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What are your top ten radiohead songs?
Post 10 of your favirote Radiohead songs
My'n: 10.The Tourist: Just a nice mellow song to get lost in "hey man slow down" 9. 2+2=5: Traditional Radiohead. Starts out nice and easy than speeds up into a crazy jam 8. Knives Out: A very dark song 7. Pyramid Song: A song that can help you threw exstistential fears you may have 6. Climbing Up The Walls: Just listen to the Synth loop thats played throughout this song along with some other trippy noises 5. Scatterbrain: Underratted song 4. Kid A: I think Piss Me Off said it best "A gorgeous mellow track, almost like a lullaby" 3. Morning Bell: Another master piece from Kid A 2. Karma Police: Such an emotional song "And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself" 1. Idioteque: Takes a couple of listens to understand just like most of the Kid A songs Honorable Mentions from Inrainbows |
1. How to Disappear Completely
2. Idioteque 3. Lucky 4. Talk Show Host 5. The National Anthem 6. Life in a Glasshouse 7. Exit Music (For a Film) 8. Morning Bell 9. There There 10. Reckoner |
Planet Telex
Paranoid Andriod Idioteque 15 Step Fake Plastic Trees You Bodysnatchers All I Need Palo Alto Myxomatosis |
Not in order:
Fake Plastic Trees Talk Show Host High and Dry Idioteque Black Star Climbing up the Walls Everything in its Right Place Paranoid Android Just (You do it to Yourself) My Iron Lung |
not in order I Might Be Wrong 2+2=5 Bodysnatchers Optimistic Karma Police Exit Music(For A Film) Just Everything In Its Right Place Paranoid Android Let Down |
Karma Police
Street Spirit (Fade Out) Fake Plastic Trees Exit Music(For A Film) Paranoid Android Let Down High and Dry Planet Telex Climbing Up the Walls Electioneering |
No Order;
Pyramid Song Black Star There There A Wolf At The Door Weird Fishes/Arpeggi All I Need Kid A How To Disappear Completely The Tourist Climbing Up The Walls Runners Up; You And Whose Army Life In A Glasshouse Sulk Street Spirit 2+2=5 Where I End And You Begin Nude Videotape Treefingers Idioteque No Surprises |
i dont think i could decide on this
1. 2+2=5: Perfectly sums up the Radiohead i love the most, paranoid, schizo and on the edge. I was blown away the first time i heard it.
2. Paranoid Android: It's such an obvious one but it's easily one of their best moments and is one of the best risks they've taken. Essential. 3. Polyethylene (Parts 1 and 2): The enormous anthem that never was. 4. The National Anthem: THAT bassline. When it's at its climax with the horns blaring it's enough to give me chills. 5. Sail To The Moon: An underrated gem if you ask me, the best of their piano led songs. 6. Blow Out: The best track off Pablo Honey, it's a shame it was on that album as i believe this song will never get the credit it deserves because of it. 7. Kid A: A gorgeous mellow track, almost like a lullaby. 8. The Bends: A great slice of 90's british pop that was just that little bit more offbeat than the other stuff at the time. 9. Idioteque: The first time i heard it i nearly had a heart-attack, the band who did Creep did this? The more you hear it the more you love it, another essential. 10. Palo Alto: I think their Pixies infactuation is on show the most here (and Creep of course), it's the blasts of noise that make it. |
the national anthem pyramid song you and whose army exit (music for a film) street spirit 15 step climbing up the walls paranoid android 2 +2 = 5 |
1. Planet Telex
2. Videotape 3. High and Dry 4. Black Star 5. The Bends 6. Bones 7. Faust Arp 8. All I Need 9. (Nice Dream) 10. Pyramid Song |
1A. Exit Music - Michael Stipe said the part where the drums and bass kick in is the most powerful and emotional moment in music... I tend to agree
1B. Paranoid Android - Does anything need to be said here? 1C. Idioteque - I love the sometimes overlooked, frantic lyrics of this song 1D. Life in a Glass House - Possibly the most out there thing they've done, and boy did it pay off 5. National Anthem - The memories of seeing this live almost pushed it to "1E," it was that good 6. There There - Pretty much the same explanation as National Anthem 7. How To Disappear Completely - So much emotion, so much angst, so beatutiful 8. Street Spirit - The classic, the first Radiohead song I heard not called "Creep," the song that got me into my now favorite band 9. Reckoner - When listening to this song, I can't help but to shake whatever is in my hand at the time like a shaker or moracca 10. Morning Bell (Kid A Version) - The ultimate grower, every time i listen i like it more and more and more Honorable Mentions: Pyramid Song, Like Spinning Plates, We Suck Young Blood, The Gloaming, Everything In It's Right Place, Climbing Up the Walls, Talk Show Host |
nobody mentioned "True Love Waits"!?!?!?!
