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Old 06-19-2004, 07:05 AM   #1 (permalink)
أمهاتك[وهور]Aura Euphoria
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Default Explain how...

Explain how you got to listening to the music you listen to today...Tell us what you used to listen to...

I always listened to the mainstream radio station that everyone has until i was about 12 then i started to get into the rap/hip-hop scene. Then my cousin (pimp_racer) came to visit me in NY and we were chillin in my basement watching MTV all day just to see P.Roach's Last Resort...we got all pumped from that song...that was basically the gateway to our liking of rock..I then started to listen to alot of mainstream rock...Linkin Park and all that stuff. Then in ninth grade I started playing guitar and listening to classic rock..like late 70's early 80's stuff like Eagles, Styx, Rush, Journey, Hendrix, Foriegner, The Who, Steve Miller Band. I started skating and listening to what i knew was punk in those days at 14...Good Charlotte and Sum 41. About half way through tenth grade, i started getting into the good stuff. Thats when I learned of Thrice and Glassjaw. I had a really good buddy that only lived here for about 6 months, but he introduced me to FATA and Coheed. I was amazed at the talent of all these bands and couldnt understand why they werent on the radio. I did alot of research after that and discovered that most of the talent was hidden in these bands. They werent signed to huge record labels or promoted all over the TV. Now at 18, I listen to mostly Screamo, Emo and Punk...All because of Papa Roach. I basically showed Pimp_racer all the bands i knew of, so thats how he learned of them.

Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his red eyes and fierce black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy light."
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Old 06-19-2004, 09:05 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Yup Yup, that is exactly how it happened to us...except i never got into rap. Go Izia without him we would still be listenin to that 99x crap. lol
Whos better than Thrice...

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Old 06-19-2004, 11:45 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Well, I was brought up by my cousins and their friends to be the biggest dj and clubber the world had ever seen. And it looked like it was probably going to happen because I had been djing from the age of like...8 till 13 and was getting really good. And then they made the mistake of shipping me off to camp where one of the councillors played U2's "Sunday Bloody Bunday" everymorning to wake us up in the cabin, I fell in love with the song, and started listening to alot of softer-rock, I still convinced by then that punk rock and anything with screaming in it was the worst music ever.

So around last summer my musical diet was srictly bands like Our Lady Peace, Sloan, U2, and i loved coldplay, i bought their cd's i downloaded all their videos, and they were just awesome, then i heard "politik" by them and i was like this song is so much louder (even though in retrospect it was still a quiet song) than their others. thats when i started to think it was ok to listen to heavier rock music like the white stripes, the vines, the hives, and i started listening to kind of that playful-bouncing souls punk rock. from their i found a local band and on their website they had a link to band called story of the year, they were ok, but not great. then when i was looking for bands related to them i found a screamo band called emery. my first screaming song. I loved it, and of course i hid my fascination with this satanic music under piles of club records, but i loved it. then i found out that emery was a CHRISTIAN screamo,band which made it ok for me to like them.

then i kind of slowly gave up on dance music, although, i still listen to lots of my old favs. its the music of my childhood. but now i listen to mostly hardcore, screamo, heavy emo, emocore, punk, classic rock, eighties metal, and drum and bass bands.

i have liked a few rap artists but for the most part i stay away from that junk.

All that came from U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday, thats probably the reason that I'm typing to you guys right now!
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Old 06-19-2004, 04:18 PM   #4 (permalink)
أمهاتك[وهور]Aura Euphoria
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Awesome! I wonder if everyone has a song that they are thankful for...ha ha

Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his red eyes and fierce black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy light."
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Old 06-20-2004, 02:10 AM   #5 (permalink)
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when I was around 11,12, listened to alot of the mainstream stuff on the radio, nothing special o worth noting, but I was never into the whole backstreet boys, boyband crap that all my friends were into at the time. Then a friend of mine lent me her silverchair album (neon ballroom), I fell in love with it, bought a copy of it, and listened to it the entire summer. Then I got into OLP, and some other softer rock. Around grade 9 I got into a rap/hip-hop stage, that lasted until the summer, when I started listening to alot of pop-punk bands, blink 182, sum 41, yada yada yada. then in grade 10 I started listening to actual punk, emo, screamo all that. alot of brand new, taking back sunday. then, just this year I really started getting into metal, made a lot of new friends, who are all really into metal, so they've all been introducing me to alot of new metal bands, and alot of more obscure punk stuff too.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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Old 06-20-2004, 02:13 AM   #6 (permalink)
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right, forgot to add that I started getting into the classic rock, zeppelin, stones, beatles when i started playing guitar, and alot of the punk bands I listen to come from tracks I hear on ski movies, and also names I pick up on this site.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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Old 06-20-2004, 06:07 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Way way way way way way way [Have i written 'way' enough yet so you won't all pelt me with eggs when i discuss the old bands i used to be a fan of?lol] back I used to be a massive fan of all the mainstream pop bands, the likes of Steps, S Club 7, Boyzone, you get the picture? Well i was a MASSIVE pop fan, I went to all the festivals all the concerts, purchased all the cds and merchandise ... I was pretty much a sad case!

But then, the band that got me into Emo/Indie/Rock/Hardcore/Acoustic was from Silverchair, I used to have a penfriend from Australia and they always used to talk about them ... So I went out and bought [Neon Ballroom] and i was hooked from there!
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Old 06-21-2004, 02:21 PM   #8 (permalink)
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^neon ballroom is a great album, seems to have started a few people on to a lot of great music.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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Old 06-22-2004, 03:13 PM   #9 (permalink)
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OK well when I was younger I loved pure POP like BSB NSync n Britney..then around 12 to the age of 15 i listened to hip/hop rap and rnb...around where i live it was and still is the "in" thing to lsiten to. Im 16 now and going to grade 11 and have just recently discovered emo and screamo n stuff...I have always been a really emotional person who loves lyrics except all this time I never knew where to start when looking for emo-type bands. Also I was going through a really hard time so the music helped me alot and now I am just totally in love with it!
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Old 06-23-2004, 09:00 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Up until about age 12 I didn't really have a real interest in music. In our old house my brother's room was pretty much right next to mine and he used to leave his stereo on ALL night. I used to hate it so much, but then I found myself singing along till like 2am lol. So through him I heard alot of old blink, pennywise, mxpx, millencolin, frenzhal rhomb. When he turned 17 he changed ALOT. He started raving, so I went through the whole hating his music then starting to like it thing. I remember him playing this one cd all the time, Bexta Mixology. I fell in love with this track called Airwave by Rank 1. So from the age of 14 I was obsessed with electronic music. I went to my first rave in April 2002. I'm trying to think of how I got into emo, I think I was messing around on mp3.com and found a song by Rufio called "she cries", a song by Finch and one by The Starting Line. I didn't look for anymore stuff, then I met this guy Cav about a year 1/2 ago and he liked The Used. So I downloaded some stuff by them off Kazaa and I clicked on the 'more info' thing, and there was a website listed: www.emotionalpunk.com. So yeah, I looked on that site out of curiosity and found heaps of bands. That's how I got into it I guess.
I want a lover I don't have to love. I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk.
Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full. I need some meaning I can memorise.
The kind I have always seems to slip my mind. But you, but you... you write such pretty words.
But life's no story book. Love is an excuse to get hurt and to hurt <333
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