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PurpleBunny182 04-23-2005 01:03 PM

Emo Your Views...What Bands Are REAL Emo Bands?
Ok. Which Bands do you think are real emo bands? :band:

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-23-2005 01:16 PM

*Awaits another thread full of:
"TBS are emo"
"TBS are not emo"
"Yes they are, emo has just evolved"
"Thats not emo, thats pop punk, real emo is Rites Of Spring and Fugazi. Youre just a 12 year old dashboard fan, you dont know real emo."*

If you want to know what bands are 'real emo', I suggest you read the "Origins of Emo" thread we have stickied in the EMO forum... I think its stickied anyway.

Zealious 04-23-2005 06:06 PM

well technically Rites of Spring is emocore and Fugazi is indie-rock. But I catch your drift :)

BeachBum420 04-23-2005 07:10 PM

who cares all music is emotional.... It's stupid to label a bunch of bands as emotional... emotion is the crux of all art

.angie. 04-23-2005 07:28 PM

^you obviously dont know what emo is. emo is just a different form of emotional music. and pop-- is not emotional (my opinion.)

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-23-2005 08:13 PM

Why does a band have to be emo to be enjoyed anyway.

Thats like saying you hate James Brown because you like 'real soul' rather than funk.

Zealious 04-23-2005 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Why does a band have to be emo to be enjoyed anyway.

Thats like saying you hate James Brown because you like 'real soul' rather than funk.

A band doesn't have to be emo to be enjoyed, but sometimes people favor a certain genre over another one.

pastor of muppets 04-23-2005 09:59 PM

but how can you favour a whole genre? its too general

Zealious 04-23-2005 10:17 PM

Well I guess it depends on the size of the genre. Categorizing all your likes into rock is a broad statement, while categorizing all your favorites into experimental indie rock is significantly smaller

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-24-2005 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Zealious
A band doesn't have to be emo to be enjoyed, but sometimes people favor a certain genre over another one.

I don`t doubt that , but does it really matter if a band is 'real' emo or not?

EDGE 04-24-2005 08:39 AM

Why get so caught up in the genres.
What's REAL and "NOT REAL" emo?
What is that?
Listen to music because you like it.
Who gives a nut if they're "real emo" or not?

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-24-2005 09:50 AM

^Many people do... Its sad but true.

EDGE 04-24-2005 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
^Many people do... Its sad but true.

Very true, I must say.

phoenixflames 04-24-2005 04:20 PM

This is one of those subjects that people seem to fight over soooo much. I hear about it all the time. People say our band is emo, people say our band isan't emo. People argue... I happen to believe it does fall at least somewhat into the emo / emocore genre because our lyrics mainly consist of subjects that are emotional in nature. I don't know if you would say that is enough to call it emo, but who knows. Its just peoples opinion anyway. You should like a band for their music, not what catagory they (or their fans) put themselves into. Sometimes classification can help people find new bands, but other than that, I don't really see that it helps a whole lot.

Lead Singer / Bass - As I Fail

Zealious 04-24-2005 10:17 PM

Your band is neither emo nor emocore. If you would like to learn a little about the emo genre does a pretty good job covering it. Although you might not agree with him 100%, he does bring up a lot of good bands.

phoenixflames 04-25-2005 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Zealious
Your band is neither emo nor emocore. If you would like to learn a little about the emo genre does a pretty good job covering it. Although you might not agree with him 100%, he does bring up a lot of good bands.

I had read it prior to your post. It does have a pretty good history. But then again, I think this this is one of those things thats defined by the opinion of many people. At least thats my perspective.

David Frost 04-25-2005 08:02 PM

this website will never change.

riseagainstrocks 04-26-2005 09:28 AM

nor will its people.

jif4jif 04-26-2005 12:28 PM

i guess i've always thought that any music that moves me or makes me feel something has been my emo. generally those that manage that tend to fall into what i assume the majority would agree is emo. i'm not really bothered whether the person next to me agrees with what bands i drop within that ctaegory, and i assume nobody else does, because it's the music that you listen to, not the genre.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-26-2005 12:33 PM

^ I doubt you can really say that "any music that moves me or makes me feel something has been my emo". I listen to a Bon Jovi track and I feel emotion. Bon Jovi isnt emo.

jif4jif 04-26-2005 12:35 PM

why not?

