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D.O.P. 07-13-2004 10:03 AM

Blur or Oasis
I like them both but was wondering what you all think of them and which one is beter

franscar 07-13-2004 05:30 PM

Never liked either to be honest, I didn't "get" the whole Britpop thing at all.

xcollapseofmyheartx 07-24-2004 01:04 AM

i really like oasis. but they were all "were the best band ever." the guys in the band were drunk jackasses to eachother. thats not cool. but they made some good songs in a those critical few weeks.

franscar 07-24-2004 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by xcollapseofmyheartx
i really like oasis. but they were all "were the best band ever." the guys in the band were drunk jackasses to eachother. thats not cool. but they made some good songs in a those critical few weeks.

Unfortunately they are still peddling the same tired old clichés about how incredible they are. I really wonder how on earth a band can make six progressively more awful albums and still be lauded as the best on the planet by the British music press. I could go into a rant about our musical coverage over here now, but I shan't. Yet.

I like Graham Coxon's solo stuff from Blur though. He's a nice guy too.

IamAlejo 07-24-2004 08:56 AM

I've only heard one song by Blur. "Song #2" and that was pretty good, a lot of "woohoo"ing. I'd go with Oasis I guess, they had a couple songs that made it big.

jibber 07-25-2004 02:03 AM

i like both of them, ahh theres another blur song besides song #2 that i really love, "girls & boys"

Thrice 07-25-2004 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by IamAlejo
I've only heard one song by Blur. "Song #2" and that was pretty good, a lot of "woohoo"ing. I'd go with Oasis I guess, they had a couple songs that made it big.


vanni 07-27-2004 12:41 AM

Well "Boys and Girls" and "Song 2" were the most popular songs blur made but by no means the best. Judging the band based on these two is just not fair. My vote's for blur; they had some really brilliant albums.

AaronS 07-28-2004 04:30 PM

I like them both, Oasis a little better I think.

Andrew 08-01-2004 12:05 PM

Both, but I've always been a fan of Blur more and they've made some brilliant albums, especially "Leisure", "Parklife" "Blur" and "Think Tank". I like Graham Coxon's current album too.

Jin 08-03-2004 11:04 AM

I was a big Oasis fan when the whole Blur vs Oasis thing was happening mainly because Damon Albarn is a bit of an idiot. However Oasis just don't have the same get drunk and shout along to power to their songs and Graham Coxon rocks.

soundgardenrox 10-03-2004 12:55 PM

Oasis is much better because their music is sooo great blur is extremely good to but Oasis wins this one. Their guitaring and lyrical genius is so hard for blur to beat.

Ziroc the Xfigher 10-03-2004 01:44 PM

^ agreed.

0110 10-05-2004 12:05 PM

oasis for me and i dont think that u americans and canadians have heard enougth of them and if you have i cant understand y some of you are saying theve only had a couple of big songs fair enuf their not the greatest band in the world like they make out 2 be but i think there very underrated state side

Ben 10-05-2004 12:42 PM

Its Oasis by far, I never really liked Blur. Theres never going to be another band quite as good as Oasis. There style is unique I think.

Ziroc the Xfigher 10-05-2004 03:23 PM

Oasis..oh oh ohasis.

Sneer 11-11-2004 10:56 AM

BLUR for me. Oasis have made a couple of great songs but to be honest i fink they as people are the most irritating tw*ts this country has produced. BLUR can produce those get-pissed-and-sing-along-at-the-top-of-your-voice songs no1 else can match. "parklife", "country house", "song 2", "girls and boys", "the universal"- brilliant. graham is the best guitarist of the 90's too. his solo stuff rocks.

silvermoon 11-18-2004 08:26 AM

There both good and I like radiohead and coldplay as well I just mentioned them because they are similar in style. Oasis is a split hair better not by far.

higgy 11-18-2004 10:32 AM

I prefer Oasis, but Blur are a brilliant band, and have so many great tunes, End Of The Century I can't stop listening to and only heard it for the first time a few moths ago.

But you have ot consider the amount of great songs Oasis have, and they have also had a great impact on my life as I was brought up listening to them.

MyWorld 11-28-2004 12:11 AM

I don't really remember the songs Oasis has done but I love Blur. So many of their songs are stuff I like to listen to over and over.

Sneer 11-28-2004 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by silvermoon
There both good and I like radiohead and coldplay as well I just mentioned them because they are similar in style. Oasis is a split hair better not by far.

radiohead, best fing since led zep

baby snakes 11-30-2004 07:54 AM

oasis are better than blur, but i do like blur to but not as much

Ian Catchpole <3 11-30-2004 07:55 AM

i prefere blur. WOOOOHOOOO

Brit_Kid 12-06-2004 04:53 AM

If your going by hits then oasis are by far the more successful band, they sold more records, have more fans made more money.

