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Trollheart 02-01-2022 11:47 AM

MB Album Club 2022
The Album Club

All right, one more try before I give up trying to get you lot interested in anything you'll actually take part in. This was popular once, so...
With tortured screams of "NO! NO! WHY won't you just let me die? Not again!" I attempt to bring back to life the

Anyone who wants to take part let me know and I'll add you to the sign-up sheet. You'll then be eligible to select an album, any genre, any year. I think we'll limit it to one a month, with the first two weeks given over to time to listening to the album and the second to commenting on it. If that doesn't suit, fuck you all I mean let me know what does.

You can write as much or as little about the album as you like, just please remember always to be respectful of people's choices. Except mine. I know you'll all laugh nastily at mine but that's okay, I'm used to it.

First come first choice, so sign up early. Or not at all.

We'll probably rate them, but that will depend on who wants to do that. The man thing is just to get people talking about music again in a fun way. Failing that, we can try this thread.

So, who's in?

Note: as expected, some interest has fallen off with this, especially during the hiatus over Christmas/New Year. Those who have expressed an interest in remaining members, and who have been consistently contributing, are now classified below as "Full members". Those who have shown no interest and have not been here for months have been removed from the list, and those who have not taken part recently but still gave the impression they were serious about it, and may hopefully come back, are now listed as "associate members". They can of course be elevated to full member status if they wish to participate again.

Full members
Rubber Soul
DJ Chameleon
Dr Rez

Associate members
Fetcher (On hiatus; we hope she'll be back)
Music Collector
Carpe Mortem

Albums already reviewed (thanks to Lisnaholic for the hard work drawing up the list)

Albums Done And Dusted So Far:

Elizium: nominated by SGR: Average rating: 7.5 (first review in post #21)
We Have Fed You All: Batlord: 8.6 (#53)
Tsuchi No Ne: Marie Monday: 6.8 (#83)
Pleasures Of The Harbor: rubber soul: 7.3 (#121)
Program Music I: Lisna: 7.5 (#145)
Time Passages: Trollheart: 7.5 (#156)
The Electric Lucifer: rubber soul: 7.3 (#217)
Sleep It Off: Marie Monday: 8.5 (#233)
Beautiful Midnight: music_collector: 6.3 (#271)
Stepmother City: Lisna: 8.0 (#302)
LIQUID: Lab vol 5: SGR: 8.1 (#340)
Maria McKee: Trollheart: 7.6 (#385)
100 Days, 100 Nights: rubber soul: 7.8 (#409)
Neverending White Light: music_collector:6.6 (#431)
Cure For Pain :Lisnaholic: 6.4 (#472)
Tones Of Town: MarieMonday: 6 (#501)
Protection: SGR: 7.2 (#540)
Sackcloth And Ashes: Carpe Mortem: 8.6 (#572)
Ride The Black Wave: Trollheart: 6.6 (#599)
Paul's Boutique: SGR: 7.2 (#650)
Concrete Blonde: rubbersoul: 8.3 (#682)
From Spain To Spain: Lisna: 5.2 (#695)
Living Things : Mindfulness: 5.6 (#710)
Joy Comes Back : Trollheart: 7.1 (#745)

Current album:
The Sophtware Slump - Grandaddy (Rubber Soul)

Coming up:

Zerospace - Kidneythieves (DJ Chameleon) - Starts May 8
My Head is an Animal - Of Monsters and Men (Mindfulness) - Starts May 22
People's Spring - Warsaw Village Band (Lisnaholic) - Starts June 5

rubber soul 02-01-2022 12:01 PM

I don't know, Trolls. I mean, I enjoyed the Album Club when we did it before, but will we get the same interest? Some of the original members aren't even here anymore.

I guess I'm in but let's see what kind of interest we can muster.

Marie Monday 02-01-2022 12:06 PM

A solid maybe from me

Tristan_Geoff 02-01-2022 12:16 PM

signup sheet

me also

adidasss 02-01-2022 12:38 PM

I'm down like a clown.

Trollheart 02-01-2022 01:41 PM

Okay well that's three (four including me) with a possible from Marie. Will you let us know Marie or are you waiting to see how many sign up?

I know the same members aren't here, but conversely, there are new ones who weren't involved in this before, and might want to be now. It may work out. It may, of course, fall flat on its face, something I have plenty of experience with. We'll see. Time will tell. Unless it pleads the Fifth...

SGR 02-01-2022 01:52 PM

I'll do it, as long as I don't have to listen to too much sappy lo-fi indie rock.

What's the schedule again? An album a week?

Edit: Sorry Trollheart, I committed the cardinal sin of not fully reading your post. Honestly, this schedule seems a little too lengthy, at least for me. I think 2 weeks max per album is plenty of time, assuming we're not writing dissertations on the album. A month per album seems like too much time to maintain interest.

Lisnaholic 02-01-2022 02:10 PM

Yea, I wonder what happened to the old album club? I think it sounds like a format that will work well, tho I agree with SRG: two weeks per album will help keep up the momentum better imo.
So sign me up please, Trolls.

Marie Monday 02-01-2022 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2198334)
Okay well that's three (four including me) with a possible from Marie. Will you let us know Marie or are you waiting to see how many sign up?

I know the same members aren't here, but conversely, there are new ones who weren't involved in this before, and might want to be now. It may work out. It may, of course, fall flat on its face, something I have plenty of experience with. We'll see. Time will tell. Unless it pleads the Fifth...

I was gonna let you know but what the heck, I can be an adult and commit to this, so count me in

Trollheart 02-01-2022 02:29 PM

I'm certainly happy with a two-week window. I just don't want everyone coming back and saying oh I hadn't time to listen to it. I also don't, if possible, want to have to keep reminding people of deadlines, as I almost always have to do.

No, SGR, you don't have to write desserts on any album. You can if you want (you're certainly a good enough writer to be able to) but it's no requirement by any means. A few lines, a few words, I loved it/I hated it/Who stole my booze/insert as appropriate are all fine BUT I would like to get some sort of general conversation going on each album, just a back-and-forth where we discuss it, rather than just your comments and move on to the next one. It should be a club not an assembly line.

So yeah, if everyone is ok with two weeks per album we can do that. Anyone wants to do it weekly I'm down. I really don't mind. But just make sure you don't bite off more than you can comfortably force down your oesophagus.

As for lo-fi albums, SGR, well, that's up to the members. But anyone who tries to nominate one will be shot, you have my word on that.

So, those of you who have expressed a firm desire to join (Marie? Any movement?*) can now, if you wish, nominate your first album. I should be first but I'm not all that bothered as everyone hates my music anyway, so I have no issue with being a non-contributor to the list, though I can if anyone wants me to. I'm more interested in getting this thing going and getting some conversations moving.

* Edit: Sorry Marie, just saw your post. I'll add you now.

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