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Broken_Angel 04-06-2005 03:03 PM

Emo Bands
I Just Thaught Id Say Something And I Was Reading Some Old Post That You Have Done And Im Shocked!!! :yikes: Lol I May Only Be 14 But Some Emo Bands Really Can Help You And Make You Feel Better When Ur Depressed And I Will Probbably Be Getting Some Older People Now Saying U Shouldnt Know What Depression Is At Ur Age!!! Lol But U Should Give Emo Band A Chance Coz Yeah Some Are *****e And But If U Call Em *****e How Did They Get Into The Music Industry Like Good Charlotte You All Call THem *****e And I Agree With You But If There So *****e How Did They Get Into The Music Industry By A Person Who Liked Em (And Also Shi*t Taste In Music)!!! Just Thought I Should Say Something :band: Sarah XxX

spearmint 04-06-2005 03:17 PM

Some of them words deserve lowercase letters at the begining

Sneer 04-06-2005 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Broken_Angel
Yeah Some Are *****e And But If U Call Em *****e How Did They Get Into The Music Industry Like Good Charlotte You All Call THem *****e And I Agree With You But If There So *****e How Did They Get Into The Music Industry By A Person Who Liked Em (And Also Shi*t Taste In Music)!!! Just Thought I Should Say Something Sarah XxX

you thought youd say the same thing 3 times in one sentence. their successful because young girls like your self are susceptable to being easily impressionable to any band that looks good and has a bit of attitude.

Broken_Angel 04-06-2005 03:19 PM

Its The Way I Type Lol Sorry!!!

Sarah XxX

Tommyrocker 04-06-2005 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Broken_Angel
But If U Call Em *****e How Did They Get Into The Music Industry Like Good Charlotte You All Call THem *****e And I Agree With You But If There So *****e How Did They Get Into The Music Industry By A Person Who Liked Em (And Also Shi*t Taste In Music)!!!

alot of **** bands get into the business hun. Just because they are in music doesn't mean they're talented. For example Ashley Simpson!!
I cudda had an utter go at you but cause you seem like the nice type i just said it nicely. (p.s i love good charlotte)

Broken_Angel 04-06-2005 03:23 PM

Ahh Thats The Thing Thou Its Im Not Into Good Charlotte I Have A Wide Range Of Music To Apart From Chav Music!!! I Hate Good Charlotte!! But I Dont Skit Band Coz They Must Be Good Enough ""to be big""

Zealious 04-06-2005 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Broken_Angel
Its The Way I Type Lol Sorry!!!

Flawed grammar brings down your credibility. Putting random capitalization does too.

Tommyrocker 04-06-2005 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Broken_Angel
But I Dont Skit Band Coz They Must Be Good Enough ""to be big""

Don't ever say that again or ill get angry. All a band needs is Radio-backing and a few consumer whore groups and they are away!

Tommyrocker 04-06-2005 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Zealious
Flawed grammar brings down your credibility. Putting random capitalization does too.


Broken_Angel 04-06-2005 03:37 PM

I Cant Help The Way I Type Lol Im Trying To Get Out Of It Anyway!.....Yeah But Im Not Skitting Good Charlotte Ill Give Em Credit For Actually Getting Off There Arse And Doing Sommat Thats Sommat I CanT Be Bovad Doing!

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-06-2005 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Broken_Angel
I Cant Help The Way I Type Lol Im Trying To Get Out Of It Anyway!.....Yeah But Im Not Skitting Good Charlotte Ill Give Em Credit For Actually Getting Off There Arse And Doing Sommat Thats Sommat I CanT Be Bovad Doing!

14 you say

is that your IQ?

SATCHMO 04-06-2005 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Broken_Angel
Ahh Thats The Thing Thou Its Im Not Into Good Charlotte I Have A Wide Range Of Music To Apart From Chav Music!!! I Hate Good Charlotte!! But I Dont Skit Band Coz They Must Be Good Enough ""to be big""

Ok so I'm finally breaking down and asking. Can someone please explain to a poor ignorant american what, exactly, a "chav" is ?

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-06-2005 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO
Ok so I'm finally breaking down and asking. Can someone please explain to a poor ignorant american what, exactly, a "chav" is ?

Man I envy you Americans... And I cant believe Im degrading myself to passing out this site to someone...