great song.too bad they never made a studio version |
The lists with little write ups describing WHY you chose the track add an extra dimension to these threads.
Berate me all you like but I have never heard: Kid A Hail To The Thief and so will not post a list. |
im going to add a small little write up
Top bombing :thumb:
10. Optomistic
Found this song a year and a half after getting Kid A. Made me appreciate alot more. 9. Black Star A 'Bends' epic stadium song with an amazing chorus 8. Airbag A great riff, especially the way it melds the guitar with cello. 7. Paranoid Android First radiohead song I ever heard. I remember it getting radio airplay next to Korn and Kid rock, REALLY wierd in retrospect. I fell in love with the "rain down" section in 4th grade. 6. The National Anthem Its so modern its post-modern. One of the sickest bass riffs ever. 5. Everything In Its Right Place The first time I did mushrooms I had a bad trip, and this song came on getting more and more chaotic, I thought my head was going to explode, and then-the climax-the noise all goes away, leaving yhorke's (sp?) voice and the lone syth melody. brilliant. 4. Bones Best song on The Bends. Sounds like generic 90's alt rock, but the melody is SO GOOD 3. Polyethylene (Pts 1 & 2) Underrated OK Computer B-Side. This and "Palo Alto" should have made the album. 2. Pyramid Song Depressing songs like this usually put me asleep, but the fact that this one does the opposite is proof of its brilliance. 1. No Suprises Awesome melody, great lyrics, the glockenspiel rules. |
I am ashamed to admit i have never heard Polyethylene (Pts 1 & 2) and I can't seem to find it
Edit: I recently baught from ebay airbag/how am i driving hopefully its on there |
1. Life In a Glass House:
The clarinet line is to die for, Yorke's voice is beautiful, a perfect song. 2. No Surprises: Possibly the best melody ever, wonderfully bittersweet, plus incredible, incredibly depressing lyrics, made all the more so by their strangely cheerful delivery. 3. How To Disappear Completely: Beautiful song, with the seemingly out of place acoustic guitar adding to the feeling of total alienation. 4. Pyramid Song: This is a beautiful piano ballad with great lyrics wonderful sound effects that you've got to hear for yourself to really understand. 5. The National Anthem: This one is pure, unadulterated chaos, with a great bass line and insane horns. 6. Airbag: What a great riff, love the cello also. I'm still not sure what the lyrics to this song are, but regardless, the vocal melody's great. 7. Just: This song is really powerful, the riff, the lyrics, the vocals, everything. 8. A Wolf At The Door (It Girl. Rag Doll): Wow, the only way to describe this song is an incredibly strange mix of Nick Cave and classic Radiohead. But that's just the beginning. The only thing I can say is, whether or not you like Radiohead, give this a listen. 9. All I Need: This is the only song from In Rainbows I really love, the melody's beautiful and the instrumentation is more layered than anything else on the album. 10. Everything In Its Right Place: Sometimes this is my favorite RH song, sometimes I find it unlistenable. Regardless, I can't deny the incredible synth line and haunting refrains. |
wow jackhammer i am quite surprised... To say the least, you've missed out on a HUGE part of radiohead by not listening to Kid A
This is an unfair question.
