the problem with kids today (indie, pop, punk, rock) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 12-03-2004, 05:10 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default the problem with kids today

no i'm only twenty...

about 3 years ago, (where i live anyway) it was ever so trendy to be a goth/gothic, then it was ever so trendy to become garage rock, then it moved onto indie. doesnt everyone see what's happening here?

the people in each social group critisise the other's for their taste in music/dress sense/way of thinking and then go on to dress/listen/think in their own certain way which is anti-confirmist! but they are actually conforming to anti-conformity.

emo is the perfect example. recently loads of people i know are so quick to say "I'm emo", "i listen to emo music", "i'm an emo-kid" what the &*^%?

They dont like other social trends yet they follow their own? They try to be different, yet everyone in that group is similar... if a band is not emo enough (even if they might like it) they cant say so in their social group because it's not emo enough (or whatever the genre is).

Point is, young people are always trying to be part of something for acceptance and trying to classify themselves as something rather than just being an individual! Who cares if you like something you shouldn't?

I have one of the most diverse taste's in music, clothing and pastimes of anyone i know, simply because i really dont care if i fit into someone else's idea of what is "emo" or "indie" or "gothic" or "pop" or whatever the hell else?

Question is, why cant other's be like this?

(i put this in the emo forum because emo is the current trendy thing to be apparently and i'm expecting more flames that way )
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Old 12-04-2004, 08:16 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Let kids be kids...Being a kid and dressing a certain way is a way for them to fit in...Emo is a type of music so if they say "i listen to emo music" I don't see the problem, it is just another genre of music just as pop's not a way of life or a way to dress etc...If this really annoys you this much you may need some help because all kids do it. They do it to "fit in" they'll grow out of there own time
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Old 12-04-2004, 08:46 AM   #3 (permalink)
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if kids want to fit in listening a kind of music or dressing in a different way, why not? the problem is that kids that are "heavies" hate kids that are "poppies" and emokids hate hiphopkids and all that stuff...
...i won't ever ask if you don't ever tell me, i know you well enough to know you'll never love me...
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Old 12-04-2004, 09:05 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by eViL
if kids want to fit in listening a kind of music or dressing in a different way, why not? the problem is that kids that are "heavies" hate kids that are "poppies" and emokids hate hiphopkids and all that stuff...
yeah, I'd say a bigger problem with kids is how they all want to hurt people for being who they are...being nasty just because they don't agree etc
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Old 12-04-2004, 11:03 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by spearmint
yeah, I'd say a bigger problem with kids is how they all want to hurt people for being who they are...being nasty just because they don't agree etc
Adults are exactly the same.
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Old 12-04-2004, 11:12 AM   #6 (permalink)
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That's just the facts of life, there are too many people that think everyone should stick to their rules and their way of life. When you're a kid and you're being picked on, you think "It's ok, they'll mature one day and feel guilty for how they made my life hell"... Tis just sad that hardly ever happens
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Old 12-04-2004, 12:59 PM   #7 (permalink)
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its kool to be emo nowerdays
its all about the image
you all like bands no1 has ever heard off because its "kool"
you have to wear tight black cloths cos all the emo kids do
its "kool" to have parents who abuse you cos that makes you proper emo
you have to be depressed and slit your wrists alot
so bassically emo kids are just attension seeking ****tards who all need to be beating with a baseball bat with the inscriptions "AC/DC" carved on it.

its not "kool" to be depressed, its actually quite sad.
your not going to be popular or get a girlfriend by being emo.
you just depress others around u
do us all a favour and kill yourselves, and rid us all of your depressing attitude and whineing about being dumped

this goes for all your goths too.

by the way, im a rocker, i like AC/DC, Led Zep, Iron Maiden, Green Day, Bad Religion.......HAPPY bands
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Originally Posted by Thrice
I like to slit my wrists...but usually after I cry. Sometimes I go to the coffee shop after I buy black hair dye for my parted hair...
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Old 12-04-2004, 01:59 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Fecking stereotypes!!! Not all people who like emo are like that. Emo started out as just another stupid music genre, but as soon as someone realised only certain types of people were listening to it, everyone who now listens to it is stereotyped as some depressive, attention seeking loser.. That's the sort of person you are, not the music you listen to most.

Tis no different than if someone said all rockers have long hair or mullets, or all boys who wear eyeliner are ***. I hate stereotypes, they make fools of everyone...
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Old 12-04-2004, 02:17 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Fecking stereotypes!!! Not all people who like emo are like that. Emo started out as just another stupid music genre, but as soon as someone realised only certain types of people were listening to it, everyone who now listens to it is stereotyped as some depressive, attention seeking loser.. That's the sort of person you are, not the music you listen to most.

Tis no different than if someone said all rockers have long hair or mullets, or all boys who wear eyeliner are ***. I hate stereotypes, they make fools of everyone...
not really, its the uniform of being emo
your not emo unless your depressed and u whine about being dumped.
the uniform for being punk is having a mohawk and wearing denim.
its whether people have the choice to follow up those uniforms
you lot, do
alot of punks, dont.
its also all down to being labelled as something
being labelled as "emo" is "kool" nowerdays. its the "kool" thing to be.

Originally Posted by Thrice
I like to slit my wrists...but usually after I cry. Sometimes I go to the coffee shop after I buy black hair dye for my parted hair...
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Old 12-04-2004, 02:24 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Mebbe it's just that if you see someone with a mohawk and denim, you think "punk", but really they're just the more extreme versions of punk. It just annoys me when everyone has to be grouped into looking a certain way, and acting a certain way. There's so much discrimination going between the stereotypes just because some people don't like the look of the really extreme ones...

Sorry for the ranting, tis just that literally everyone is put into stereotypes where I live, and when you're in a smaller group of people it isn't so much fun.. Ok I'll shoosh now, sorry!
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