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Stone Magnet 03-23-2006 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
Wow, aren't you mr. open minded!

I listen to everything from Blondie to Meshuggah to Miles Davis, but omit a few bands such as Black Flag and Motorhead, punk and it's subgenres are generally ham-handed and unimaginative.

A_Perfect_Sonnet 03-23-2006 04:36 PM

So I'm guessing metalcore bands aren't your style either?

Stuff like, Embrace the End, Memories of Apocalypse, and Shai Hulud.

Stone Magnet 03-23-2006 05:10 PM

I don't mind some mathcore, but most metalcore isn't for me, no.

mosesandtherubberducky 03-23-2006 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Stone Magnet
I listen to everything from Blondie to Meshuggah to Miles Davis, but omit a few bands such as Black Flag and Motorhead, punk and it's subgenres are generally ham-handed and unimaginative.

I'm sorry but that is the stupidest thing I have ever read. Go listen to what ever shit you listen to and leave punk alone. It is better than you, it has a guy named Jello. What do you have? A closed mind.

Stone Magnet 03-23-2006 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
I'm sorry but that is the stupidest thing I have ever read.

Funny how you follow that statement up with "It is better than you, it has a guy named Jello." I said 'generally', so yes, I'm generalizing. I do like a few punk bands, but most often I find punk to be very unexciting. I don't mean it lacks energy, I'm merely stating that numerous punk bands sound identical to me. That's my opinion on the subject. If you don't agree with it, then whatever. Snarling at me isn't going to change anything.


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
What do you have? A closed mind.

I'm closed-minded? That must be why I listen to many different types of metal, rock, blues, reggae, jazz, funk, experimental, even some rap, world music, and yes, punk.

If anything, you're the one being closed-minded here, as you just referred to everything I listen to as "shit".

claudioismybitch 03-23-2006 07:46 PM

have you ever heard copeland?!

they are so damn emo, seriously. go back and listen to downtown, it's ridicuously emo.

oh and showbread is hardcore/screamo, so i lump them in with emo, yeah there.

and just b/c it's emo music mixed in with other styles doesn't make it not emo.

emo music used to be like hardcore.

tdoc210 03-23-2006 08:21 PM

^ it did

sleepy jack 03-23-2006 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by claudioismybitch
have you ever heard copeland?!

they are so damn emo, seriously. go back and listen to downtown, it's ridicuously emo.

oh and showbread is hardcore/screamo, so i lump them in with emo, yeah there.

and just b/c it's emo music mixed in with other styles doesn't make it not emo.

emo music used to be like hardcore.

Copeland is a pop-rock group, you have to be deaf to think otherwise. Showbread isn't even remotley hardcore, just because it has screaming doesn't mean its screamo either, duh. So please explain how either of these bands are emo or screamo/hardcore.

Don 03-24-2006 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by A_Perfect_Sonnet
Okay, I wasn't going to say anything, but because of this unwarranted stab:

--It was a joke.

I had to do this:


um, you can't make up your own style. Alternative pop/rock, punk metal, emo, post-hardcore

--It was better than calling them fashionxcore. They don't even play any of their metal songs anymore, just those annoying mall emo songs.

no, post-hardcore

--FFTL? possibly, but they really kill me with that image. Hence the pop punk labeling.

as well as alternative pop/rock and indie rock

--Saves the Day isn't on an indie label, and pop punk fits them pretty well, considering their roots are in hardcore punk.

stop making up styles. Emo, punk revival, punk-pop

--Say Anything is nowhere near emo. And powerpop is a genre.

post-hardcore and like Christian rock

--Haven't really heard much of them, but I figured they fit into the mislabeled pop punk/pop rock catagory.

and indie rock

--Bear vs Shark is on Equal Vision, not really much of an indie label.

Wow 2 right! Well done my pet. Now it's fixed.

roflmao I don't even need to argue with you; you called this thread "I Like Emo Music" ffs lol
And you think powerpop is a "genre" lololol and that you need to be on an indie label to be indie and that bands can't change labels lolol. And you think Say Anything is nothing like emo...I can't take much more of this, so this is my official response:

You are a ***.

A_Perfect_Sonnet 03-24-2006 06:56 AM

Indie bands have to be on indie labels because indie isn't a genre of music (indie = independant, and last time I checked, all bands are independant of eachother, aside from bands that share members). Power pop is a fairly recognized genre that hit it's peak in the 70s. Say Anything has no characteristics of an emo band. There are no hardcore elements, no screaming, and very little dynamic shift.

