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Real emo bands!!
I hate seeing ppl who type in bands sayin there emo but they arnt, simpleplane and good charlotte are just some, some one please tell if im right about these bands,
Finch Funeral for a friend My chemical Romance Story of the year Taking back sunday Thursday Glassjaw lost prophets ( <<< im not sure bout this one, some songs sound emo) Hell is for heroes well theres my main fave emo bands, none of this other totally non-emo band mix up i hope. tell me what u think of the list emo or not, like or not like |
I thought you said "real emo" bands? Maybe I read the title wrong.
Yeah real emo bands, i think my list may be a lil more emo than good charlotte and simple plan and other **** like that.
and i think ive put in REAL EMO bands, i dont care if some are screamo or emo-core or whatever there all sub-genres of emo |
No offense, but I hope this is a joke thread. Unless you mean Emo played on MTV, then i don't see how you can be serious.
Edit: The list isn't that bad, just main stream stuff that isn't the heart of emo. And when you said Simple Plan, I just laughed to myself. Glassjaw isn't really emo, and some of the other bands you mention have good songs, but aren't good bands.
OK i gotta clear this up!!
When i typed simple plan* that was to correct my spelling, simple plan can get to fu*k. They shouldnt be mentioned near emo! |
Ha ha i htought it was a joke as well.
Why you say glassjaw not emo, I didnt think anyone could say that, i thought glassjaw was thee emo band.
I have another post full of what i think are emo bands, well more emo than what some ppl are putting in these posts. |
ok ok its 03:30 am here
I jus find out this is the post with the bands forgive me lol tiredness catchin up on me |
simple plan?!?!?!?
I dont see the thing about mtv, i dunno what thats all about, these bands ive mentioned i have there albums and jus blew me away.
MTV emo?? do u not jus mean emo that made it too tv. i think emo is getting much more popular. but im not gettin into the whole media arguemnt, i jus want to know about these bands cause from what ive read and heard these are emo/screamo bands |
aarrgghh, stop talkin about simple plan, i dont know how the **** they got on this whole topic, i jus wanted to use them as an excuse as to show what some ppl think is emo which i think is 110% totally wrong. No more simple plan stuff stick to the topic pls
well i think maybe your forgot bands like blink182, boxcar racer, and the get up kids. they are pretty emo.
Im not sure on boxcar and blink, ive not listened to the get up kids but i hear there emo.
Im sure blink and boxcar wur jus pop-punk or sumthing |
BLINK?! no im sorry but they are crappy
Score one for xcollapseofmyheartx blink are major sellouts and heartwillbleed dont say those bands you listed earlier ARE emo and then deny some of the original bands that played emo before it was cool like Box Car Racer or Get Up Kids... Do some research on the history of emo and you'll see that there are a lot less bands that are emo today than you'd think but bands like Box Car Racer,Hot Water Music,Piebald,and Get up Kids were and are emo most of these other bands are either hardcore,post-emo,indie, or just good less popular rock
YES! me-1 Earth-427,953
lol and always growing
hahahahhahaha hmmmmm
haha alright well....yea i'd have to agree blink is not emo..at all. lost prophets arent emo either. im not sure what to classify them as, but its not emo. lets not forget brand new or dashboard. they are very emo in my opinion.
I might be asking a dumb question, but would you guys tell me what category DeadPoetic and Silverstien would be under? :finger: Thanks a lot
I think they are emo... I love them. Especially Silverstien
thanks :) lol i just posted a new thread trying to find out, and now no one will answer it ..... oh well
ive answered it a few times, then since you posted it everywhere, i got tired of answering it.
