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adidasss 01-15-2006 07:56 PM

get to know your fellow MuBa's
that's right, MuBa's *god that was lame*, well after learning that riseagainst didn't know AITA's name, i wondered how much we actually know about each other so i thought this could be a combo of all the various " what's your name, how old are you and what you do" threads:

my real name is Marijan , i'm 23 (and haven't touched the stuff in 36 days....*silence*...........*crickets* .....ooookeeeyy, tough crowd...)and male.

i come from Croatia, where is it? buy a fucking map!
i'm a student, law school, don't perticularly like it, but have nothing better to do.

i live in a town called Rijeka. i moved here when i was 14 to go to highschool since there were no good hischools on my island.

i am from a little village called Novalja on an island in the Adriatic called Pag

i live in a two story flat all by meself. i don't work because in Croatia, students only work if they have to, and i don't have to. My family owns a couple of hardware stores and a store for building material so i'm not poor, but not rich either.

that is all.....i may wish to delete this thread in the morning....

riseagainstrocks 01-15-2006 08:02 PM

good enough idea.

My name is Ian. I'm 17. I live near Washington, DC. I listen to Metal. I am a junior in highschool. that is all.

jibber 01-15-2006 08:13 PM

my name is alli. i'm 19. i live in calgary, i'm in first year at an arts college. i'm transfering next year to another school to study photojournalism. I ski a lot. yeah.

EDGE 01-15-2006 08:30 PM

Consider this my attempt to educate you all. Here's a novel..

So I'm fifteen years young. I live in Leominster, Massachusetts (about an hour north of Boston). I'm probably the only person who actually enjoys living where I live; everyone else seems to hate it. I'm a freshman at Leominster High. I'm sort of .. well .. lazy, this results in not-too-great grades. I'm not stupid, I swear. I haven't had a boyfriend in over 2 and a half years. I don't necessarily want one. I don't necessarily "need" one, either. I own EXACTLY 37 pairs of jeans, but I only wear 4 of them. I don't eat meat. I'm not flawless, and I accept that. I'm a fighter. I want a career dealing with fashion and I plan on going to college in New York city at F.I.T. Words to describe me as; impatient, cranky, hypocritical, peeved, sarcastic, weird, creepy, high-maintenance, unfortunate, overdone, negative, amusing, two-timing, crude, ridiculous, clean, grammarically-impaired, explicit, shy, unreasonable, sappy, conceited, unattractive, difficult, misleading, competitive, annoyed and annoying. I shower alot. I hate coughing, I can't stand nosey people, I hardly ever eat in front of people, and I hate the phone. Who I am eventually comes down to this: I want to have as much fun with as many people as I can manage before I've worn out my welcome in this life.

Oh, and you can call me Kristy.

cardboard adolescent 01-15-2006 08:45 PM

My name is Tom. I was born in Kfar Saba (Isreal), moved to Singapore, then Belgium, then Taiwan, then Virginia (up near DC), and finally, with a cruel twist of fate, ended up in Raleigh, North Carolina. My parents are from Belgium and my dad works for some French company.

I'm a junior in high school. I'm thinking of going to college in NY. Study Physics or something. Maybe Computer Science. Maybe Graphics Design. Who the hell knows.

Oh yeah, I'm 17.

Crazy Luv 01-15-2006 10:33 PM

Names Letisha. Born in brooklyn, NY. moved to queens, then back to brooklyn. Im 14 & a freshman in highschool. i listen to rap, R&B...stuff like that. My boyfriends name is Antwoine and we've been together for 7 months now. Im a dancer, but recently i've found out that i love to write too. I hate vegetables except lettuce. I have many "husbands". Mellow's my style! You know, taking life pretty easy. While all those crazy ppl are trying to change the world & all that, i'll be chillin sipping my kool-aid. I dont give two shakes about fronting or cutting edge. Its all about keeping it real & having a good time. Im a people-person! i have crazy luv for about everyone. I have a great sense of humor, you could always find me laughing. Not afraid to say im not the brightest person you'll meet, but Im not the dumbest. Im not a straight up badass, but im not a good girl either. I see the cup both half-full & half-empty. Im just a in-between!
Favorite foods are chicken, spagetti, turkey sandwich, checkers snackpack & mash potatoes. Favorite desserts are brownies, ice-cream, candy, cake, chocolate chip muffins. Favortie drinks are kool-aid, soda(sprite, pepsi, cream), water, fruit punch, V8.

