Originally Posted by Odyshape
Well just because you had such great luck doesn't mean he did.
it's not that i had great luck. it's that i stepped out of my comfort zone. i could have easily kept living in the back of my mom's house, running in the same circle of friends, being exposed to the same minimal amount of divergence from the mainstream, and kept going on and on about how lame the scene was because
I wasn't doing anything to improve it for myself.
personally i moved almost 1000 miles away from anyone i knew and.... @BoC now - i'm 99.99% certain i ended up college where you're from (or at least the town / area had the exact same reputation 10 years ago). just tough it out, it'll get better someday (as in, the day you jump into loads of debt and start college / university - totally worth it though). also, in regards to 20-25 year olds acting like the own the world, it's not specific to your town, it's specific to being 20-25 years old (especially when you're in post secondary).