Are Boards of Canada pro Pedophilia? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 11-02-2021, 02:07 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Plankton View Post
Now, how the **** could I have known that, and if you were I apologize from the bottom of my heart.

Your claims seem a bit theoretical/conspiratorial and I was trying to be funny and inject a bit of humor in all of this, but I hope you find your answers.
If it was by accident then I forgive you man.
Abuse effects you for life, it never really goes away. I wont likely ever get married or have children and I have problems with intimacy and trust issues also my family life has been completely destroyed, my mum and dad cannot forgive themselves even though it was not their fault and I have control of my life now as I went through a stage blaming myself (?). Thanks for taking it back dude, means alot to me.

Last edited by Thomas4; 11-02-2021 at 02:16 PM.
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Old 11-02-2021, 02:23 PM   #52 (permalink)
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My heart goes out to you, Thomas. I truly hope you find some peace and solace in your life.
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Old 11-02-2021, 02:42 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thomas4 View Post
I guess he could of chose a different set of words to better communicate his love for an adult woman? .... I kinda ask the question, why leave it to chance or why not avoid all the backlash in the first instance.

Check out the lyrics to "My Sharona" by the knack ...
How is someone meant to read into that, or more to the point why did they write that lyric in the first place if that was not what they meant.
If people don't mean what they say then why say it?
Bruce Springsteen..... Hey little girl is your daddy home did he go and leave you all alone, I got a bad desire I’m on fire.

Is Bruce referring to a mature female? If yes why not simply say so and drop the ambigous doublespeak?

It could be that Springsteen is singing in the voice of a teenage boy. You can't truly know what the intent was when he wrote that song. Trollheart is a bigger Springsteen fan; he might have some thoughts on that.

As for the phrase Little Girl, there have even been examples of that being used in song titles. The Syndicate of Sound had a hit with Little Girl in 1966 for example.

We could even go into the movies. I recall a scene in Cocoon where an amorous Wilford Brimley is hitting on his wife (Maureen Stapleton) referring to her as "little girl". She obviously is of age of consent so it clearly is something of a nickname (for want of a better word) in the film.

Anyhow, I don't think songwriters are thinking about how to describe things in the politically correct sense when they write. And, on the other hand, in the case of Gary Glitter, did he write any songs that actually suggested pedophilia? And, yet, he's doing time in Thailand for exactly that.
Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds View Post
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Old 11-02-2021, 03:14 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thomas4 View Post
So basically BoC are beyond reproach, there is no such thing as guilt by association and the saying birds of a feather doesn't apply.
Also I don't make any accusations against a couple of blokes...but their own musical creation and outlet for what could be in their hearts ... That is why I didn't use the title of the thread as:

Are Marcus Eion and Mark Sandison Pedophiles?

Notice the difference?
Im asking about a band called Boards of Canada!
I thought I made that clear.
You see, this either shows your lack of reading comprehension or the clear fact that you see what you want to see. Where did I say BOC were beyond reproach? Let's see. Hmm. No, no, don't think I did. I didn't even intimate such a thing, so once again you're projecting your own ideas onto the thoughts and words of others. What I said was you can't make those sort of accusations (and they bloody are accusations, so stop saying they're not) against people without any evidence.

Now you want to extend it to the Beatles and Springsteen! Why stop there? Tom Waits has a song about crippled children. Does this mean he has a deep-seated desire to see all kids crippled? What about ABBA? "Does Your Mother Know?" Are they pedos too? Nick Gilder wrote a song called "Hot Child in the City" - let's arrest him! Jesus Christ!

And PLEASE stop using Savile as an example. There is no comparison, as I've already pointed out at length. Look, I'm sorry you were abused as a child but that does NOT give you the right to go around making these sort of claims without the slightest evidence, just a "this could be"... It's dangerous, and it's how false rumours start, and take on a life/lie of their own.

I've skimmed information on BOC, and it seems they were brought up in a music-loving family in Scotland, there is no allegation of abuse so why are you intimating there was? Usually, when famous people suffer that as children it comes out, and have either of them said anything about it? So why are you assuming it happened?

I'm beginning to be forced to believe you could be a very dangerous individual. You need to stop and think about the damage you could be doing, blundering in with your size sevens without checking your facts. Facts. Look it up. It's nowhere near theory or conspiracy, or even paedophilia. Not very popular these days, facts, but they're still what we - most of us - base our conclusions on. In this world, anyway.
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Old 11-02-2021, 03:56 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thomas4 View Post
You seem have a heart of stone.
Which is really quite sad really, for me to see and for you to find out.
Thanks for the advice.
If I had a heart of stone then I couldn't let Satan in then could I?
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 11-02-2021, 04:14 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Have to wonder what the OP thinks of the Brothers Grimm.
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Old 11-02-2021, 04:23 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 11-02-2021, 05:50 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I'm beginning to be forced to believe you could be a very dangerous individual. You need to stop and think about the damage you could be doing, blundering in with your size sevens without checking your facts. Facts. Look it up. It's nowhere near theory or conspiracy, or even paedophilia. Not very popular these days, facts, but they're still what we - most of us - base our conclusions on. In this world, anyway.
What damage could I be doing? I've started a thread on a online forum having a discussion about a specific musical duo and more precise why they need to bring children into promoting their music or why they choose to use children as a "theme" in the sale, promotion and in the music itself, calling it "art" or worse. No one is convinced BoC could be doing anything wrong, so why fret over it? My thread isn't going to stop international exploitation of children, hardly!
I don't see anything wrong in me expressing that at all whatsoever. Ive not accused anyone of harming a child either if you read the thread, Im simply asking are BoC pro paedophilia and outline why I think they feel they need to use children as a central focus (amongst other themes like satanism, drugs, pornography.....all wholesome stuff according to opinion) to sell their music, or specifically who is actually demanding all the extra auditory garbage that if the music was good enough it could sell itself right? So what is it for? What is it's purpose?
I asked what significance that carries outside of simply promoting music for music sake or the enjoyment of music sake (like people do on sites like bandcamp or spotify just upload music.....minus all the references to unhappy crying children in despair).

If Im dangerous for just posting all my ill informed conspiracy drivel then just simply ignore me. Like you said, I'm apparently dangerous because what? I have a view of the world that differs from you? BoC can answer for themselves can't they? No one is going to see this thread amongst all the others and judging by my lone position on things here I'm hardly likely to influence anyone because you amd pretty much everyone here is in disagreement so what is the worry? Im just some abused loony toons on some pretty lame thread no one is reading or commenting on? Quit being so naive.

Paedophillia is big business:

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Last edited by Thomas4; 11-02-2021 at 06:18 PM.
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Old 11-02-2021, 05:54 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
If I had a heart of stone then I couldn't let Satan in then could I?
Who is this "satan" ?
Have you personally met him/her?
How does one let "satan" in? Sounds a bit "wooo" to me.
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Old 11-02-2021, 06:21 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Alright fun's over, everyone can go back to the lounge now.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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