explosions-in-my-pants 01-30-2006 08:05 PM

I'm Sabrina, I'm female.. but i'm sure you all new that anyways... womp womp womp

I live in newfoundland, in a small ****ty town, but one of the largest towns on the island, and it only has maybe 12,000 people in it.

i am a hermit and don't like to go out in the outside world, i don't like people much, what i mean is people that i know in this town....

oh and i'll soon be 19... and i'll be legal to drink and buy my own smokes.. even tho i've been going to bars sence i was 15, and quit smoking in aug. but you get my point..

yea thats it..

Shooting Star 01-30-2006 08:46 PM

Erm... I'm Philip. I'm 16. I'm from Newfoundland, Canada. This place is very boring. I am in grade eleven? I have uh a cat.

That's enough about me.

adidasss 01-31-2006 03:29 AM

you two know each other?

explosions-in-my-pants 01-31-2006 09:49 AM

no he lives 4 hours away... until we found on on here, i never new he was from here

holdyoualways 01-31-2006 10:23 AM

good idea :thumb:


my names amanda. im 16 years old. i was born in las vegas, nevada but now i live in the glorious poke-a-nose of pennsylvania & i hate it. one of these days im gonna move out of pa & out of the house that im living in & run away to mexico with a hot model named jacques.
in the beantime i have school. ive been doing my school at home on the computer since 7th grade & im in 10th now, obviously.
i spend the majority of my time on the computer since theres nothing else really i can do.
i have a dog named bradley, as im sure pretty much everyone already knows.
i listen to, i think, a wide range of any type of rock music & some rap. ive been broadening my horizons musically over the past few months so i have a more open mind about some things.
if im not on the computer or watching tv or listening to music, i usually read a book. right now im reading "whispers" by dean koontz. so far so good.
whenever i get a car i wanna get a job at fye, the music store in the stroudsburg mall, just so i can have a little extra pocket money. or any money for that matter.
i have about 9 posters in my room & still want more.
if you ever meet me in real life youll see i have a weird obsession with chapstick-i have dry lip issues or something.
im always drinking something & i pretty much eat junk food all day long.
&...i guess im done.

blackTshirt 01-31-2006 10:47 AM

Umm.. so for the newbs who don't even know who the **** i am, i'm a girl and my profile used to say it.. but now it holds a different truth
I come from Romania and yeah, that is, in fact, a country
My name is Madalina. The first two a's are special and they're pronounced like .. let's say in murder.. anyways. I'm 16 and love my date of birth. check my profile if you're dying to know
I listen to a lotta stuff.. mostly old music.. rock-like
I consider a "rocker" is someone who makes rock music
I love my boyfriend more than anything
I like clothes but i'm not a shopping-freak.. i hate shopping, most of the time
I love the smell of wet wood, like the one that comes from the park near my school, in the evening
I love walks
I love the sky, the moon and the clouds
And I'm pretty friendly

mhm, in other words, perfect :rolleyes:

EDIT: forgot to say that i live in the capital and I LOVE big cities

ladyluckrules 01-31-2006 12:01 PM

My name's Zoe.
I am 14 , 15 this april.
I live in the far south of England, but I was born in Bristol.
I live near the sea.
I have no pets.
I have one brother.
I on/off play electric guitar.
I support the local music scene whenever I can.
My hair is brown at the moment.
My eyes are blue.
I'm the only vegetarian in my family.
I like to take walks down to this old graveyard in the summer, mainly because I used to think faries lived there when i was little :3

Levithan 01-31-2006 12:10 PM

My names Tom or Tomithy, whichever. Im 17. I go to college studying A levels in Drama, English Language and History. I live 30 minutes outside of Birmingham, England...which is cool, but I wana move. I have two brothers, 32 and 35...yea the difference is huge lol! I play bass a lot, and some-times guitar. I write crappy songs that make me feel good. So yea...thats me

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-31-2006 12:48 PM

Where exactly are you in the south Zoe? Come down souther and see me some day!

