Trauma |
07-10-2007 02:40 AM |
Mine (used) to do that (hopefully used to), but I deleted them and redownloaded clean files?
No problems since then.
To add to this thread;
YouTube - City of Caterpillar @ AllBooks
Great performance and pretty decent recording.
Even though most have probably seen that video already, watch it again.
All of the songs on their s/t are my favourite, though I have to admit; "Minute-Hour-Day-Week-Month-Year-(The Faiths In My Chest)" gives me chills nearly every time I listen to it. That line "My faith's in my chest, it keeps this intact" is just amazing.
"A Little Change Could Go A Long Ways" is also amazing, not only the brutal build-up, with the breaking bottles used to keep time, but at the end when he's screaming "It will do". Simply beautiful.
"Inhale, exhale" in "Maybe They'll Knaw Right Through" is also a good part, though the lyrics to that song aren't as good as the others in my opinion.
Seriously though, everything they did is pretty much genious.
I can't find/don't have "Driving Spain Up A Wall", but there's a video of it on youtube, it sounds pretty cool.
Some say they recorded it, some say they didn't.