Rainard Jalen |
03-18-2008 04:48 PM |
Originally Posted by SATCHMO
(Post 456633)
Yes, and being the greatest indie pop band of the century puts them somewhere smack dab in the middle of boring mediocrity as far as music in general is concerned (IMO)
Again, the difference lies purely in how much one likes the more recent batch of indie pop. I think the current indie pop scene is, well, brilliant - one of the better things going in current indie/alternative music. Those who oppose it are automatically going to hate Vampire Weekend, they won't even recognize the 'point' that they're great melody craftsmen (i.e. what everybody else and his/her dog seems to think) out of raw hatred for the style: the melodies wouldn't resonate with such a person to begin with because they are so contrary to the style they appreciate. On the basis of what I've seen from more than a couple of friends, some people who actually like recent indie pop have just decided they hated it from a couple of songs and never downloaded the whole album... and for what reason? Because it's hyped.
The truth is that this release does stand out among very recent indie pop releases of the same sort. It is no surprise that it has been hyped - it has more catchy melodies and more [hypothetically] mainstream credentials than most of the rest of the pack.