Mm anyways, well Im Rozi. Im 16, and Ill be 17 in august. I forget things very easily, and actually forgot how old I was when I started typing this.
I have a 10 year old brother who is practically satan incarnate.
I live in cornwall [and no, we're not all pasty-eating farmers with straw hats] and Im scared of cities. Last time I went to the nearest city, someone full-on threw a trolley at me =(
Im also scared of trains , and havent been on one in two years and 11 and a half months.
I go to a college [which I love] that takes an hour and a half to get to, so I have to get up at 6 every morning to get the bus. Which makes me grotty as hell half the time, and probably gives me the most attractive bags under my eyes. But ohwell.
Um, by midnight tonight, I will have passed an entire month without a drop of alcohol, which Im very proud of, and am celebrating with an evening of vodka tomorrow night :o:
I dont get on well with girls a lot of the time.
I worry too much. About everything and everyone. Apart from my education, which isnt really helping me right now.
Um. Im really running out of things to say.
I like sherbert :)

franscar 01-31-2006 01:44 PM

My name is Chris and I'm 23.

I'm currently halfway through my second year at the University of Birmingham reading Economic and Social History, and after graduation I am hoping to read for an MA, probably in First World War Studies, before looking for work in the academic field, either as a researcher or possibly as an academic tutor whilst I study for a doctorate and the big money, fame, and women.

I would say I have a fairly broad taste in music, and am always interested in listening to something new and exciting. I don't tend to make lists of favourite bands or favourite albums as my tastes shift on a weekly basis. Currently I have been enjoying 'Rogue Wave', '65daysofstatic', 'Red Sparowes' and 'Explosions in the Sky' in the past few weeks, but I am also looking forward to new albums this year from 'Hundred Reasons', J Mascis and 'Mogwai' among others. I am a regular at the Reading Festival as well.

I used to play the bass and very, very occasionally am tempted to pick it up again, but these days I prefer to watch my friends' bands rather than be a part of them.

BlueEyedSuicide 01-31-2006 02:57 PM

My name Jes.
I am 15.
However, my birthday is in three weeks.
:)I want my license.
I live in southern Minnesota.
I have one sister. Her name is Allison. I hate her lots.
Matt is my boyfriend. We have been dating for 8 months.
I am in 10th grade.
Currently trying to transfer out of my school.
I live on a farm.
We have pigs here.
4,000 of them.
I hate rural life.

Merkaba 01-31-2006 05:18 PM

I'd better grace this thread with my...grace.

My name is Richard. I'll be 19 on June the 1st and I expect a suitcase full of presents from all you lot, don't hold back, and i expect double from those of you who have jobs. Jibber I want a pair of ski's haha and Fenix I expect a car if you get that promotion;).

I have just had my last year of highschool and so I'm about to embark on University life. Looking to do a bit of Management, marketing and psychology.
I live in Christchurch, which is in the South Island of New Zealand. I don't mind it here, tis beautiful but when you've been here your whole life you take it for granted a bit.

I live with my parents at the moment. I have 1 sister who is 17. I currently don't have a job but am feverishly looking for a bar tending job, since I need hours at night because I'll be at Uni during the day.

That is all.

Oh and I have a cat. She's evil. I swear I'm more at risk of being put into intensive care from that cat then walking across the motorway blindfolded.

Muzak 01-31-2006 06:19 PM

Location: a small town near Boston in MA
Smallest summery of me ever: I play saxaphone and go to a Charter school.