Fenixpunk 03-24-2006 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Stone Magnet
but most often I find punk to be very unexciting. I don't mean it lacks energy, I'm merely stating that numerous punk bands sound identical to me. That's my opinion on the subject. If you don't agree with it, then whatever. Snarling at me isn't going to change anything.

i gotta agree with you about numerous punk bands sounding identical, for every good original sounding band there are hundreds that do a half assed job trying to sound exactly like them. I think its the same with any genre though, you gotta dig through the BS to find the good stuff. Thats the main reason why i try to avoiding stating that i dont like a particular genre because there may be a good band burried somewhere in there that i havent heard yet. good bands are good bands, shit bands are shit bands, in my opinion someone that shuts out an entire genre because of a few bands that they dont like is the same as avoiding a restaurant because of the one time the chimichangas gave you exploding ass.

riseagainstrocks 03-24-2006 03:56 PM

OMG UR SO CloSeMINDeD!!1 1 LOL! !!

Seriously, shoving links in people's faces will convince anyone of anything. Make a thread to discuss the music, but unless someone ask for something like a link, don't call them ignorant and shower them with links. Chances are you wouldn't like their kind of music.

and Don, powerpop is a genre. Ever heard of a power trio? Same idea, yet applied to a pop band.

Muzak 03-24-2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by A_Perfect_Sonnet
It doesn't get proper attention. I'm bringing it here to help the uneducated, except I'm nothing like Don.

If we want to get educated, we can stroll over the Emo board. As you can see, many of the Rock and Metal regulars have already made up their mind about EMO and Hardcore. I find it annoying when users try and spread "propaganda" like this and trying to getting users who obviously like other genres more since they post there instead of in the Emo board to like it. Like I said, if we want to get into it or be more educated, then we will come to you.

massupload 03-24-2006 04:18 PM

I Hate Emo Music

sleepy jack 03-24-2006 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Muzak
If we want to get educated, we can stroll over the Emo board. As you can see, many of the Rock and Metal regulars have already made up their mind about EMO and Hardcore. I find it annoying when users try and spread "propaganda" like this and trying to getting users who obviously like other genres more since they post there instead of in the Emo board to like it. Like I said, if we want to get into it or be more educated, then we will come to you.

They bash emo in here constantly, if they wanna bash something they should at least not be ignorant about it. Its not like we're going LIKE THIS BAND NOW THEY HAVE TO BE YOUR FAVORITE, but of course trying to teach people something on a music forum is completely out of line.

Muzak 03-24-2006 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
They bash emo in here constantly, if they wanna bash something they should at least not be ignorant about it. Its not like we're going LIKE THIS BAND NOW THEY HAVE TO BE YOUR FAVORITE, but of course trying to teach people something on a music forum is completely out of line.

So what if they are ignorant, let them be. This is the internet, most people will talk out of thier ass and stay that way. Jerks and idiots are everywhere here. Quit actling so serious over the emo education thing and let people be.

sleepy jack 03-24-2006 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Muzak
So what if they are ignorant, let them be. This is the internet, most people will talk out of thier ass and stay that way. Jerks and idiots are everywhere here. Quit actling so serious over emo education thing and let people be.

Sorry, I won't take music serious anymore, its all one big joke.

Muzak 03-24-2006 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
Sorry, I won't take music serious anymore, its just entertainment.


and it seems that you missed my point about people on the internet.

sleepy jack 03-24-2006 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Muzak

Wow, so you think people should be ignorant and don't see the need to educate them because its entertainment?

Muzak 03-24-2006 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
Wow, so you think people should be ignorant and don't see the need to educate them because its entertainment?

I'm not saying they should be ignorant, I'm just saying that there so many of them on the internet. You honestly going to tell me that you think you can educate every music lover on the internet about what real emo is? I said it is entertainment because it is in the long run. Sure it is artist and deep but what does it do to you? Entertain you. It might give you emotions and make you feel deep but in the end it is entertainment. Now Im getting of topic. Anyways, people are ignorant, not much one can do about it, stop acting like it is your job to educate them.

sleepy jack 03-24-2006 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Muzak
I'm not saying they should be ignorant, I'm just saying that there so many of them on the internet. You honestly going to tell me that you think you can educate every music lover on the internet about what real emo is? I said it is entertainment because it is in the long run. Sure it is artist and deep but what does it do to you? Entertain you. It might give you emotions and make you feel deep but in the end it is entertainment. Now Im getting of topic. Anyways, people are ignorant, not much one can do about it, stop acting like it is your job to educate them.

Thats one of the stupidest things i've ever read. For one, musicbanter is a good deal smaller then the internet, and I still don't see a problem without trying to educate musicbanter on emo and if music is just entertainment then why did you bother to join the forum? The main reason I joined here was to learn new bands and about new genres, I don't see a problem with trying to expose people to a brand new genre and new bands. Especially a genre like emo which is very misunderstood. Kind of funny how the maker of the ska education thread is discouraging this...