SATCHMO 04-06-2005 05:39 PM

I'm more confused after looking at that site than when I first asked the question.

Tommyrocker 04-06-2005 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO
I'm more confused after looking at that site than when I first asked the question.

You think thats bad, we have to LIVE with it!! We understand them about as much as you do.

ill tell ya..... chavs....or rood boys as i prefer em, dress in a ridiculous manner, with the traditional burberry (some ****ty chequed brown and red etc) tracksuit and cap, they spend there hours outside of schools or other poor poor places with music blazing out of their ****ty souped up cars and stero systems. They also display too many soverien-esque fake rings, asif to show off some pathetic hardness... They enjoy the music genre R'N'B, just because its cool to. Their main habitat at night is either the park or the streets, some catchphrases:

Blud - my friend
Das' Screwin' Blud - Thats outrageous, friend
Bru' - Alcohol
Set me sum (noun) - give me some (noun)

these are but a few traits of what many english parents would describe as - idiots.

SATCHMO 04-06-2005 05:55 PM

Ooh, see, in America we just call them silly white boys.

Broken_Angel 04-07-2005 09:35 AM

Ahh Chavs I Fricken Hate Em!!!! Aw There So Annoying And All Dressed The Same

:band: Sarah XxX

Broken_Angel 04-07-2005 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
14 you say

is that your IQ?

shush u sad reta***rded wan**ker

Sneer 04-07-2005 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Tommyrocker
They enjoy the music genre R'N'B, just because its cool to.

same with a lot of rock music fans.

riseagainstrocks 04-08-2005 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Tommyrocker

its off-topic pointing out that he was offtopic as well...hypocrit

Why? I have no idea, maybe cause most of your peer group would give their virginity to the guys in those bands (i hope that what you were asking)

Fenixpunk 04-08-2005 05:56 PM

ok, ive asked this before in an emo thread somwhere and nobody answered my question...Would you consider Scared of Chaka emo?? alot of their songs i think sound very "emoish"....anybody????

This_isnt_highschool 04-09-2005 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Man I envy you Americans... And I cant believe Im degrading myself to passing out this site to someone...

LMAO!!!!! aww rozi man...too funny

This_isnt_highschool 04-09-2005 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Broken_Angel
shush u sad reta***rded wan**ker

see comments like that really arent helping you...specially when youve put random **'s havnt even blanked out the letters!!!

Sneer 04-09-2005 07:01 AM

these "emo" kids are catching up with chavs in terms of annoyance levels.

This_isnt_highschool 04-09-2005 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
these "emo" kids are catching up with chavs in terms of annoyance levels.

i agree...i like the whole 'emo' genre but it pisses me off that everyone is adement on defining themselves! i put in a post earlier about the 'emo cliche'. all emo kids are like "yeah chavs suck, theyre all the same"...but have you taken a look at the emo community lately? literally ALL guys have black sidewards hair, a band tee and really low jeans... its turning into a whole new type of chav

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-09-2005 12:25 PM

Yeah! All emos are the same! Hypocrytical losers... Thats like so many people though, not just emos. They try really hard to be something different, and they all end up being the same. Ah well, doesnt bother me :D

spearmint 04-09-2005 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Broken_Angel
I Just Thaught Id Say Something And I Was Reading Some Old Post That You Have Done And Im Shocked!!! :yikes: Lol I May Only Be 14 But Some Emo Bands Really Can Help You And Make You Feel Better When Ur Depressed And I Will Probbably Be Getting Some Older People Now Saying U Shouldnt Know What Depression Is At Ur Age!!! Lol But U Should Give Emo Band A Chance Coz Yeah Some Are *****e And But If U Call Em *****e How Did They Get Into The Music Industry Like Good Charlotte You All Call THem *****e And I Agree With You But If There So *****e How Did They Get Into The Music Industry By A Person Who Liked Em (And Also Shi*t Taste In Music)!!! Just Thought I Should Say Something :band: Sarah XxX

hold on...what exactly are you trying to say? I swear between the random capitals and the stars all I can make out is that emo makes you happy? but what emo bands do you listen to?...