EDGE 01-31-2006 07:56 PM

Maaasssss :)

jibber 01-31-2006 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
I'd better grace this thread with my...grace.

My name is Richard. I'll be 19 on June the 1st and I expect a suitcase full of presents from all you lot, don't hold back, and i expect double from those of you who have jobs. Jibber I want a pair of ski's haha and Fenix I expect a car if you get that promotion;).

I have just had my last year of highschool and so I'm about to embark on University life. Looking to do a bit of Management, marketing and psychology.
I live in Christchurch, which is in the South Island of New Zealand. I don't mind it here, tis beautiful but when you've been here your whole life you take it for granted a bit.

I live with my parents at the moment. I have 1 sister who is 17. I currently don't have a job but am feverishly looking for a bar tending job, since I need hours at night because I'll be at Uni during the day.

That is all.

Oh and I have a cat. She's evil. I swear I'm more at risk of being put into intensive care from that cat then walking across the motorway blindfolded.

haha, tell ya what, if you come to wanaka, or perhaps queenstown in june, i'll buy you a beer for your birthday.

Spike*Spiegel 01-31-2006 08:18 PM

I'm Lindsay. Lindsay Spike. I'm 18, in central MN, happily graduated and i have a bajillion pets. and I'm crazy about my Urban Hatemonger ;) :love: (I'm gonna get shit for that)

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-31-2006 08:20 PM

alright well..i figured id throw in a little about myself. both for adidasss's sake and the rest of you.

my name is nathan. im 15, 16 in june though. ill pretty much listen to any type of music, it just depends on the artist. im mostly into metal at the moment though.

guitar is pretty much my life, and always will be. i play non stop for two days every weekend practically, and if not im either at a concert or work. work, which i only do one or two nights a week during the year, is at an ice rink a little north of my house. i just skate aroud during the public sessions, making sure no ones screwing around, and then clean up afterwards. boring work, but luckily all the other people are pretty cool, and its a paycheck every two weeks so im happy with it.

other than guitar and work, i go to school. high tech high. (for those of you who live in the may have heard of us.) its basically a charter school started by a guy that had a lot of money and figured he'd put it to good use. our school gets grants from companies like microsoft and bio-com. and we have the highest test scores in the nation...blah blah blah.

im pretty set on becoming a professional musician when i get out of school. if not a musician, i at least want to do something that has to do with music. in case that very interested in graphic arts, so ive got a backup plan. hehe..if all else fails, i can go work for my friend when he takes over his dads business. (graphic, interrior, and architectural design firm).

meh...ive lived with my mother and my cat in the same 800 square foot apartment for the past 9 (almost 10) years. pretty painful, but ive gotten used to it. we're lucky enough to have possibly the lowest rent in the neighborhood. $750.....the average for where we live is about $1500 a month.

ehh... = life, and thats pretty much it. i have a goal to own at least 15 guitars by the time im 25......two down...13 to go.

sleepy jack 01-31-2006 10:24 PM

I'm Ben, and I'm super fucking good.

A_Perfect_Sonnet 01-31-2006 10:26 PM

I'm Ethan. I'm 14 and my taste of music really sucks most of the time. I'm a skinny scene kid (but I've stopped wearing women's clothing). Girls touch me and I like it.

Cheese 02-01-2006 12:17 AM

I'm Nigel, I live in Christchurch, New Zealand which coincidently enough is the same place Merkaba hails from.I'm 34, live with my fiancee of eight years, Sandra.
I work as a car dismantler which is good as cars pretty much rule my life.If I'm
not tearing them apart, I'm restoring them or driving them.
I'm not much of a people person preferring to keep to myself.I smoke like a train and am an ex alcoholic.

that's about it.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 02-01-2006 12:19 AM

hahah...i bet you and merkaba live like a block from each other.

