HeartsMadeOfStrings |
01-22-2010 04:06 PM |
Sad Sappy Sucker is the only Modest Mouse album I've been listening to the last few days. /: Definitely underrated. All of the ones V&F listed plus Secret Agent X9, Wagon Ride Return (I'm not sure I've found anything that relaxes me as much as this 48 second bit), Think Long, and all of the little 30 second jams (some very clever, some comedic) are great.
On the topic of Good News, you're right about the production value, but I do think the 'feel', or maybe the emotional appeal, WAS compromised. Good News is the first album I listened to and really loved [by Modest Mouse], but after searching through their discography more around 18 months ago, I fell so deeply in love with their pre-Good News work that I originally abandoned the album. After a while I've come back to it and still respect it, but I still don't hold it as high (this has to do with the music, but also the emotional factor). I get the feeling that Isaac was trying too hard (or that Epic was pushing the band too hard) to create a commercial sounding album, which I don't necessarily have a problem with (they deserve the fame and success), I just don't like it as much. I particularly don't like how purposely crazy he's gone with his voice, even if he's not emphasizing something - it's like he just does it because he knows it's a draw factor for the more mainstream listeners (granted this could be more of a mental thing on my part, but anyway). The reason this upsets me mostly is because of the genuine, gut wrenching voice he had always used up to then (which you still hear on some track of Good News, but not many) that got replaced with the crazily slurred phrases he's famous for now.
What I will say about Good News is that I think it was the last album to really be influenced by that die hard depression and beautifully sardonic nature of his. I've read about what had happened to him that ended up culminating into that album, and there was definitely some bad stuff. I'm happy that he's happier now and all (and mostly, if not wholly drug-free), I just don't think it makes for better music. :P