Music Banter

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xcollapseofmyheartx 05-17-2004 08:28 PM

simple plan?!?!?!?

XXX-MyheartwillbleeD-XXX 05-17-2004 08:30 PM

I dont see the thing about mtv, i dunno what thats all about, these bands ive mentioned i have there albums and jus blew me away.
MTV emo?? do u not jus mean emo that made it too tv. i think emo is getting much more popular.
but im not gettin into the whole media arguemnt, i jus want to know about these bands cause from what ive read and heard these are emo/screamo bands

XXX-MyheartwillbleeD-XXX 05-17-2004 08:32 PM

aarrgghh, stop talkin about simple plan, i dont know how the **** they got on this whole topic, i jus wanted to use them as an excuse as to show what some ppl think is emo which i think is 110% totally wrong. No more simple plan stuff stick to the topic pls

emit remmus 05-17-2004 08:39 PM

well i think maybe your forgot bands like blink182, boxcar racer, and the get up kids. they are pretty emo.

XXX-MyheartwillbleeD-XXX 05-17-2004 08:42 PM

Im not sure on boxcar and blink, ive not listened to the get up kids but i hear there emo.
Im sure blink and boxcar wur jus pop-punk or sumthing

xcollapseofmyheartx 05-17-2004 09:39 PM

BLINK?! no im sorry but they are crappy

brokenheartsandfallenhero 05-23-2004 12:35 PM

Score one for xcollapseofmyheartx blink are major sellouts and heartwillbleed dont say those bands you listed earlier ARE emo and then deny some of the original bands that played emo before it was cool like Box Car Racer or Get Up Kids... Do some research on the history of emo and you'll see that there are a lot less bands that are emo today than you'd think but bands like Box Car Racer,Hot Water Music,Piebald,and Get up Kids were and are emo most of these other bands are either hardcore,post-emo,indie, or just good less popular rock

xcollapseofmyheartx 05-23-2004 02:59 PM

YES! me-1 Earth-427,953

brokenheartsandfallenhero 05-23-2004 03:06 PM

lol and always growing

xcollapseofmyheartx 05-23-2004 03:17 PM

hahahahhahaha hmmmmm

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