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bardonodude 04-14-2008 11:47 AM

Loma Prieta
Awesome dudes, they put their whole new album up for streaming here

their style changed a lot from our lp is your lp but I still dig it

alliteration 04-14-2008 03:03 PM

i was going to post this a few days ago, but let it slide. i'm glad you did, because this is one of the best albums i've heard in such a long time. outside of HHLL, of course.

bardonodude 04-14-2008 03:08 PM

haha, i agree

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 04-14-2008 05:15 PM

not bad... I like the older stuff better though. I don't like what they've done with the vocals.

bardonodude 04-14-2008 05:52 PM

yea i like the old vocals better and i liked the slight spaziness in their old stuff too. Their Matrimony 7" is prolly my favorite release by them. Im pretty sure the other guitarist in the band is doing vocals on the new album though. I guess they just want to share vocal duties instead of one person getting all of the spotlight.

xcult_classicx 04-14-2008 07:47 PM

is it just me or do they sound more like Sailboats now?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 04-14-2008 07:50 PM

a bit i guess... i don't hear that so much

my favourite song from this is "David Fung".

kevinpunx 04-14-2008 08:09 PM

Love the instrumentals, but the vocals kinda suck. I like the older stuff. But this new one is good too.

bardonodude 04-14-2008 08:33 PM

david fung is an awesome song

bardonodude 04-15-2008 03:08 PM

I love deekmedia, thats all Im gonna say haha ;)

alliteration 04-15-2008 04:53 PM

here's the story on the vocals: david fung (yes the song is named after him) was the old vocalist/did some guitar in loma prieta. he is no longer in the band, and is now with this awesome band (buy their 7", its so good. its occam's razor meets loma prieta and has absolutely some of the best artwork i've ever seen): - vs, havnted bodies - SAN FRANCISCO, California - Punk / Hardcore -

that being said, now Sean does pretty much all the vocals. they used to be a 4 piece (sometimes 3 guitar and drums) to a 3 piece (2 guitar and drums). thats the reason the vocals are different. i think they still kick ass, and musically its much more dynamic and broad. their earlier stuff was absolutely nuts, but really stuck to the short, spazzy hardcore side. they've added many more elements to their music, which i think makes this release my favorite.

bardonodude 04-15-2008 05:56 PM

yea i was watching vids on youtube of him playing guitar sometimes and then he would just put it down and scream full time. For whatever reason, I was thinking he was still in the band and the other guitarist left. I guess not haha. Yea I saw vs, havnted bodies' 7" on slave union and I was thinking of buying it. Hmm weird, how did you know his name. Yea I agree with you that they can do a lot more with their sound than with their older stuff and Im sure doing that all the time gets boring. Do you know why he left the band?

alliteration 04-15-2008 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by bardonodude (Post 470478)
yea i was watching vids on youtube of him playing guitar sometimes and then he would just put it down and scream full time. For whatever reason, I was thinking he was still in the band and the other guitarist left. I guess not haha. Yea I saw vs, havnted bodies' 7" on slave union and I was thinking of buying it. Hmm weird, how did you know his name. Yea I agree with you that they can do a lot more with their sound than with their older stuff and Im sure doing that all the time gets boring. Do you know why he left the band?

No idea as to why he left. It appears as they are still friends, but we could speculate all day as to why he left. I was looking through liner notes in both Lome Prieta's "our LP is your EP" and Us, Haunted Bodies 7" and saw Davy's name. After doing some myspace checking, it all works out. And everyone should pick up the Us, Haunted Bodies 7". It is screened on one side, in a tri-fold cover slipped into a hand-stamped thingy. Its absolutely gorgeous. Musically, its like older Loma Prieta at times, but also, like their myspace says, it butts heads with Occam's Razor at times as well. All around, its just fantastic. Occam's razor was one of my favorite screamo bands, and Loma Prieta definitely is one of my present favorites, so obviously I would dig it. Its very much worth your 5 bucks.

kevinpunx 04-16-2008 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by bardonodude (Post 470113)
david fung is an awesome song

The guitar riffs in david fung is awesome.
Big thanks to deekmedia. :D
The singing part in their song Last City sounds like minus the bear.

anticipation 04-18-2009 02:08 PM


this should be a sickeningly good album, but to tell the truth i'm wayyyyy more looking forward to the split with l'antietam.

ianwilliams 04-18-2009 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by alliteration (Post 470481)
No idea as to why he left. It appears as they are still friends, but we could speculate all day as to why he left. I was looking through liner notes in both Lome Prieta's "our LP is your EP" and Us, Haunted Bodies 7" and saw Davy's name. After doing some myspace checking, it all works out. And everyone should pick up the Us, Haunted Bodies 7". It is screened on one side, in a tri-fold cover slipped into a hand-stamped thingy. Its absolutely gorgeous. Musically, its like older Loma Prieta at times, but also, like their myspace says, it butts heads with Occam's Razor at times as well. All around, its just fantastic. Occam's razor was one of my favorite screamo bands, and Loma Prieta definitely is one of my present favorites, so obviously I would dig it. Its very much worth your 5 bucks.