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-26-2005 12:37 PM

Because theyre not. Its that simple. You cant just put it into a completely different genre just because you want to... You wouldnt put Eminem into the "screamo" genre, would you..

jif4jif 04-26-2005 12:38 PM

but that point was being mad earlier, about emo being emotional and ****. besides, eminem doesn't scream.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-26-2005 12:42 PM

Exactly my point, you wouldnt put Eminem into the screamo genre because it just doesnt fit. Thats how simple it is. Bon Jovi arent emo. So thats why I wouldnt put them in the emo genre. Emo music doesnt mean all emotional music, Im sorry, but it doesnt. Basically everything would be classed as emo. It was just named emo because it was a style of music that expressed emotion more openly. I know exactly what I mean, but its really hard to put into words, is all.

jif4jif 04-26-2005 12:54 PM

i guess, but emo is usually associated with that emotional sense atributed to teenagers. something they identify with. is that not why the genre appeals to them. i do see the point you're making, but i guess i was being too general with my analogy. when i said moved, at least for me personally, i meant like moved as in self pity, not pity for others, and in a very teenage sense - the sort of depression that seems to typify the teenage stereotype, usually about girls.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-26-2005 01:00 PM

Oh right, I see. But please, dont go saying all emotional music is emo... You'll get your head bitten off.

xsadxemoxstarx 04-28-2005 12:09 AM

PurpleBunny182 04-28-2005 03:37 AM

Ok now do any of you think that Brand New are Emo? Or maybe even Jimmy Eat World?

.angie. 04-28-2005 07:52 PM

^i would say they are.

Zealious 04-28-2005 08:35 PM

They are talented bands, but I would not categorize them in the emo genre.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-29-2005 09:36 AM

I wouldnt put Jimmy Eat World in 'emo'... And it depends what Brand New youre listening to.. Earlier stuff isnt emo. Well, I wouldnt say so anyway.

PurpleBunny182 05-01-2005 10:34 AM

I agree with you there. Some of Jimmy Eat World is kinda Emo-ish but then again,some people think that Emo is just a bunch of guys,even if its Slipknot,that are singing about heart break and how they fell in love then got torn up etc which is wrong. I agrre with you too when you said about Eminem,you wouldnt just put someone in a genre when its not them.Anyone care to disagree?

Falling_Forever444 05-02-2005 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by PurpleBunny182
Ok now do any of you think that Brand New are Emo? Or maybe even Jimmy Eat World?

i think brand new is emo...i love them very much...and jimmy eat world is so so!!!!!!!

PurpleBunny182 05-03-2005 01:34 PM

well i guess rele its up to the person....but yea sum bands r emo
wud u say that blink 182s new stuff was emo?its emotional but i wanna no how u feel bout that little quote

(just telling u now that im not saying blink are emo...i just want ur views)

phoenixflames 05-03-2005 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by PurpleBunny182
well i guess rele its up to the person....but yea sum bands r emo

You're gonna get ripped on for that one... Maybe...

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-03-2005 02:09 PM

Nah, people are getting tired of that one now.

XTheTearsOfABrokenHeartX 05-14-2005 05:06 AM

well all of you people asking what bands are emo and what songs are emo, are pointless.

emo is not a minority as much as you wud like to say it is like townies,chavs,goths,skaters,punk, all of these are minorities.

emo is anti-minority, we go against the idea of the world being grouped like herds of sheep because soon enough all the minorities will be one minority called 'the people who are in groups'
and hardly anybody will not be included in this

all except the emos, we dont follow the fashions because we dont see the need to wear wot sum1 else wears, so we wear our own style.