Merkaba 02-01-2006 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
I'm Nigel, I live in Christchurch, New Zealand which coincidently enough is the same place Merkaba hails from.I'm 34, live with my fiancee of eight years, Sandra.
I work as a car dismantler which is good as cars pretty much rule my life.If I'm
not tearing them apart, I'm restoring them or driving them.
I'm not much of a people person preferring to keep to myself.I smoke like a train and am an ex alcoholic.

that's about it.

Good man :beer:


Originally Posted by jibber
haha, tell ya what, if you come to wanaka, or perhaps queenstown in june, i'll buy you a beer for your birthday.


Will a beer lead to an open tab?

*wishful thinking*

Crowe 02-01-2006 01:00 AM

Hey, I'm Ryan Crowe. 19.

I'm a good ole fashioned southern boy. Lived in Atlanta Georgia til I was 6 or 7, and then moved to St. Louis, Missouri... not the south, but dead in the center of the nation. I lost my beautiful southern dialect and began to speak like everyone else :(.

Its me and my mum and my little bro(11) - my dad was in an 80s Hair Metal band called Wyldchild... he left when I was young.

I played football in high school, and was an exceptional wrestler. I go to college at Columbia College Chicago, soon to be Columbia University of Chicago. I am a Theater major with an acting focus, and a minor in screenwriting.

I love music, I can make a map of my life using music. I once burned a musical autobiography for myself. Making each year of my life into 5 or 6 songs, based on what happened that year. It amounted to about 12 cds once I was finished. I love writing music and lyrics and wish I could play an instrument... I have tried, guitar and piano...

I am a nerd. I love comics, movies, computers, tv, video games lol...
i love talking to people
i look like im 15.
I get called pretty instead of handsome or cute. I don't know what to say to it really, and I'm not really good at getting compliments. It makes me nervous or something.

I'm super sarcastic and sometimes it gets mistaken for meaness... but I'm not mean at all. I am opinionated though and will call you out if I think you're talking out of your ass. I get belligerant when I'm mad. But I don't get mad easily.

I am a hopeless romantic. Yeah. I dont know what else to say.

jibber 02-01-2006 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
Good man :beer:


Will a beer lead to an open tab?

*wishful thinking*

haha, sorry man, i'll be a poor ski bum, I wont have the money for an open tab. but hey, i can bring you some maple syrup. I'd offer to bring some good canadian beer, but i dont think you want one that i've been toting around in my backpack for a month.

Merkaba 02-01-2006 02:04 AM

...I'll take the syrup

jibber 02-01-2006 02:15 AM

ah, another random fact about myself, I love cheesy movies, especially cheesy horror movies, they're my favorite.

[MERIT] 02-01-2006 09:32 AM

names donald but everyone calls me junior, or joo for short, or oojay in pig-latin;). a plethera of nicknames. im 18, male, and live in hallsville,mo. i love hard rock, wrestling, booze, drugs, and chicks.

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-01-2006 01:27 PM

My name is Richard & i`m old enough to know better.

I live in Guernsey in the Channel Islands about 26 miles off the coast of France , we hate the French.

I have one sister called Olivia who is 4 years younger than me & has been married for about 2 and a half years.

I left school at 16 after taking my exams & never bothered with university & and have never regretted doing so. In fact my sister`s husband is a university lecturer & he seems to think i`m a lot smarter than a lot of the people he has to teach.

I`ve had several jobs since I left school although i`ve only worked for 3 companies in all that time.I worked at a leasure centre basically just fetching & carrying stuff when I first left school.After that I worked for a giant supermarket where I did a variety of jobs from warehouse work , butcher , fishmonger (2 months of hell,I think I spent half my wages on shower gel & deoderant) before being promoted to a buyer/stock controller.During that time I had the surreal experience of being given a VIP tour of a French cheese factory.A part of my requirements as a buyer was having an extensive knowledge of cheeses of the world , 600 of the f*cking things to be exact.I think it`s fair to say I hated about 580 of them.

