Unknown Love Song played during a "Bolt A.M.V."
I don't expect anyone to find this song with my extremely dense and vacant information but it's worth a try.
I remember going on YouTube at 12 a.m. in 2012 and ironically searching up cringy A.M.V.s because. Particularity those of the Disney movie "Bolt" that released in 2008. I remember listening to a certain song that I actually kind of liked a lot from watching one of those Bolt AMVs. I don't remember the title of the video but it wasn't a normal AMV of which usually it plays animated scenes from a specific media, but instead it was a picture slideshow of Bolt fan art, particularly fan art of the made up Bolt sequel titled as "Bolt 2" and the slideshow also had O.C.s, shipping and other stereotypical DeviantArt stuff. Being the dumbass that I am, I don't remember the lyrics, well actually I thought I did it went something like this "Forever at Last, Forever at Last" or "Together at Last, Together at Last" but apparently when I searched them up, nothing shows so I'm pretty sure those are just false memories that my head made up for some reason. The song was a stereotypical 2000's love country/alternative rock/pop rock song sung by a woman, really similar to those of Taylor Swift & Avril Lavigne.
If you have any ideas but aren't sure if it's truly the song, I don't care. Send me whatever you think the song could be please and thank you!