SmokeAndMirrors |
03-03-2018 01:02 PM |
1 Attachment(s)
Giselle. The Danger Noodle. Might have to part with my baby soon. :( Thankfully, she stopped growing at 10" feet. She needs a larger tank built, as this one is pretty old and beat up, kind of falling apart and I can't afford to build a new one. And truthfully, I don't really have the room for her anymore. I'd like to be able to take her out and handle her more, but she can be bitey at times, and bitey snakes, don't mix with roommates cats, so that's a no-go. I kind of inherited her for free as a first snake. Boas are cool, but I think if I do this again in the future I might just still with a ball python for easier management and handling.