Music Banter

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ih8goths 03-25-2005 12:46 PM

sellouts? people and bands that think their emo like my chemical romance, good charlotte. i also dont appreciate emo wanna bees like ambulance. Hawthorne heights hasnt sold out yet though cause they suck too much

ArtistInTheAmbulance 03-25-2005 03:57 PM

Wow, Im an emo 'wanna bee'? Since when have I ever wanted to be emo. You dumb **** go get a reality check, we're not all stuck with the mentality of a 12 year old.

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-25-2005 04:29 PM

I`m still trying to figure out why anybody would WANT to be emo anyway

SATCHMO 03-25-2005 04:50 PM

Emo isnt even a genre anymore. It was originally EMOtional hardcore. bands that had the hardcore chops but sang more melodically than your average hardcore band and, bluntly, had more "you f**ked me over you stupid whore" type lyrics. It now denotes any sappy Modern rock band that hasn't achieved enough popularity to earn themselves the COVETED punk-pop status.

hardcorekidssuck 03-26-2005 07:06 AM

true dat^
but you forgot about screamo.... I'd hardly call that 'melodic', but hey everyone has their opinions...

Danschee 03-28-2005 06:35 PM

Well i'd probally have to say taking back sunday or yellow card... i mean yellow card really isn't that emo but they still ****ing suck.

tinker bell 04-06-2005 08:15 AM

Noise next door and fall out boy/or fall out dork, what ever you wanna call them

xcollapseofmyheartx 04-07-2005 02:11 AM

What the heck people. Come on. How futile is this "WHICH BAND DO YOU HATE?" I submit that this be locked on the case that it is stupid and is just adding into the unmeasureable hatred that already exists and that the moderators can help make this whole board a little more pleasant and make people want to come back.

xcollapseofmyheartx 04-07-2005 02:14 AM

As per Urban Hatemonger, asking that is like asking "why would anyone want to be punk" or "why would anyone like rap." its all personal opinions in the same way somone might like Monet and someone else like Van Gogh.

Zealious 04-07-2005 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by xcollapseofmyheartx
As per Urban Hatemonger, asking that is like asking "why would anyone want to be punk" or "why would anyone like rap." its all personal opinions in the same way somone might like Monet and someone else like Van Gogh.

Have YOU noticed that almost all your posts have something to do with complaining? Have You noticed that a lot of posts are just aimed at certain members of this forum? Have you noticed that you have never said anything of importance lately?

This forum is a privilege not a right. Leave the forum if you don't appreciate it. Also, you can PM me if you want to talk about some emo bands instead of complaining.

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-07-2005 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by xcollapseofmyheartx
As per Urban Hatemonger, asking that is like asking "why would anyone want to be punk" or "why would anyone like rap." its all personal opinions in the same way somone might like Monet and someone else like Van Gogh.

And some people might like both without actually wanting to BE them

Tommyrocker 04-12-2005 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Zealious
Have YOU noticed that almost all your posts have something to do with complaining? Have You noticed that a lot of posts are just aimed at certain members of this forum? Have you noticed that you have never said anything of importance lately?

*Chokes on drink* SORRY!?!?!?! Oh The SAVAGE Hypocracy of it all.

Sneer 04-12-2005 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Tommyrocker
*Chokes on drink* SORRY!?!?!?! Oh The SAVAGE Hypocracy of it all.

dont incite him further, i think we can all do without this arguement

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-12-2005 03:03 PM

Why do i get the sense of Deja Vu here?

Sneer 04-12-2005 03:06 PM

because zealious loathes me and tom while tom loathes zealious. personally. i just dislike the chap. enough said.

Pimp_racer 04-12-2005 03:15 PM

Stop With All The Damn Flames In Decent Threads

Tommyrocker 04-12-2005 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pimp_racer
Stop With All The Damn Flames In Decent Threads

yeah you said we got the message. So Anyway

The Worst Emo Poseur Band Then?