I have that 7", it is GREAT!! I also highly reccomend it to anyone who loves the "American" screamo sound, fast, hardcore, melodic.

I absolutely loved the production on Last City, i recently got it on clear /100.

alliteration 04-18-2009 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by ianwilliams (Post 641020)
I have that 7", it is GREAT!! I also highly reccomend it to anyone who loves the "American" screamo sound, fast, hardcore, melodic.

I absolutely loved the production on Last City, i recently got it on clear /100.

Same here. I have one of the Euopean tour versions of Last City. Pretty cool stuff and I'm really excited for the new LP and the split.

anticipation 05-22-2009 05:42 PM

new album out, anyone heard it yet?

bardonodude 05-22-2009 11:39 PM

yeah, I saw dark mountain up for download, I haven't checked it out yet though. how is it? I miss old loma :( anyone hear their split with arse moreira?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 05-23-2009 04:01 AM

dark mountain is pretty decent. maybe itll grow on me.

i still like their older stuff more.

kevinpunx 05-23-2009 10:25 AM

ghost shadow is an awesome song. :D

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 05-23-2009 03:01 PM

really like the beginning to exit here. and vermillion river is really good. i can see this growing on me.

plus the album art for this (and last city) is ****in sweet.

bardonodude 05-27-2009 10:06 PM

well they definitely are the current "innovators of screamo" however, I'm not really feeling this stuff as much. Dont get me wrong I would rather listen to this than a **** ton of other stuff but it sounds exactly like last city

anticipation 05-28-2009 08:03 AM

for me it goes:

1. our lp is your ep
2. dark mountain
3. last city

anticipation 08-05-2009 04:41 PM

BUMP: They've released a discography in Japan that's floating around on the internets.

worth getting alone for the unreleased tracks from "our lp" and the two new songs from the forthcoming split with l'antietam are on there too. wicked rad.

bardonodude 08-05-2009 06:18 PM

has anyone ever heard of the get get good? and if so, do you think it sounds like Our Lp Is Your LP loma prieta? I have an inkling some of the dudes were in that band before loma. They have a split with archaeopteryx if anyone feels like digging it up to agree/disagree.

xcult_classicx 08-06-2009 03:29 AM

i actually really like dark mountain. on the same level as last city, at that.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 08-06-2009 04:11 PM

earlier stuff > dark mountain > last city

xcult_classicx 08-06-2009 04:14 PM

i really don't get why people are still really into older loma prieta. it's not that i don't like it but so many bands did that sound better than they did and last city onwards were a pretty good step up afaik.

or maybe you guys just really like david fung. haha

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 08-06-2009 04:15 PM

yea its pretty much for the david fung content

xcult_classicx 08-06-2009 04:16 PM

he eerily looks like our guitarist though.

bardonodude 08-06-2009 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by xcult_classicx (Post 715628)
i really don't get why people are still really into older loma prieta. it's not that i don't like it but so many bands did that sound better than they did and last city onwards were a pretty good step up afaik.

or maybe you guys just really like david fung. haha

what other bands sounded like older loma?

xcult_classicx 08-06-2009 04:44 PM

not specifically like that but spazzy screamy stuff, you have tons of american bands going that way. i don't really keep track. maybe even the europeans too, louise cyphre among them. or maybe that's just me.

anticipation 08-06-2009 05:03 PM

dude no way, older loma was more technical and heavy. louise cyphre is nothing like "our ep", at least in the way it sounds. horror city was the band before sailboats that the dudes were in brandon.

xcult_classicx 08-08-2009 02:49 PM

i guess i'm too detached from skramo to tell nowadays. on a side note, horror city was ****ing awesome. i still think newer loma prieta>older loma prieta tho

anticipation 08-08-2009 02:52 PM

i didn't even know that loma shared a member with punch, which is wack because i hate punch.

Alfred 08-08-2009 03:14 PM

I hear a lot of good things about Loma Prieta and they always pop up on my recommendations. Guess I should get down with this, eh?

bardonodude 08-08-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 716612)
I hear a lot of good things about Loma Prieta and they always pop up on my recommendations. Guess I should get down with this, eh?

i guess you should, they're pretty much a staple of modern screamo i suppose

Alfred 08-08-2009 06:44 PM

Must be mind-blowing stuff.

bardonodude 08-09-2009 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 716709)
Must be mind-blowing stuff.

its aight, there are better bands. I used to be nuts into them though and of course didnt know they existed until after the time they came to baltimore.

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