, We are the best at what we do.
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Old 08-28-2006, 02:51 PM   #19 (permalink)
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bungalow's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Hot-lanta
Posts: 3,140

number 1:
how old are you?


number 2:
how old were you when you joined?

number 3:
have you matured since joining MB?

number 4:
who's your favorite MB member?
Crowquill, LesPaul, Expletive Deleted

number 5:
do you like MB's staff?

number 6:
whats your favorite colour?

number 7:
who's your favorite band?
Uhm, I dunno. I like mostly solo artists. Cat Power, Sage Francis

number 8:
who has the best band on MB?
Hmm, probably Ethan

number 9:
did you come here for the music, but find yourself posting more in the lounge? if so why do you think so?

Maybe. If someone posts about a band in the 'world music' section, and I've never heard of them, and I haven't found myself fond of 'world music' in the past, then chances are I'm not going to listen to your band.

number 10:
Whats your relationship status?
Available, but only to one girl.

number 11:
what country do you live in (not from or how many you lived in RAINE)

number 12:
do you have spelling problems, anger problems, understanding problem.. or problems involing matureity and your over all forum when it comes to dealing with harsh or pointless post?
People say I'm mean. I don't really think I am.

Forum Questions

number 1:
how long have you been here?

Eh, little less than a year

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here?
Till they ban me for good

number 3:
how did you come across MB?
No idea

number 4:
(in relation to questio 'number 3) are you glad you did?

number 5:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined?

number 6:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion?

Who knows? Maybe Fal.

number 7:
what makes you stay here?
Good music, drama

number 8:
is this place just a addiction for nerds?

I dunno, Levi, are you addicted?

number 9:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS?


number 10:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined?
It's the same I guess

number 11:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time?
New Posts

number 12:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate?
The Lounge, Games Sub-Forum

number 13:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them.
No, its fine

number 14:
do you want to be a mod?

Not particularly

number 15:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod?


number 16:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod?

More than most

number 17:
whats most annoying about this forum, MB?

Raine and SEB in a tie for first, ZeppelinAir/Juggalo/holdfasthope/ace in a tie for second, and all the people who mindlessly spout 'I hate all rap music because it all sucks and is about hoes' EIMP in third

number 18:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten?

Why would I find that annoying?

number 19:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted?

number 20:
how can this forum be improved?

We could ban every person mentioned in question 17

number 21:
how can you help this forum improve?

number 22:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread?

number 23:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you?


number 24:
what music thread caught your attention the most?
The sharing thread

number 25:
how has your music taste changed since you've joined MB?

It used to be good, now it is better than anyone elses.

number 26: what do you think is Emo?
Emo bands

number 27: depending on how you answered question ‘number 26' do you consider bands like MCR, and the used to be new age Emo?

number 28:
what's your favourite genre?
Rap, Indie Folk

number 29:
who do think has the most talent for song/poem writing on the MB song writing forum?
Crowquill, Crowe, A Perfect Sonnet

number 30:
who do you think writes the most emoish lyircs on MB?

number 31:
who do you think tries to hard to fit in?

number 32:
do you go out of your way to study bands so you have something to say on forums?

number 33:
out of all the norm members here, who has made the least amount of musical threads?
SEB with a grand total of zero

number 34:
out of all the members who do you think has made the least amount of msuical post?as in members that have been here for years.. take away the amount of lounge post you think they've made and just go by how many musical post you think they've made.
you and SEB
Random Questions

number 1:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details.
Yeah, I'm on other forums. This one is probably the best. But does Sage Francis, Atmosphere, Mac Lethal, or Brother Ali post here? I think not. Non-Prophets Forum rules.

number 2:
how offten do you wish you were next to one of the MB members so you could smack him/her?

number 3:
have you ever had a crush on a MB member?
Hah, no

number 4:
(Second part to the question above) did you believe it was actually real?

number 5:
do you think relationships on forums (friendship or other) can be real over the computer?

number 6:
do you actually understand what spam is completely?

number 7:
(related to the question above) then why do you do it?
who are you to make assumptions.

number 8:
In your personal opinion do you think some MB members get away with a lot? Or not enough?
I don't really care

number 9:
whats your idea of the perfect forum?
Remember question 17, get rid of them

number 10:
do you find there's more annoying people here then likeable?

number 11:
doesn't it suck that there's so many questions here?

I dont have anything better to do
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Old 08-28-2006, 03:48 PM   #20 (permalink)
butt say x
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Location: so i read the question as "Where YOU live" which was kinda funny instead of "Where you live"
Posts: 1,649

^nah I'm not addicted any more, just here for the free downloads.
Can I have a youtube video for a sig? There's a thing that says "Wrap [YOUTUBE] tags around selected text"
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