IN NO SPECIFIC ORDER 1. Videotape 2. Kid A 3. Motion Picture Soundtrack 4. The Tourist 5. A Punch Up At A Wedding 6. Subterranean Homesick Alien 7. In Limbo 8. Morning Bell 9. Weird Fishes 10. Sit Down, Stand Up HONORABLE MENTIONS (other favorites that couldnt fit): Pyramid Song Sail to the Moon Planet Telex Knives Out Weird Fishes |
****. actually, replace sit down stand up with everything in its right place. how could i forget that?
High And Dry
Let Down Myxamatosis Where I End And You Begin Bones Fake Plastic Trees Stop Whispering Airbag Exit Music Climbing Up The Walls I like to think I have a unique opinion when it comes to Radiohead. |
i dont know. he prolly just needs time to realize how sweet some of their later albums are.
its true. personally, kid a is my favorite record of all time. i cant wait for their next record.
(No Order)
Pyramid Song Unbelievable song, it deeply affects me everytime I listen to it. So soothing yet so haunting. Life In A Glass House This is possibly my favorite Radiohead song. It's so dark and chaotic, and it shows that Radiohead can take any risk. Nice Dream I especially like the acoustic version of this song, it's beautiful and a great melody. A Wolf At The Door This is not typical Radiohead at all, but then again what is typical Radiohead? Wonderfully intense song. I love the contrast between the dark verses, and the more light chorus. We Suck Young Blood Love the piano, love the clapping, love the sped up section towards the end. The National Anthem Pure chaos over a pulsating bass line. Amazing. Motion Picture Soundtrack Maybe one of the most depressing songs lyrically by them. I love everything about this song. Let Down This may be my favorite song of all time. The harmony between the guitars, the melancholic chord progression, the sad lyrics. Everytime I listen to this song I just forget the world around me. I think the last verse maybe one of the most emotionally powerful pieces of music created by Radiohead. Paranoid Android Genius. How I Made My Millions Something about just Thom's voice and the piano works so well. |
In no order, just wrote them down as I thought of them.
The National Anthem Paranoid Android No Suprises Airbag High and Dry The Bends Just Thinking About You Everything In Its Right Place Creep |
They kinda started out in an order but I don't think they particularly are...
1. Paranoid Android 2. Exit Music (For a Film) 3. Street Spirit (Fade Out) 4. Idioteque 5. Fake Plastic Trees 6. Karma Police (it was the first song my band and I ever played together and it brings back fond memories.) 7. Everything in its Right Place 8. Talk Show Host 9. Life in a Glasshouse 10. Pyramid Song That was surprisingly difficult. |
Talk Show Host
Idioteque Street Spirit Exit Music Karma Police Wolf At The Door Electioneering House Of Cards Knives Out How To Disappear... Edit: Old list on the first page is old. |
In no order
EDIT: WHOOPS I MEANT "Packt Like Sardines In a Crushed Tin Box" - a brilliantly subtle use of noise and dissonance as building blocks for pop songwriting, as if they are no different from chords or rhythms. You never get the feeling that the dissonance is being used for "effect", like the breakdown in "The National Anthem" (which I do like but for different reasons). A convincing argument that glitch can be pop, too. "Kid A" - yes, I'm serious! This song evokes naive wonder in me like few others do. The music box (?) repeats a beautiful yet inconclusive and odd figure that, along with the light keyboards and obscured vocals, evokes early childhood in a really compelling way. I once read that young children experience something like a psychedelic juxtaposition of the senses, "hearing colors" and such; this song captures that sensation for me. "Subterranean Homesick Alien" - far more than just a comedown after the intense "Paranoid Android", this is actually an underappreciated gem in Radiohead's catalogue. With its lush, reverbed, yet crystal-clear clean guitar stylings and keyboards, it captures the feeling of driving in the wide-open country. Yorke's lyrics might seem a bit silly, but they capture a desire for magical and otherworldly experience that is fundamental to Radiohead's spirit. "Idioteque" - the repeated harmonic riff in this song (sampled from an early avant-garde electronic piece by Paul Lansky) is very simple (it's the same chord just rearranged in four different voicings), yet