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Captain Awesome 10-15-2009 07:25 AM

Top 5 Indie albums from this year?
What's your top 5 indie albums from this year so far? :afro:

music_phantom13 10-15-2009 07:52 AM

Dinosaur Jr - Farm
The Flaming Lips - Embryonic
Railcars - Cathedral with No Eyes (it's a mini-album but it's so damn good I don't care)
Mt. Eerie - Wind's Poem

Not sure what the last one is yet, I'm torn between Timber Timbre, A Sunny Day in Glasgow, and Dalek. And Amesoeurs is up there. Those are in no particular order, except that those are my top 4 and one of those others would be number 5. I've really enjoyed this year in music, personally I thought there was a ton of fantastic music. What're yours? You can't make the post and not list them!!!

EDIT: Dear god, I forgot Earthly Delights. That's also tied for number 5.

loveissucide 10-15-2009 07:58 AM

Actor-St Vincent
Veckamiest-Grizzly Bear
xx-The XX
Two Dancers-Wild Beasts
Primary Colours-The Horrors

henry 10-15-2009 09:34 AM

Destroyer - bay of pigs ep (****ing legendary)

abdullah424 10-15-2009 03:15 PM

In no particular order

Heartless Bastards - The Mountain

Flaming Lips - Embryonic (I'm going to have to listen a couple more times but after my first listen i'm loving it. The song with Karen O is nuts).

Matt & Kim - Grand (I can't listen to this album without smiling).

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes (I heard these guys on a mix cd and I've been hooked ever since).

The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love (One of the best shows I've ever seen).

Odyshape 10-15-2009 09:30 PM

Were the Wild things are sound track ;)

+81 10-15-2009 10:45 PM

I still have to hear the Where the Wild Things Are Soundtrack and Embryonic.

So far my top five would probably be...

Clues - S/T
Dinosaur Jr. - Farm
HEALTH - Get Colour
Japandroids - Post-Nothing
HORSE the Band - Desperate Living

abdullah424 10-15-2009 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Odyshape (Post 753172)
Were the Wild things are sound track ;)

It's actually not bad...and I'm a sucker for Karen O

music_phantom13 10-16-2009 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by +81 (Post 753202)
I still have to hear the Where the Wild Things Are Soundtrack and Embryonic.

Do you want Embryonic? I'm putting it up for someone already. I could do Where the Wild Things Are as well, but my internet is very touchy at home right now so it might take a couple days before I can get it up.

I really liked the WTWTA soundtrack, more than I almost ever like music with little kids singing. There were a few songs I wasn't very fond of, definitely enough to keep it well away from my top 5 for the year. It's a fun album though; makes you feel like a kid again.

+81 10-16-2009 11:28 AM

That would be excellent. I quite excited to hear both. I love The Flaming Lips and anything with Karen O. If WTWTA soundtrack is too much hassle don't sweat it.

debaserr 10-16-2009 02:09 PM

my list:

Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
Flaming Lips - Embryonic
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
Atlas Sound - Logos

and either
St Vincent - Actor
The XX - S/T

Sneer 10-16-2009 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by music_phantom13 (Post 752699)
Dinosaur Jr - Farm
The Flaming Lips - Embryonic
Railcars - Cathedral with No Eyes (it's a mini-album but it's so damn good I don't care)
Mt. Eerie - Wind's Poem

Not sure what the last one is yet, I'm torn between Timber Timbre, A Sunny Day in Glasgow, and Dalek. And Amesoeurs is up there. Those are in no particular order, except that those are my top 4 and one of those others would be number 5. I've really enjoyed this year in music, personally I thought there was a ton of fantastic music. What're yours? You can't make the post and not list them!!!

EDIT: Dear god, I forgot Earthly Delights. That's also tied for number 5.

Can you help me out with a link to the Railcars miniLP?

Roemilca 10-16-2009 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by +81 (Post 753354)
That would be excellent. I quite excited to hear both. I love The Flaming Lips and anything with Karen O. If WTWTA soundtrack is too much hassle don't sweat it.