Though Blur are easily a better band musically, from there humble beginnings as a Britpop band with albums like Leisure and Modern life is rubbish they have mixed electro-pop, grunge and alt rock, becoming one of the worlds most inventive bands.
Blur had and have more of an original sound whilst Oasis are a popier version of The Stone Roses, and utter products of the Manchester Britrock scene.

Also Blurs albums Leisure, Park life, 13 and Think Tank all albums were huge hits. Oasis really only had what’s the story morning glory as far as albums go.

So I say Blur 100%:)

Sweet Jane 12-08-2004 03:23 PM

Blur for originality.

But in all honesty I got more into more of Oasis' songs.

Mind you thats before I realised they'd all been stolen from other bands such as the Beatles.

Sneer 12-14-2004 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Sweet Jane
Blur for originality.

But in all honesty I got more into more of Oasis' songs.

Mind you thats before I realised they'd all been stolen from other bands such as the Beatles.

oasis are the reincarnation of the beatles

sleepy jack 12-14-2004 10:47 PM

Blur by far so much better.but then again i was pratically raised around Oasis cause my brother thinks there amazing

ForgottenHero 12-14-2004 11:03 PM

I like Oasis better. I mean, they have kind of declined recently, and they have gotten full of themselves, but at the same time, I think they bought into that whole,"They say we're the best, so we must be the best" mindset. It happened to a lot of bands, but even so, thats what I think happened. But bottom line, I like Oasis better.:hphones:

Sweet Jane 12-17-2004 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
oasis are the reincarnation of the beatles

I know. I was originally fooled by the fact they admitted it, by doing covers such as I am the walrus. I feel so silly.

Amo Pheara 12-18-2004 02:25 PM

Oasis was one of the first bands i was ever into....when i was younger my father bought me two of there albums and i wasnt into music at the time at all...but i really enjoyed the albums back then and i still like their music to this day. Blur are pretty good yet there too much over the britpop side for me.
So Oasis gets my vote.

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-22-2004 02:50 PM

Difficult to chose between the 2.

Oasis used to be a great singles band but I think Blur wrote better albums & were generally more multi-faceted in terms of direction & diversity.
However I think losing Graham Coxon was the worst that could happen to Blur as he pretty much gave them their sound from 1997 onwards, Think Tank was a horrible album & made me wish he was still in the band.
On the other hand , Noel Gallagher seems a really sound guy & Damon Albarn comes across as an arrogant idiot.

I`d say Blur just shades it.

sleepy jack 12-29-2004 04:11 PM

omfg that wasnt a negative post lets all run the apocalypse is coming.

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-29-2004 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
omfg that wasnt a negative post lets all run the apocalypse is coming.

Seriously what is your problem?

I`ve done loads of non negative posts yet nobody seems to focus on those.

sleepy jack 12-29-2004 07:36 PM

Ahh sorry i was being a pissy d*ck when i write that.

Sneer 01-02-2005 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Ahh sorry i was being a pissy d*ck when i write that.

lets face it, hes only expressing his opinions when he writes these threads, ans we're all entitled to them. to comment on everything he writes is a bit petty. anyway, its quite fun and refreshing debating with him half the time.

Molasses 01-03-2005 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Blur by far so much better.but then again i was pratically raised around Oasis cause my brother thinks there amazing

I was brought up around Oasis too, and I'd definatly say Oasis is better band. The only Blur song I like is Parklife, cause it's funny.

Sneer 01-03-2005 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Molasses
I was brought up around Oasis too, and I'd definatly say Oasis is better band. The only Blur song I like is Parklife, cause it's funny.

song 2? country house? i think graham coxon is more talented then every oasis member put together. without coxon they'd be pretty average, with coxon they edge out oasis in my opinion.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-03-2005 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
song 2? country house? i think graham coxon is more talented then every oasis member put together. without coxon they'd be pretty average, with coxon they edge out oasis in my opinion.

You`re never gonna convince me Blur are better than Oasis by giving examples of songs from The Great Escape.

Luckily i`ve heard Modern Life Is Rubbish.

Sneer 01-04-2005 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
You`re never gonna convince me Blur are better than Oasis by giving examples of songs from The Great Escape.

Luckily i`ve heard Modern Life Is Rubbish.

those two songs are great Britpop tunes which; in essence, is what Blur are/were. Song 2 has to be one of the best songs of the last decade in terms of anthemic value and country house is a great sing-along. i like their older stuff too (not think tank, that album offends me). im not saying i dont like oasis. maybe definatly and whats the the story morning glory are two of the best albums of the 90s..i just prefer blur.

Molasses 01-04-2005 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
song 2? country house? i think graham coxon is more talented then every oasis member put together. without coxon they'd be pretty average, with coxon they edge out oasis in my opinion.

Okay, did you really need to quote by post when saying that? haha. Anyway, Song 2 is a lot of rubbish and is only liked my bands who have nothing to practise with, so they go with the easiest piece of crap they can think of.

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