all the more mysterious for it. Around it, the band builds one of their most emotional songs ever--one wouldn't think that an experimental music sample, dance drum machines, and Yorke's out-of-tune warble would coalesce into anything worth listening to, but they do, and it is fascinating. "Everything In Its Right Place" - an alternate-universe version of the piano ballad, the combination of Yorke's voice (processed and otherwise) and the electronic keyboard does something very unusual with what might have been a familiar format. The lyrics are almost nonsense, but sung with such weight that they seem like abstracted placeholders, pointing towards a more disturbed mental state in their deliverer. The live version adds momentum with a steady hi-hat beat, building towards a crescendo that really only barely comes, but is intense enough to satisfy nonetheless. "Morning Bell" - with a light electronic organ and odd-time drum pattern, and building towards a colorful climactic moment with a rush of reverb and guitar before tapering off, "Morning Bell"'s music is very friendly. Of course, this only makes Yorke's terrifying lyrics like "Cut the kids in half" all the more frightening. Reversing the juxtaposition of music and lyrics heard on "Lucky", "Morning Bell"'s duality creates an equally dark impression with a more creative style of music. "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi" - this piece actually began as one of Greenwood's classical compositions and was debuted by the Nazareth Orchestra in 2005. You can definitely hear the influence of classical composers like Steve Reich, a pioneer of the use of repetitive phrases arranged in complex rhythmic ways, in this song's construction, but that doesn't mean it loses its impact as a pop song either; the subtle crescendo at the end is a perfect example of how a song can achieve climax without resorting to bombast. Above all, this song just *sounds* incredibly beautiful, with its airy reverbed guitar arpeggios and underwater keyboards. Yorke's imagery (which does play around with a bit of "Morning Bell" ugliness in lines like "I get eaten by the worms", but in a more lighthearted way) fits perfectly. "Airbag" - from the moment cello and distorted guitar enter at the beginning of this track, you know you are in the presence of something unusual and artistic, yet familiar as well. The song itself captures that balance perfectly; it has a pop melody and a pretty guitar solo, but also introduces unusual effects and guitar textures as well. This was the moment that Radiohead left power chords behind for stranger vistas, and if you ask me they made the change for the better. "2+2=5" - I acquired Hail to the Thief around the same time I was reading the novel 1984 for school, and the way they complemented each other was almost scary--enhanced by the overcast Chicago weather, it was one of the most powerful aesthetic experiences I've ever had. "2+2=5" captures that whole atmosphere in one song--it's bleak, ugly, dystopian, yet emotional as well. The gradual build into all-out schizoid-grunge is nothing short of amazing. "No Surprises" - is there any famous musical figure more simple than this one? A simple D major chord arpeggiated on a clean electric guitar, it's very safe, very pretty, very unthreatening. Yet in the context of the lyrics--a bleak, weary statement of surrender to routine--they become abstracted, a symbol of life devoid of adventure, a numbing experience of shallow beauty and emptiness. The incredible simplicity of this music is, for me, far darker and more deeply frightening and powerful than anything in "Paranoid Android". I hope that didn't come across as too pretentious, I just like to give my reasons rather than just state my opinions. By now I'm sure you can tell which period of Radiohead I prefer :P I do like their early guitar style and more recent art-pop work too though, just not quite as much. |
I felt like I should put them in order.
1) Paranoid Android 2) The National Anthem 3) No Suprises 4) Just 5) Creep 6) Airbag 7) High and Dry 8) The Bends 9) Everything In Its Right Place 10) Thinking About You |
I feel like it's so underrated! The riff is insane, and it totally utilizes the cow bell. |
I don't like how "Electioneering" is mixed...you have to play it so loud to hear what's going on. Still, 'tis a fun song.
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