I downloaded it yesterday.
Look in your inbox in a couple of hours. ;)

music_phantom13 10-16-2009 04:13 PM

Thanks roemilca, I have to leave and I'm lazy and don't feel like uploading anything else. Let me know if anyone else wants Embryonic or either railcars though, they're already up.

Jason86 10-16-2009 07:11 PM

1. Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career
2. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
3. St. Vincent - Actor
4. The Mountain Goats - The Life of the World to Come
5. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca

debaserr 10-16-2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jason86 (Post 753591)
1. Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career
2. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
3. St. Vincent - Actor
4. The Mountain Goats - The Life of the World to Come
5. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca

ahh forgot about bitte.

Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
Flaming Lips - Embryonic
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
Atlas Sound - Logos
Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca

abdullah424 10-16-2009 10:30 PM

A lot of you guys seem to be listing grizzly bear. I didn't like it on my first listen but maybe I'll give it another play just to make sure.

spark10036 10-17-2009 05:50 AM

nobody mentioned "Hospice" by The fav album of 2009 in general

Jason86 10-17-2009 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by spark10036 (Post 753836)
nobody mentioned "Hospice" by The fav album of 2009 in general

That would make my top 10 :thumb:

FaSho 10-17-2009 03:01 PM

In no order,
Manners-Passion Pit
Grand-Matt & Kim
Visiter-The Dodos
Where The Wild Things Are-Karen O & The Kids
Hospice-The Antlers

And tbh, I thought Veckatimest really, really sucked.

adidasss 10-17-2009 04:56 PM

In what way?

dollarsandcents 10-17-2009 05:08 PM

Still a few months left but I guess the majority of releases have been and gone. Hopefully there'll be a thread for overall lists for 2009 (I like lists), but I guess there's no harm in warming up with a list of indie releases. I think it's been a good year for music, so it's difficult to narrow it down. Here goes.

The Antlers - Hospice
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion
Japandroids - Post-Nothing
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
Titus Andronicus - The Airing of Grievances

I'd probably go with those five for the time being, but they're subject to change. Narrowly missing out were The xx, Nick Cave & Warren Ellis, Fever Ray and Flaming Lips.

music_phantom13 10-18-2009 03:42 PM

I didn't like Hospice or Veckatimest that much, I struggled to even get through Hospice a few times because it just bored me. Grizzly Bear had some good songs on there, but it's definitely not top 5 material. For a year like this, with so many fantastic releases, I just don't see what makes either band stand out so much.

FaSho 10-18-2009 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 754075)
In what way?

Well to be frank, it was pretty damn boring.

pourmeanother 10-19-2009 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by +81 (Post 753202)
I still have to hear the Where the Wild Things Are Soundtrack and Embryonic.

So far my top five would probably be...

Clues - S/T
Dinosaur Jr. - Farm
HEALTH - Get Colour
Japandroids - Post-Nothing
HORSE the Band - Desperate Living

Nobody is seeding this son'b, it's pissing me off.

abdullah424 10-20-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by pourmeanother (Post 755366)
Nobody is seeding this son'b, it's pissing me off.

[Link removed by Mod, Links on the forum to illegal downloads are a big no-no]

dollarsandcents 10-20-2009 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by pourmeanother (Post 755366)
Nobody is seeding this son'b, it's pissing me off.

Check your PM.

EDIT - Someone beat me to it, being out charitied sucks!

lu galasso 10-20-2009 10:54 AM

Some good stuff here I definitely have to check out!

Charlemagne 10-20-2009 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by henry (Post 752755)
Destroyer - bay of pigs ep (****ing legendary)

Can you please put this up if possible?

My five in no order:

An Horse- Rearrange Beds
Emmy The Great- First Love
Grizzly Bear- Veckatimest
The Antlers- Hospice
Passion Pit- Manners

pourmeanother 10-20-2009 12:25 PM

Thank you kindly!


Originally Posted by dollarsandcents (Post 755523)
Check your PM.

EDIT - Someone beat me to it, being out charitied sucks!

Effort duly noted!