Pimp_racer 04-12-2005 03:18 PM

thank u and um i would say dashboard

Zealious 04-12-2005 03:27 PM

I like dashboard confessional. Good, light pop to listen to in the car. Although he is constantly bombarded by the label "emo", he knows that he's just an artist that plays for his fans.

Tekron 04-13-2005 07:13 PM

I think TBS isn't fake emo, but I don't like them at all... I used to call them "Trying To Be Thursday" cuz of the whole name/day thing and the fact that Thursday pwns them. I'd say the worst fake emo band would have to be Hawthorne Heights too... I have their cd, and it's most definitely one of the worst Victory Records put out. Their screaming guy sings the SAME EXACT note every time and just screams in the background of almost all the songs... and they sound for the most part the same. the lyrics arent too too bad except Ohio is for lovers, and they have 3 guitarists what the hell?!11?!!?!111!?!!1111

phoenixflames 04-24-2005 04:40 PM

Personally, I think its ridiculous to say bands have "sold out" or are "Poseurs". Unless you actually know the people in the band (or you heard it from their lips), you don't know what their modivation for doing anything is. And what is selling out anyway? I hardly think that if a band is popular that they have "sold out". They are just successful at what they do. If someone gets a promotion at their job (other than a band), do we call it selling out? Its the same way for bands, when they get popular, they are getting a promotion. Now maybe along the way, they "sold out", but I have a hard time thinking that every popular and semi-popular band has sold themselves out. Stop hating on every band you dislike. If you dont like them for whatever reason, don't listen to them. You have a choice. But just because you dislike them, it gives you no reason to tear them down as people, or as musicians.

.angie. 04-24-2005 06:29 PM

i dont like piebald. i would say they are posers, i just dont like them.

Zealious 04-24-2005 10:14 PM

I love piebald. Their We are the only friends we have CD is really good. I didn't like their latest CD, but its pretty cool.

.angie. 04-25-2005 04:25 PM

^i've only heard stuff from their new one, and i dont like it.

[emotional]<3 04-28-2005 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by ih8goths
sellouts? people and bands that think their emo like my chemical romance, good charlotte. i also dont appreciate emo wanna bees like ambulance. Hawthorne heights hasnt sold out yet though cause they suck too much

dude, hawthorne heights aint that bad

phoenixflames 04-28-2005 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by [emotional]&lt (Post 3)
dude, hawthorne heights aint that bad

I agree... They don't deserve all that negitive criticizim.

Zealious 04-28-2005 04:31 PM

Hawthorne Heights is one of the worst bands I've ever encountered in my life. Their lyrics are a joke, and their music is worse. Is there any song by them you would recommend I listen to to sway my opinion?

Yourcodenameis:Milo 05-02-2005 03:37 AM

hmmm Ima major emo lover so I can't really think any suc but I sometimes find MCR a bit annoying especially helena which I find a bit hard to be emo although the shins are pretty crap

Yourcodenameis:Milo 05-02-2005 05:29 AM

and now I have proof that fallout boy are dumbasses.I was watching scuzz about 2 mins ago and a fall out boy song was in and in one bit the guy was talking about how he crashed a bus into a tree becuase he slipped

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-02-2005 05:32 AM

Fall Out Boy were on scuzz?! Jeez, what is the world coming to...

AprilMay 05-02-2005 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Yourcodenameis:Milo
hmmm Ima major emo lover so I can't really think any suc but I sometimes find MCR a bit annoying especially helena which I find a bit hard to be emo although the shins are pretty crap

Are The Shins emo?

Sneer 05-02-2005 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by phoenixflames
Personally, I think its ridiculous to say bands have "sold out" or are "Poseurs". Unless you actually know the people in the band (or you heard it from their lips), you don't know what their modivation for doing anything is. And what is selling out anyway? I hardly think that if a band is popular that they have "sold out". They are just successful at what they do. If someone gets a promotion at their job (other than a band), do we call it selling out? Its the same way for bands, when they get popular, they are getting a promotion. Now maybe along the way, they "sold out", but I have a hard time thinking that every popular and semi-popular band has sold themselves out. Stop hating on every band you dislike. If you dont like them for whatever reason, don't listen to them. You have a choice. But just because you dislike them, it gives you no reason to tear them down as people, or as musicians.

i wouldnt waste you time explaining how much of a derogative and useless term "selling out" is. nobody listens.

