I dig TVOTR for their originality, and I think they can write some good music, but my problem with them is that it seems like, because they deviate so much from traditional chord theory, they often times don't know how to elaborate some of their songs to make them full compositions. They are a bit too creative for their own good at times. They'll have a very original and very cool sounding 4 chord progression, but, because it doesn't abide by traditional chord structure, it's difficult to put in a second part to the song. Then you get albums like Return To Cookie Mountain which is very creative and well produced, but it is dominated by songs that are comprised of the same 4 chords throughout the whole song, which can get irritatingly repititious. I like all of their songs individually. They're a nice break from the regular, but the irregularity paired with the repetition is a little much in large doses.
It's not what you look like when you're doing what you're doing, It's what you're doing when you're doing what you look like you're doing. Express Yourself.