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Occult’s 2019 Top 100
100 The Members of Sonic Youth Lee, Thurston, and Kim all had solid excellent solo releases. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ieyZiNA4eX...52BRanaldo.jpg http://cps-static.rovicorp.com/3/JPG...er=allrovi.com http://blogfiles.wfmu.org/KF/2015/12/02/sonic_youth.gif https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon....SR200,200_.jpg Ranaldo Jarmusch Urselli Pandi https://trostrecords.bandcamp.com/album/s-t-3 Quote:
https://consequenceofsound.net/wp-co...jpg?quality=80 Spirit Counsel by Thurston Moore https://www.roughtrade.com/gb/thurst...spirit-counsel Quote:
http://s3.amazonaws.com/quietus_prod...op_168x168.jpg No Home Record by Kim Gordon Kim’s debut solo record believe it or not. |
https://dreamcatalogue.bandcamp.com/...st-fragments-2 Lost Fragments is the fourth full release by Bandcamp vaporwave staple 2 8 1 4, a duo consisting of t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 and HKE. Like the title implies the music is created from leftover studio scraps from earlier projects. Scraps or not, LF is very cohesive but also varied enough to remain very engaging. Its non-intrusive hypnotic style puts the listener in a meditative state that one finds oneself in while listening to good ambient and drone. Stylistically LF does borrow from those genres. |
98 Ain't Nothing but a Cyber Coup & You by Mark Dresser Seven https://cleanfeed-records.com/wp-con...f510cd-600.jpg https://cleanfeed-records.com/produc...yber-coup-you/ Terrific release on the impeccable clean feed label. Dresser, an Angeleno bassist with career highlights that include Five Compositions (Quartet) 1986 (a fine place to start with Anthony Braxton btw), John Zorn’s legendary Spy vs Spy: The Music of Ornette Coleman , and works led by Marilyn Crispell and Nels Cline is still killing it. This free jazz album isn’t afraid to swing and the band all have powerful chops. It also goes third stream borrowing from twentieth century atonalism. I haven’t tried it but it appears the entire recording is available from the label (hit the link above) and it’s also on Spotify. Here’s a snippet of the action clean feed posted on YouTube: |
https://deafkids.bandcamp.com/album/metaprograma-o Hard hitting experimental industrial from Brazil. |
96 Odds Against Tomorrow by Bill Orcutt https://img.discogs.com/YMhYVqQCYXC2...-2068.jpeg.jpg https://billorcutt.bandcamp.com/albu...ainst-tomorrow Experimental electric blues from the guitarist of Harry Pussy. This former noise punk rocker from Miami is in his late fifties now and goddamn if he isn’t aging well. The tone he gets on this record is immaculate and just that alone makes it worth a listen. He’s so ****ing good at playing the goddamn guitar! But of course it’s not just that. The tunes are lush and beautiful and deeply intriguing. |
95 Tainted Lunch by Warmduscher The **** yeah kick ass post punk celebration of 2019. https://warmduscher.bandcamp.com/album/tainted-lunch |
94 The White Horse Of The Sun by David Terry & Eye Spirit http://www.goutemesdisques.com/filea...of_the_Sun.jpg https://opaltapes.com/album/the-white-horse-of-the-sun 4 nearly half hour drones created with an accordion, cello, and voice. |
93 A String Of Curses by Shadow of Vesuvius https://muteantsoundsnetlabel.bandca...ring-of-curses Every time I put this on I’m taken aback by how good this is and how little exposure it has received. If you’re a fan of Brötzmannesque free jazz then do yourself a favor and check this out. It’s fire. |
92 Multifactorial Dynamic Pathways by The Haters/Sissy Spacek https://sissyspacek.bandcamp.com/alb...namic-pathways Noise. Believe it or not not all destroyers of sound mutilate the vibrations the same way. These two are old masters at breaking in down in full ball tingling glory. Plus it makes your ding dong crawl up inside you even if you’re a girl. Probably won’t be on the golden oldies in the 2030’s. Crack. |
91 Lost Wisdom pt. 2 by Julie Doiron and Mount Eerie https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped...ount_eerie.jpg Lyrically driven folk music with male and female joint lead vocalists often mirroring one another. The first harmonizing occurs in the third song and remains rare but extremely effective. The instrumentation is sparse and mostly revolves around the acoustic guitar. The lyrics remind me of the pre-internet small press movement we called perzines. Basically journaling presented in an intelligent relatable way. |
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