this goes for emo music, emos are named emos not because they try to be emos but because they are naturally involved with the ways of the emos, its the way the truely think of life, thats what makes them emo, they dont think oh thats an emo band i gotta listen to them, they think 'o this bands music has so much relation to my life it makes me wanna cry' THATS EMO MUSIC
so to all the people trying to stereotype emo music, get a life dudes there no point


ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-14-2005 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by XTheTearsOfABrokenHeartX
well all of you people asking what bands are emo and what songs are emo, are pointless.

emo is not a minority as much as you wud like to say it is like townies,chavs,goths,skaters,punk, all of these are minorities.

emo is anti-minority, we go against the idea of the world being grouped like herds of sheep because soon enough all the minorities will be one minority called 'the people who are in groups'
and hardly anybody will not be included in this

all except the emos, we dont follow the fashions because we dont see the need to wear wot sum1 else wears, so we wear our own style.

this goes for emo music, emos are named emos not because they try to be emos but because they are naturally involved with the ways of the emos, its the way the truely think of life, thats what makes them emo, they dont think oh thats an emo band i gotta listen to them, they think 'o this bands music has so much relation to my life it makes me wanna cry' THATS EMO MUSIC
so to all the people trying to stereotype emo music, get a life dudes there no point


Holy crap thats confusing.

So youre 'anti-minority', but 'hardly anybody will be included in this'?

And you 'dont follow the fashions', thats why you all wear the same things...

I especially like this : "emos are named emos not because they try to be emos but because they are naturally involved with the ways of the emos, its the way the truely think of life, thats what makes them emo"

I see. So you guys were naturally born this way. Fair enough.
EDIT: So what's the way that emo's truly think of life? Im interested. Because last time I checked, emo wasn't a way of life.

You know, I have no problem with emo music. Just a lot of the "emos" as you called them. Just stop thinking youre something different, ok? If you go out of your way to fit in with the emo fashion, then how the hell are you different? It just makes no sense. I went into town last weekend, and I saw a huge group of "emos". They were all dressed up, all looking pretty much the same with slight variations. They just strike me as very very insecure people. Im secure enough in myself that I know who I am, and I dont feel the need to dress up. I wear what I want, because I dont want other people to look at me and think "Oh she's a punk" or "Oh, shes a goth" or whatever. I dont want that. I'd rather be looked at as a person, thank you.

pastor of muppets 05-14-2005 07:34 AM


XTheTearsOfABrokenHeartX 05-14-2005 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Holy crap thats confusing.

So youre 'anti-minority', but 'hardly anybody will be included in this'?

And you 'dont follow the fashions', thats why you all wear the same things...

I especially like this : "emos are named emos not because they try to be emos but because they are naturally involved with the ways of the emos, its the way the truely think of life, thats what makes them emo"

I see. So you guys were naturally born this way. Fair enough.
EDIT: So what's the way that emo's truly think of life? Im interested. Because last time I checked, emo wasn't a way of life.

You know, I have no problem with emo music. Just a lot of the "emos" as you called them. Just stop thinking youre something different, ok? If you go out of your way to fit in with the emo fashion, then how the hell are you different? It just makes no sense. I went into town last weekend, and I saw a huge group of "emos". They were all dressed up, all looking pretty much the same with slight variations. They just strike me as very very insecure people. Im secure enough in myself that I know who I am, and I dont feel the need to dress up. I wear what I want, because I dont want other people to look at me and think "Oh she's a punk" or "Oh, shes a goth" or whatever. I dont want that. I'd rather be looked at as a person, thank you.

yo dudes, emos dont wear the same ****ing things, if u grew up n opened ur eyes u wud see dat people who wear the same that r considered emos are actually not ****ing emos! thay are posers, read it, memorize it eat it!
and how the **** did that confuse u wen u oviously didnt read it properly, theres u acting all slosh sayin that i just wanna fit in with the emos, as i was sayin i dont do the ' oh i hav black hair, glasses and a white belt, im an emo' thing

dont wear glasses, mi belts are notmally pink and mi hair is blondey brown
so b4 u criticise anyone u wanna see the real facts mate

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