Yourcodenameis:Milo 05-02-2005 06:48 AM


Are The Shins emo?
apparently yes but they don't sound it I'll just stick aiden,silverstein and the used for emo

___disorder 05-02-2005 07:15 AM

so your beloved bright eyes must be a sell out.
conor was in teen people and teen vogue. god forbid any "trendy" people start listening to him. oh man MCR is on MTV with TBS OMG OMG OMG!
that doesnt mean their music is automatically bad and you have to stop listening to them.
i have been listening to from first to last ever since they were a florida local band. i used to hang out with sonny at the skatepark. but do you think when i saw their faces all over lj icons and their cd's on the front rack at best buy that i HAD to stop listening to them.
no i could care less who the hell listens to them or if hot topic sells their shirts, they still make good music nonetheless.
and thats the same with any of these bands.
they are good musicians. i mean they have talent .
if they didnt they wouldnt have sold all of the records that they did.

phoenixflames 05-02-2005 11:24 AM

I agree with you 100%. Great point!

Falling_Forever444 05-02-2005 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by ___disorder
so your beloved bright eyes must be a sell out.
conor was in teen people and teen vogue. god forbid any "trendy" people start listening to him. oh man MCR is on MTV with TBS OMG OMG OMG!
that doesnt mean their music is automatically bad and you have to stop listening to them.
i have been listening to from first to last ever since they were a florida local band. i used to hang out with sonny at the skatepark. but do you think when i saw their faces all over lj icons and their cd's on the front rack at best buy that i HAD to stop listening to them.
no i could care less who the hell listens to them or if hot topic sells their shirts, they still make good music nonetheless.
and thats the same with any of these bands.
they are good musicians. i mean they have talent .
if they didnt they wouldnt have sold all of the records that they did.

i totally agree with everything you said...and i didn't now conor was in teen people that's pretty cool but if everyone starts listening to them then it'll be pretty lame...oh well bright eyes will always be awesomly emo!!!

Falling_Forever444 05-02-2005 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by David Frost
Taking Back Sunday

thats all

no you don't know what you're talking about...yes they have gone alittle pop but if you listen to their older lyrics you'll see that they are emoish

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-02-2005 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Falling_Forever444
no you don't know what you're talking about...yes they have gone alittle pop but if you listen to their older lyrics you'll see that they are emoish

Eeesh dont ever tell him he doesnt know what he's talking about... Especially if its an emo arguement, jeez...

Zealious 05-02-2005 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Falling_Forever444
no you don't know what you're talking about...yes they have gone alittle pop but if you listen to their older lyrics you'll see that they are emoish

Yeah Falling_forever444, you've basically condemned yourself with that comment

riseagainstrocks 05-02-2005 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by ___disorder
so your beloved bright eyes must be a sell out.
conor was in teen people and teen vogue. god forbid any "trendy" people start listening to him. oh man MCR is on MTV with TBS OMG OMG OMG!
that doesnt mean their music is automatically bad and you have to stop listening to them.
i have been listening to from first to last ever since they were a florida local band. i used to hang out with sonny at the skatepark. but do you think when i saw their faces all over lj icons and their cd's on the front rack at best buy that i HAD to stop listening to them.
no i could care less who the hell listens to them or if hot topic sells their shirts, they still make good music nonetheless.
and thats the same with any of these bands.
they are good musicians. i mean they have talent .
if they didnt they wouldnt have sold all of the records that they did.

i agree. and i rarely agree with people who have 3 post because, yes, i am an elitist snob. but you are absolutly right

and falling_forever, TBS have never been emo. its pop. doesn't mean its not bad just not emo. listen to The Kodan Armada

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