Real Emo
I sorta just browsed through this thread so im not real sure if neone has straightened out the original poster, but this is REAL emo:
Ambry Dead Poetic Bayside Drawn in the Sky Sunny Day Real Estate Texas is the Reason Hidden in Plain View Trail of Dead The Sleeping Hot Rod Circuit Punchline Cursive Braid Armor for Sleep Bright Eyes Coheed and Cambria Count The Stars Hey Mercedes Jets to Brazil Jawbreaker Matchbook Romance Moneen Motion City Soundtrack Northstar Piebald Death Cab for Cutie The Promise Ring The Reunion Show Thursday Unsung Zeros The Early November The Get Up Kids Vendetta Red Now sure bands like Taking Back Sunday are good, but like true emo at its roots are the above bands. Not to say that TBS or Brand New, etc. arent emo cuz they are, but if u wanna know REAL emo bands, the ones that have begat the newage group of emo bands, this is wut ur looking for. |
Nice emocapella especially on naming Armor and Bayside but I do have to disagree with you on Motion City Soundtrack. Don't get me wrong I love these guys but I would consider them more pop-punk or bubblegum-punk more than anything I mean song like (I think its called) My favorite Accident have emo lyrics but its just to fast paced then songs like the future freaks me out are just confusing, awesome but confusing other than that though thats a Killer list, never heard of Jets to Brazil though
Thursday are NOT emo. They are Post-Hardcore. They may be a certain emo element to alot of their music with the fast-slow pace of some of their songs but they are not an emo band.
true true. motion city prob isnt emo, but i still think thursday is. o and another band i forgot to mention is senses fail. theyre awesome...
coheed and cambria emo!? im gonna have to disagree with that. they may be "part emo" but they arent a true emo band. they have too much of a progressive rock/metal sound.
oh but yea senses fail is a great band, i love 'em |
hate to say it ally, but sound is not what determines an emo band. its about the lyrics. thats y u can have bands like atreyu be considered emo, despite the fact that they have a metal sound. i recomend u read "Nothing Feels Good." That should give u a better definition of emo...
yea ive been meaning to read that book, i heard its good. but i still cant agree with coheed being truly emo. coheeds lyrics arent just being really emotional about something that happened to them in their lives, all the lyrics are just a story. yes some are emotional, but overall its just giving details of the coheed/cambria saga. i just think they arent a true emo band.
so emo's all about the lyrics.. correct?!? (cause nickleback has some very emotional stuff {ps i m just making a point, i don't think they are emo}) if and emo band goes mainstream, is it still emo?!? some of the older listed bands have gone mainstream.. back in their own days. we concider them emo. i still wonder what is and wnat isn't. then a again i think.. whats more important what others think or what i think is good.. isn't that what "punk" is all about, not caring, doing what you want, so why are we all so hell bent on classifying...
oh and i don't remember who made the comment but this is great, " yeah some of these bands have great SONGS but they aren't great BANDS |
let me set this straight.
most of you are wrong, dashboard did not start emo. emo bands are some of the following Rites of Spring Saetia City Of Caterpillar Indian Summer 1905 JR Ewing The Assistant Orchid Spirit of Versailles Hoover Hot Cross This is real emo. Not Taking Back Sunday, or Thrice, or any of that nonsense, and if you havent heard any of these bands, i suggest getting your download on. |
undefinedhm... i was reading, i just wanted to put some of my fav emo bands
hidden in plain view starting line brand new taking back sunday coheed and cambria finch matchbookromance senses fail saves the day rufio something corporate early november dashboard confessional funeral for a friend static lullaby never heard of it the beautiful mistake new found glory my chemical romance fall out boy thrice saosin boys night out story of the year thursday mmk, maybe i said a lot.. and some may not be considered emo.. but have a lil emo.. i see potential.. just wanted tosay something |
frost guy you are right by saying those bands are emo but so was DC. Anymore post-emo has become labeled as emo therfore making DC's early stuff emo I mean come on DC started because Chris had some love trouble so he started touring on his own and hes been in bands like FSF and propaghandi so...
most of the bands there were calling themselves (and playing) emo since before any of these other flash in the pan bands came out. they play emotional songs with actual emotion live. they may not bring a stadium full of people to their shows, but they play with conviction and with love. they love what they play and have been playing it forever. i would have to say this makes them emo.
Jesus Im getting sick of people conforming emo to one or two bands Emo started in the 80's and has been evolving and frosty boy are you saying that bands like Hawthorne Heights or Matchbook Romance dont sing about love and love what they play but no you have to sub catagorize them into screamo Here it is boys and girls MOST HARDCORE, SCREAMO, SOME INDIE, HEART-CORE, EMO-CORE, ARE IN SOME WAY EMO BY YOUR DEFINITION so stop contridicting yourself
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