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GlowInTheDark 11-23-2005 08:33 AM

Why do... much people hate emo guys and girls ?

Whats the problem ? :\

riseagainstrocks 11-23-2005 01:53 PM

they don't. people hate people who label themselves as emo guys and girls.

franscar 11-23-2005 02:01 PM

I've noticed more that these people who call themselves emo have to do as much as possible to make themselves noticable.

Being ignored is something they couldn't possibly cope with.

blackTshirt 11-23-2005 02:05 PM

haha check out this guy
he thinks we all hate them
he's so emo

sleepy jack 11-23-2005 05:46 PM

Its cause your all pussies and whining about your drug addictions and how your parents hate you and your girlfriend ditched you and how you cut yourself.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 11-23-2005 11:19 PM

be nice misfits.....haha.

as everyone else is going to say, people dont hate emo people because they are emotional, they hate them because they label themselves, and most of them just dress the way they do because its the latest fashion trend. not because they are actually following the genre of music that the fashion once pertained to. a lot of them dont even listen to emo..they listen to the poppy trendy crap thats popular right now.

people hate "emo" people because they are (for lack of a better word) posers.

sleepy jack 11-23-2005 11:26 PM

I was actually being serious.
Half the reason i dont go near emo kids.
Is because they never dicuss music.
They're always whining about what i said theyre whining about.
and like you said half are just in it for the fashion.
"Make us it, make us hip, make us scene"
"We're only liars, but we're the best We're only good for the latest trend We're only good cause you can have almost famous friends Besides, we've got such good fashion sense"

qweruiop 11-24-2005 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by blackTshirt
haha check out this guy
he thinks we all hate them
he's so emo

lol that was so good.
here in the small city i live in (in Spain) there are no emokids. I don't think i'm emo, but i listen to some emo bands. when i try to explain what emo is to my friends they say i'm a bit crazy. They think emo is a strange kind of music, they don't understand what's the point of emo.
i think sometimes when people say they hate emokids is because they don't understand them, they think they are emo just for the attention.
Besides, sometimes emokids are not emo, they say they are just to be in fashion

riseagainstrocks 11-24-2005 07:41 AM

Even though you have Dashboard Confessional lyrics in your signature you are correct.

qweruiop 11-24-2005 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
Even though you have Dashboard Confessional lyrics in your signature you are correct.

:laughing: thank you

Super PwN3r!!1 11-25-2005 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Its cause your all pussies and whining about your drug addictions and how your parents hate you and your girlfriend ditched you and how you cut yourself.

That is what i was going to post, we feel the same.

Damn emo pussies, god dosen't like emo pussies, and neither do republicans. GO BUSH!!

idowhatiamtold 11-28-2005 01:35 PM

people don't like whiners or facing iissues... it is better to bury them, did u know that? :yikes:

phoenixflames 11-29-2005 01:19 PM

As has been stated, I think the whole reason its so looked down on is because its so trendy. You can say the same thing about pop-punk (although it seems to be dying out). I enjoy "emo" music, but only for a short while, due to the fact it all really sounds the same to me.

Imonlydancing 11-29-2005 01:34 PM

I think there is a sterotype of emo.
Where I live there used to be a group of 'goths' or whatever who hung out on a wall, now there are quite a few 'emo' kids and whenever the emo kids come over they're like 'ew.die'
It's almost like there was a thing about happening to 'emos'
I'm nowhere near emo. but i listen to some of the music.
Has anyone seen any videos/heard songs about 'emo kids' ? It's quite funny and streotypical...


A_Perfect_Sonnet 11-30-2005 12:47 PM

You can't be an emo kid, because you can't be a genre of music.

Emo = Emotional Hardcore.

The whole "emo" fashion thing is just a general misconception thrown around the media as a sort of brand recognition for the new wave of popcore/pop-rock bands that scream a little bit. The true emo bands have done a good job avoiding this whole scene emergence by staying underground and true to the guidelines that defined emo back when bands like Embrace, Rites of Spring, and Fugazi were creating the genre. This whole fashionxcore scene is just a bunch of untalented bands that are feeding off of kids emotions for a profit.

franscar 11-30-2005 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Imonlydancing
I think there is a sterotype of emo.
Where I live there used to be a group of 'goths' or whatever who hung out on a wall, now there are quite a few 'emo' kids and whenever the emo kids come over they're like 'ew.die'
It's almost like there was a thing about happening to 'emos'
I'm nowhere near emo. but i listen to some of the music.
Has anyone seen any videos/heard songs about 'emo kids' ? It's quite funny and streotypical...


An emo-goth fight. I'm imagining that right now, and I have to admit, it's incredibly funny.

phoenixflames 11-30-2005 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by A_Perfect_Sonnet
The true emo bands have done a good job avoiding this whole scene emergence by staying underground and true to the guidelines that defined emo back when bands like Embrace, Rites of Spring, and Fugazi were creating the genre.

I don't understand the belief that bands have to stay underground in order to be "true". Just because a band is popular doesn't mean that it has sold out or the music is terrible. Granted, some bands do sell out, some bands are formed just because of trends, and some bands are just plain terrible but are marketed heavely enough that they become "good".

If a genre evolves, that does not make it wrong or sold out (at least in my opinion). It seems like the fans of this type of music are ruining it for alot of people, but I don't see that the music itself is to blame. Some bands do support the whole trendy fashion theme, but then again, so do alot of other genres.

If the fans of emo (whatever era you are speaking of) bother you, don't pay so much attention to them. Its about the music, and by paying attention to their fashion and giving it feedback (whether good or bad), you are giving them exactly what they want.

A_Perfect_Sonnet 11-30-2005 05:11 PM

I'm not saying that staying true to a genre goes along with staying underground, but a majority of the bands that actually represent emo remain underground because they don't have the advertising to appeal to the majority of the public. They aren't marketable. As time goes on, genre's will evolve, but what is advertised currently as emo doesn't even share characteristics with it's origins. It's made up by a bunch of people who had no understanding of it to begin with.

mosesandtherubberducky 11-30-2005 06:28 PM

I personally don't have a problem with emos but the ones that are supposedly emo that I know are well...STUPID. They complain about stupid things and won't shut up and they...dear God it pisses me off. I try to talk to them and the complain and I'm not very well educated in the Emo music Genre but I really doubt that Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance and Hawthorne Hights are what real emo is.

Zezima 11-30-2005 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
I personally don't have a problem with emos but the ones that are supposedly emo that I know are well...STUPID. They complain about stupid things and won't shut up and they...dear God it pisses me off. I try to talk to them and the complain and I'm not very well educated in the Emo music Genre but I really doubt that Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance and Hawthorne Hights are what real emo is.

All those bands arn;t emo. They are pop. I "dislike" emo kids. Most of them are old elementary nerds that no one like so they try to stand out and become noticable. W/e I just ignore most of them. It's kind of stupid.

mosesandtherubberducky 11-30-2005 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Zezima
All those bands arn;t emo. They are pop. I "dislike" emo kids. Most of them are old elementary nerds that no one like so they try to stand out and become noticable. W/e I just ignore most of them. It's kind of stupid.


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