Question: If you say "send for the Black Mariah" are you racist?
If you burn your toast are you unconsciously making a racist statement?
If you love jelly babies but take out all the black ones, are you engaging in racial profiling and segregation?
If you only draw with black pens and pencils are you guilty of oppressing the black community?
If you listen to Black Sabbath are you a racist?
Should not the White Cliffs of Dover be repainted? With all the black and ethnic minorities in Britain now, is this not surely a slap in the face to them?
Do you understand the phrase "Black Power!" to mean your electrician is fixing your sockets? Thanks, Solomon!
If when asked how you like your tea or coffee you say black, are you a racist?
These, and many more pointless and entertaining questions, will be answered in the next Soulflower thread!