Tyler Durden 10-20-2009 01:10 PM

1. Grizzly Bear- Veckatimest
2. As Tall As Lions- You Can't Take It With You
3. MuteMath- Armistice
4. Phoenix- Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
5. Passion Pit- Manners

the_dp 10-22-2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by abdullah424 (Post 753768)
A lot of you guys seem to be listing grizzly bear. I didn't like it on my first listen but maybe I'll give it another play just to make sure.

see them live. That will change everything. I have seen them live twice in the past few months and they are simply amazing.


Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Grizzly Bear - Veckatnedkedednendwhatever :laughing:
fun. - aim and ignite
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
Dark Was the Night compilation (um, seriously, how could you leave it off your list?)

honorable mention: Here We Go Magic's debut album, Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
I am sure I didn't offer any new ones but given the great selection I have seen on here I will definitely check out some albums thanks to you guys.

the_dp 10-22-2009 01:47 PM

oh also, if you see St. Vincent live, she might lose you as a fan. Worst live performer I have ever paid to see besides Grouper. I am kind of sick of the whole "I am a hot chick, so I will act really demure on stage and wide-eyed" schtick. Call me a feminist, but I would just prefer my female singers like the chick from Beach House, very raw and real, not ditsy and false indie. (the same could go for the stupid girl from Chairlift)

abdullah424 10-22-2009 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by the_dp (Post 756456)
see them live. That will change everything. I have seen them live twice in the past few months and they are simply amazing.

I'll take your advice. Next time they're in my neck of the woods I'll catch their show. Seeing Pearl Jam live definately made me appreciate them (though I still haven't listened to one of their albums).


Originally Posted by the_dp (Post 756456)
Dark Was the Night compilation (um, seriously, how could you leave it off your list?)

Good choice. I forgot all about that album. One of the best compilation's I've heard.

simplephysics 10-22-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by the_dp (Post 756461)
oh also, if you see St. Vincent live, she might lose you as a fan. Worst live performer I have ever paid to see besides Grouper. I am kind of sick of the whole "I am a hot chick, so I will act really demure on stage and wide-eyed" schtick. Call me a feminist, but I would just prefer my female singers like the chick from Beach House, very raw and real, not ditsy and false indie. (the same could go for the stupid girl from Chairlift)

I really have no idea how you got that impression from seeing her live, she was adorable and very sweet to the crowd, she just seems very reserved by nature. the only problem I had was the amount of feedback from her set, really muddled the sound, but the vocals where on point (as always).. I could really give less of a **** about how she held herself on stage. Seriously, what a ridiculous thing to judge an act over.

debaserr 10-22-2009 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 756505)
I really have no idea how you got that impression from seeing her live, she was adorable and very sweet to the crowd, she just seems very reserved by nature. the only problem I had was the amount of feedback from her set, really muddled the sound, but the vocals where on point (as always).. I could really give less of a **** about how she held herself on stage. Seriously, what a ridiculous thing to judge an act over.

I watched the live performance on Pitchfork and she seemed good.

Charlemagne 10-23-2009 12:12 AM

I just saw St. Vincent live tonight and I thought she was very good, I didn't mind the feedback because I know that's just part of her music. Although she didn't talk much she was still really humble and sweet and funny. I also thought her marionette/doll stage antics were pretty cool.

indienerd 10-23-2009 12:41 AM

^ You were in Ithaca? Cornelliaoiaieoiaeian too?

TheBig3 10-23-2009 09:14 AM

For me, and I guess its a time thing, but last years albums are always better. Every single year.

the_dp 10-23-2009 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 756505)
I really have no idea how you got that impression from seeing her live, she was adorable and very sweet to the crowd, she just seems very reserved by nature. the only problem I had was the amount of feedback from her set, really muddled the sound, but the vocals where on point (as always).. I could really give less of a **** about how she held herself on stage. Seriously, what a ridiculous thing to judge an act over.

no actually, considering it is a live act which you see with your eyeballs and the music sucked as well, it is not very ridiculous. Much the same way that if you watch a play and the actor has a great voice but horrible physical acting, you will think his performance sucks. She failed at live performance, which to me is far more important than once her voice is canned and processed and turned into an album. It was just seeing yet another indie-girl artist do the indie girl schtick. So you like her? Good for you! But don't get mad because I thought she sucked. My opinion only, douche.

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