Zealious 04-10-2005 09:28 AM

Emo band = Heroin! It took me like 2 or 3 runs through their discography to appreciate what they were doing. I was at first skeptical of their ability, but it definitely grows on you.

riseagainstrocks 04-10-2005 11:39 AM

Antioch Arrow (upon Frost's reccommendation) is better. You can't even make out the individual guitar parts. rediculous

tinker bell 04-12-2005 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by Broken_Angel
I Just Thaught Id Say Something And I Was Reading Some Old Post That You Have Done And Im Shocked!!! :yikes: Lol I May Only Be 14 But Some Emo Bands Really Can Help You And Make You Feel Better When Ur Depressed And I Will Probbably Be Getting Some Older People Now Saying U Shouldnt Know What Depression Is At Ur Age!!! Lol But U Should Give Emo Band A Chance Coz Yeah Some Are *****e And But If U Call Em *****e How Did They Get Into The Music Industry Like Good Charlotte You All Call THem *****e And I Agree With You But If There So *****e How Did They Get Into The Music Industry By A Person Who Liked Em (And Also Shi*t Taste In Music)!!! Just Thought I Should Say Something :band: Sarah XxX

Do you know what Sarah, I totally agree (and thats a first!)
And the whole depression and been to young to understand, different people go through different thing in life and deal with them in differnet ways. If your deprest then your deprest (as long as your not attention seaking, god i hate that!) So be it, you deal with your life the way you want to!


Tommyrocker 04-12-2005 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
its off-topic pointing out that he was offtopic as well...hypocrit

It was off topic pointing out i was off-topic pointing out Zealious was off topic, you just-as-hypocritical hypocrit (we'll leave it there then?)

Zealious 04-12-2005 02:55 PM

TommyRocker never ceases to embarrass himself on this forums...

Riseagainstrocks, don't even try to argue with him. He'll bring you down to his stupidity then beat you with experience.


I like Heroin better because of all the chaos in the songs. I like its non-structure approach to music. I think its unique.

Tommyrocker 04-12-2005 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Zealious
TommyRocker never ceases to embarrass himself on this forums...

Riseagainstrocks, don't even try to argue with him. He'll bring you down to his stupidity then beat you with experience.

How am i embaressing myself? Someone who is of no value to me whatsoever doesn't like me, well damn, i guess i have no friends now.

Yeah, fine ok im an idiot thats doing 4 languages at a-level. Makes perfect sense.

The fact it was an attempted joke shows your lack of temper and or humour. Oh well, if you don't like the program change the channel, other words, just press that ignore button, cabron.

Pimp_racer 04-12-2005 03:09 PM

no more making retarded flames in less its in a thread made for that. dont just post random stuff in good threads. thank u and if anyone does it again they will be banned for an undetermined period of time.

Tainted_Love 04-16-2005 07:54 PM

Okay, I like Some Of the emo music. But heres the thing, good charlotte is not really emo. They TRY to be emo.

Pimp_racer 04-16-2005 08:29 PM

lol we all understand that noob.

riseagainstrocks 04-21-2005 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Tommyrocker
It was off topic pointing out i was off-topic pointing out Zealious was off topic, you just-as-hypocritical hypocrit (we'll leave it there then?)

in the same post i addressed the question that was asked. unlike yourself. please stop trying to winj arguements with me. or anything with me. i pick the "fights" i can win and proceed to do so.

Tommyrocker 04-21-2005 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
in the same post i addressed the question that was asked. unlike yourself. please stop trying to winj arguements with me. or anything with me. i pick the "fights" i can win and proceed to do so.

i was joking, hence the "leave it there then?" bit. Glad to see you've gota sense of humour, not a power-trip on a music forum. I think the only 'fight' you've been in is the one involving having a life, and you've clearly lost.

Zealious 04-21-2005 04:29 PM

Riseagainstrocks don't argue with him. He takes 4 a-grade languages...

anyway, I've been listening to Policy of three lately. They're a pretty good band you should check out.

riseagainstrocks 04-21-2005 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Tommyrocker
i was joking, hence the "leave it there then?" bit. Glad to see you've gota sense of humour, not a power-trip on a music forum. I think the only 'fight' you've been in is the one involving having a life, and you've clearly lost.

be that as it may, the internet isn't to great at conveying sarcasm. so don't use it unless its painfully obvious. and seems to me that you having 500+ post in 4 months compared to me having 800+ in about a year and 3 months, would result in you not having a life now wouldn't it.

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