phoenixflames |
05-09-2005 01:45 PM |
Originally Posted by allyz
we all say we hate stereotypes but by merely clasing ourselves as "emo" most peops follow stereotypes....annoyinly we dunt mean 2 follow we jst fit in2 those catorgories without doin anyfin 2 delibratly get us ther but meh who reallly cares? not me! we are hu we r n if peps cnt accept us 4 hu we r then they rnt really worth botherin with!
allyz xXxXx
I don't classify myself as 'emo', 'punk', or anything else for that matter. I suppose I would call myself a human, but some might disagree ;) It seems to me that if you classify yourself as something other than that, you are limiting yourself as an individual. I don't want to have to dress or act a certain way, because I want to be who I am, not follow the guidelines of a stereotype. I prefer to be free thinking and act how I want to act.
If people want to call themselves by a label, they are free to do so. But when they volunteraily do that, they then suffer from all the stereotypes that are associated with that label (wether they are right or wrong). I choose to live without the label, and hope that people judge me by my actions, not by how I look...