Hi I'm new here

Heh so anyway I bought my first CD in grade 5. I didn't really have alot of interest in music at that time so I just bought what everyone else was listening to which was pop. Well i listened to pop music for two years until I heard Still Waiting by Sum 41. Thats the song that first introduced me to rock. I got all the Sum 41 Cds and started to get into all those Much Music rock bands and stuff that was on the radio. Then one day my brother was playing The Hives and it was sooooo much better than all of the radio and MM bands because the style was more original and different. That go me into the whole punk kinda thing. After that I started listening to alot of older punk like Dead Kennedys, Anti-Flag, Ramones, NoMeansNo, Sex Pistols, Misfits and New Bomb Turks (sorta);after taking a look at 'newer' punk bands which I thought were mostly crap.