After that I got my current job which is as a supplier of specialist camera equipment.I`ve been there for 5 years & like my job as i`m left alone to get on with it while I listen to music all day & not get hassled by my boss too much.Oh and the pay is pretty good too.About 18 months ago I thought about quitting , my boss found out about it , dragged me into his office & said if he had an entire staff like me he would never have any problems & gave me a 30% pay raise & 2 extra weeks holiday a year & told me to get out & go back to work with a big grin on his face..... I stayed.

When i`m not being an opinionated tosser about music I can usually be found following football , my team being Swindon Town FC , the reason for this being about 15 years ago my best friend moved there.I went to visit & discovered that there seemed to be more people walking around in West Ham shirts than Swindon ones.So I decided they needed a bit of support & have supported them ever since.
Also I collect Videos & DVDs of cult TV shows such as The Avengers , Doctor Who , The Prisoner , Blakes 7 & many others.My Doctor Who collection is huge.I have seen every surviving episode that the BBC have in their achives except for 5 that was made from 1963 to the present day, and I had owned most of them on video too.I also own approx 300 novels & factual books on the subject.

I have a great fondness for cats & they seem to have a great fondness for me.I also used to keep salamanders too.

My dream job is to work with big cats in a zoo and I like the idea travelling somewhere.One day I intend to close my eyes & stick a pin into a map & just go there.

incesticide 02-01-2006 06:39 PM

Hey I'm Kaytee, Im fourteen years old. Im from the smallest, and most likliest(sp?) boring town your feet may ever stumble upon. Born and raised, Merrimac, MASS. AIM me if you'd like to get to know me better or just need a friend.

AIMSNAP fallll

mosesandtherubberducky 02-01-2006 06:56 PM

My full name is Harley Levi Richardson. I despise my first name, so I go by Levi. I am a freshman at Creekview Highschool, but I'm still in the middleschool building. Because they haven't finished building the highschool (poor planning). Bungalowbill357 goes to school with me too.

I live in Canton Georgia (above Flordia, and if you know where Atlanta is I live about an hour away from there (north))

I have two half-sisters, one that I draw more from than the other. I have 3 nephews and 3 nieses.

As you can probably tell I don't like spelling. I've been going out with the same girl (hint: I'm a guy) for nearly 9 months. I play the guitar (gotta fit in, right?), and have long hair...decently long. I love to play RPG's and really like the Final Fantasy Series.

I listen to nearly any type of music. I've tried: skateboarding (bad idea for me), basketball, baseball, and football. I hated all of them, so I play hacky sack, but not as much now.

That's me with out the legal dealings and overly obsesive nerdy comments.

Thanks for your time and if you just skipped this whole thing to read the last sentence, shame on you. You need to go sit in the corner and think about what you did.


half_baked87 02-01-2006 06:58 PM

they call me paul, aka "heat". i'm 19, from wheatley ontario, the freshwater fishing capitol of the world, yeah word. umm i play guitar in a band called mcallister, we're kind of a metalcore-ish band, but try to stay away from the cliches and trends, (we aren't very "scene"). we havent recorded a good song in years, and the one on our myspace is 2 years old, 2 drummers old, and done in an afternoon by a jazz producer.... completely unrepresentative of our sound nowadays, its more screamo. but check it anyways
buuuut anyways i like to hang out with the roomies, smoke nice fatun, i'm a smoker, like going to good bars with good music. i despise dance bars, sluts, mansluts, guys who beat their women, political correctness and focus on the family. i'm kind of an eccentric guy, some people take me too seriously, but its all good. i've also been called a habitual line-stepper.

[MERIT] 02-02-2006 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
My full name is Harley Levi Richardson.

LOL that sounds like a serial killer or an assassin:rofl:

Shooting Star 02-02-2006 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
My full name is Harley Levi Richardson.

Your last name should be Mcdonald's, that way you can be the poster boy for three seperate companies. :)

riseagainstrocks 02-02-2006 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by half_baked87

dude i really dig this. more than I thought. I'll definitly spread the word 'round here. Record again!

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