Muzak 03-24-2006 05:19 PM

Whatever, continue with your emo education, just don't think you will revolutionize anything.

Edit: and for the record, I feel deep with plenty of music but I see it for what it is, not somthing I want it to be.

sleepy jack 03-24-2006 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Muzak
Whatever, continue with your emo education, just don't think you will revolutionize anything.

Yeah, cause by doing this im hoping I can change the entire population of musicbanter's opinion. I still think its stupid you feel so negative about educating people just because you deem it pointless, if one person walks away knowing what emo is then I think thats doing something good.

Don 03-24-2006 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by A_Perfect_Sonnet
Indie bands have to be on indie labels because indie isn't a genre of music (indie = independant, and last time I checked, all bands are independant of eachother, aside from bands that share members). Power pop is a fairly recognized genre that hit it's peak in the 70s. Say Anything has no characteristics of an emo band. There are no hardcore elements, no screaming, and very little dynamic shift.

I was saying pop punk was made up, it's punk-pop; I was sorta joking. And when I say genre, I usually think of Rock, Jazz, Blues, etc. And power pop comes under rock, that's all I was saying. And your definition of indie is out of date as is your definition of emo.

Muzak 03-24-2006 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
Yeah, cause by doing this im hoping I can change the entire population of musicbanter's opinion. I still think its stupid you feel so negative about educating people just because you deem it pointless, if one person walks away knowing what emo is then I think thats doing something good.

Fine! Since you feel so passionate about it I will humor myself and try out some of the emo-ness and see if I like it. Happy?

Don 03-24-2006 06:18 PM

lol Muzak just got pwned by a noob.

Muzak 03-24-2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Don
lol Muzak just got pwned by a noob.

Hey, you must be Don, I've heard about you. Apparently you dont know what emo is and you think pop punk=emo. Just what i've heard.

Muzak 03-24-2006 06:32 PM

If you care, this is what I liked fromt the artists you listed before.

These are the ones which ones i didn't like.

I couldn't judge with this one, couldn't connect to the player.

Don 03-24-2006 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Muzak
Hey, you must be Don, I've heard about you. Apparently you dont know what emo is and you think pop punk=emo. Just what i've heard.

Must be some other Don, I'm actually one of the very few that has a clear conception of the term, and have stated that one form of emo is closely related to punk-pop.

The Drunken Terd 03-25-2006 02:30 AM


Mr Sensitive 03-25-2006 07:04 AM

*Insert an an unoriginal anti-emo comment here*

The backlash against emo is becoming more annoying than emo itself.

Stone Magnet 03-25-2006 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Sensitive
more annoying than emo itself. Impossible.

Mr Sensitive 03-25-2006 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Stone Magnet

Ah but Shawnikins, when you rip into emo it's like an event.

riseagainstrocks 03-25-2006 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
Yeah, cause by doing this im hoping I can change the entire population of musicbanter's opinion. I still think its stupid you feel so negative about educating people just because you deem it pointless, if one person walks away knowing what emo is then I think thats doing something good.

dude he's (Muzak) right. So what if people bash emo and don't know what it means? If they don't care, they don't care. Keep these "debates" in the emo/hardcore forum.

Jonny Sniper 03-26-2006 08:05 AM

[QUOTE=Crowquill]F Nope, havn't heard Mendeed but im guessing they aren't.

mendeed are metal.

sleepy jack 03-26-2006 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
dude he's (Muzak) right. So what if people bash emo and don't know what it means? If they don't care, they don't care. Keep these "debates" in the emo/hardcore forum.

So, you're going to tell us where to put it, and mention its in the wrong forum, but not move it?

A_Perfect_Sonnet 03-28-2006 01:13 PM

In the emo forums we'd get replies like "I like emo too, HAWTHORNE HEIGHTSXXX." It's better to do it here where nobody likes it.

riseagainstrocks 03-28-2006 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
So, you're going to tell us where to put it, and mention its in the wrong forum, but not move it?

whoops totally forgot to move it.

and A Perfect Sonnet, those Hawthorne Heights fans are the ones who will be receptive to learning about real Emo.

IamAlejo 03-28-2006 04:20 PM


ILIVEMUSIC 03-30-2006 11:28 AM

the best name for an emo band is, du du du da (thats a drum roll by the way not the name) "sufficate my heart because i love you" i can just see it now all the emo kids down all the local skate parks in the country saying. hey have u heard sufficate my heart because i love you's new song lol

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