adidasss |
09-25-2005 06:31 PM |
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I don`t despise you at all , I just wish you`d quit taking things I say about bands so personally which you usually follow up with unwarrented personal attacks.
i've only expressed my annoyance with your negativity ( and i'm really boring myself by repeating it), sure ,you have a right to have your say about a band that you've listened to and didn't like, i just got fed up with the predictability of your posts, every time i see you posted in a thread about a band i know what i'm going to see, hence the " you bore me" comment
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
The only time I have ever attacked you personally is in retaliation to you when you constantly spew out rubbish like you did at the beginning of this thread.
well i think that's not really true, and you're cleverly avoiding admiting the fact that you've insulted my country on numerous occasions, i've stuck to insulting your taste in music, you're just as bad if not worse then me,so please....
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
You seem to be under the impression that I see these sparring matches with you as the highlight of being on this forum , it isn`t.
i am?
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I like to say that I couldn`t care less about what you have to say but i`ve tried reasoning , i`ve tried explaining why I think the way I do but it`s very rare you actually bother reading these points.
i don't actually think that " they're boring" or "i got it for free and still think i got robbed" constitute explanations
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I said I didn`t like the Franz Ferdinand single & you go off on one at me not mentioning the actual song once.
i have mentioned the song you're reffering to on several occasions and i have also explained my problem with your post. and let me get this straight, you really thought the song was absolute s hit? in....a u2 song? may i direct you to the previous page, where i distinctly said i didn't think much of the song either, but i also didn't think it was absolutely horrible, it's actually growing on me....
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
So Spike insulted you , so what? I`m not her keeper , if she thinks you are a total ass and wants to let you know it then there isn`t much I can do about it.
ok, be honest and say what you think about her post.i think you won't because you and i both know it was dumb ( and infantile ) as hell.....but that's why i don't dwell on her much...
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
You tell me to lighten up , maybe you should look at your own behavior on this thread before you go telling anyone else what to do.
i have , and i still don't find anything wrong with expressing my feelings....